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Defender Ramp Deck




First try at defender deck. looking for input. also need big creatures.

Wall of Denial and Wall of Tanglecord for antifliers. wall of blossoms for card draw/ I am worried about top decking. might need to add more. not sure if I should focus on getting big creatures out, winning with assault formation or adding vent sentinel in and just nuking them down.

Tower defence is great for offence and Defence but I should probably limit the lands and sorceries in the deck if I decide to go with Genesis Wave.

could just add worship and not worry about flyers, or an elderscale wurm for that matter. Genesis Wave is a dream come true but it is a very expensive card. Same with Doran. Think I might grab 2 genesis waves.

another option is to get rid of tanglecord and add in traproot Kami.

Elderscale wurm and Worship cost about the same to buy. might just grab Elderscale.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

15 - 0 Rares

12 - 0 Uncommons

18 - 0 Commons

Cards 64
Avg. CMC 2.88
Tokens Human 2/2 G, Wolf 2/2 G
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