Hey everyone this is Doug from Dank MTG. I'm here to go over my (Jeskai) Aggro/ Tempo decklist I call it "Defiant Jeskai."
Part I: Introduction: What is Jeskai?
Note: This description is taken from https://www.mtgsalvation.com/forums/the-game/modern/deck-creation-modern/592647-jeskai-tempo-delver-prowess-the-jeskai-way. Used with permission.
Jeskai () is a wedge color combination that focuses on control, cunning, and combat.The Jeskai utilize speed and cunning to defeat their foes. The Jeskai Tempo deck is made to win the Jeskai Way. While some decks use speed and some decks use power to go “over the top” of their opponent, this deck utilizes burn spells, hasty threats, and prowess to go “through and around“ the opponent.
The deck functions as an tempo deck that functions closer to the aggro end of the spectrum. As a tempo deck, it presents early threats that constantly pressure the opponent while keeping the way clear for said threats to finish the game, such as Goblin Guide and Monastery Swiftspear. Unlike the typical tempo deck, this deck does not depend solely on counters and removal to clear the way, but also the prowess mechanic, burn spells, evasive creatures, and even Planeswalkers to vanquish the foes with a few precise and fatal strikes. The deck can be made to be extremely aggressive...or a more midrange game plan can be used...but we will always be an aggressive deck with just enough interaction to keep the opponent on their back foot.
The Gameplan
The basic gameplan is as follows:
A) Constantly pressure the opponent with early efficient threats
B) Inflict large "chunks" of damage (far higher than the threats initial mana cost would suggest)
C) Do so while utilizing disruption (removal,Snapcaster shenanigans) to keep the board clear and opponent on the defensive.
D) Utilize direct damage/evasion to finish the game if necessary.
Core Strategy and Strengths of Jeskai Shard
Just like the jeskai mages and monks around the multiverse, Jeskai Tempo decks (Defiant Jeskai included) are built around efficiency and cunning. Every card is meant to inflict maximum damage with the least cost. The deck plays out as an aggro/tempo deck that attacks on a different angle than most decks. Like most tempo decks, jeskai tempo utilizes early efficient threats along with removal spells and disruption to maintain control on the battlefield. While maintaining control of the board state, the deck also presents very efficient threat(s) and reach that can win the game at any point.
A major strength of the Jeskai tempo/delver/prowess deck that differs from other shards of delver decks (Grixis, Sultai, Temur) is the reach the deck has to end the game. Much of this reach is in the form of burn spells such as Lightning Bolt, Lightning Helix, Boros Charm, Electrolyze, Forked Bolt, Jeskai Charm, etc. This gives Jeskai a leg up on other delver/tempo decks in modern as the Jeskai deck can end games quickly even if tempo is lost.
The final benefit of the deck is the synergy between all of the cards. As stated earlier, efficiency is very important aspect of this deck. All of the instant/sorcery spells either cause direct damage, pump our creatures, protect our creatures, or clear the way for our creatures. Many do several at the same time (or provide us the ability to choose which we prefer at any given moment). In addition, many of the spells replace themselves by drawing another card ('cantrip' effects.) This means that most of the draws we have are live at all times (especially if we have a threat). The burn spells can be used as removal, additional prowess triggers, and reach to finish the game off by going directly to the opponent’s face.
Part II: Deck Tech