This is my first Standard Deck!
The deck basically has two different win strategies:
1) A slower, yet more potent form of direct damage mixed with a taste of survivability.
2) Getting out Colossus of Akros, making him monstrous, and destroying everything in sight.
At this deck's heart is crazy amounts of mana generation that is then used to enact one or both of the win strategies listed above.
The deck makes use of Axebane Guardian to gain a bunch of mana from the amount of low cmc defenders that are in this deck. I also use Gatecreeper Vine to get some more land in my hand. And lastly, I use Gruul Cluestone and Gruul Keyrune to get out more than one mana per turn post turn three.
Now that I have all that mana, I need ways of spending it. The two main ways of accomplishing this are Volcanic Geyser and Colossus of Akros. Volcanic Geyser is a good way to make certain I can do massive amounts of damage to my opponent very quickly. Theoretically, by drawing the proper lands and all four of the Axebane Guardians in the deck, you could generate 25 mana per turn around turn six or seven, which means Volcanic Geyser is going to be a one shot kill. In the same line of thinking, getting eight mana for a Colossus of Akros takes very little time, and can make him a very big threat, very early in the game. These of course are the 'best case scenarios' and are not likely to occur all that often, but even still, the deck is designed to help you survive as well as kill.
The creature cards all lend themselves to letting you live in addition to their mana gaining abilities, as they all have the 'defender' ability. To help out with survivability, I have also tossed in 4x Elixir of Immortality and 4x Fog. This combination of low cmc defense cards makes the deck very difficult to run over.
That basically covers the strategy of the deck! All comments and criticisms are not only welcomed, but super important in helping me make decisions about the direction this deck goes towards! Thanks!
Some additional notes:
I'm considering changing out 2x Forest and 2x Mountain for 4x Gruul Guildgate. Should I do this? and are there any other inexpensive lands that might be of value to this deck?