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Defiant Changeling




The main idea of the deck is to use Amoeboid Changeling and Imagecrafter to enable Griffin Rider and Knight of the Mists. Additional uses for Amoeboid Changeling are Wooden Stake, Spellstutter Sprite, Vedalken AEthermage and Coastal Drake

You can use bounce and blink (Momentary Blink) to reuse ETB-Triggers.

For card draw you use (a) Brainstorm and (b) Mulldrifter. They also can be bounced and blinked.

There are multiple search engines in the deck:

(1) To find Amoeboid Changeling there is a small Toolbox-Set of Rebels. Ramosian Sergeant, Amrou Scout and Defiant Falcon can find your favorite changeling. Furthermore they can search up Aven Riftwatcher to gain life in aggressive match-ups.

(2) With Vedalken AEthermage you can search up Amoeboid Changeling, Imagecrafter and Spellstutter Sprite. You can also use it to bounce creatures.

(3) With Muddle the Mixture you will mainly search up Griffin Rider, Amoeboid Changeling and Momentary Blink. The third option also gives you an additional source of card advantage, due to its flashback ability.

The mana base consists of shuffling lands for your Brainstorm (Ash Barrens and Evolving Wilds), Azorius Chancery, Lonely Sandbar and a single copy of Seraph Sanctuary to gain life of your Amoeboid Changeling.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Pauper legal.

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.95
Tokens Morph 2/2 C
Folders Budget Modern, cool stuff, Decks I Like, Gimmicky Control, Decks to Play
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