Deft Punk

Modern* emask

SCORE: 84 | 121 COMMENTS | 11481 VIEWS | IN 14 FOLDERS

Queezleish says... #1

I like it, +1

October 16, 2013 7:52 p.m.

emask says... #2

Thanks! Do you have any lists? Couldn't find any.

October 22, 2013 2:56 a.m.

+1 you really need to put in those 500 Black Lotus

October 22, 2013 3:03 a.m.

emask says... #4

Gee golly, I know. I'd put more in, but TappedOut prevents me from such tomfoolery...Thanks for checking the deck out!

October 23, 2013 3:53 a.m.

Diresam12 says... #5

Wow! Nice and original deck, seriously, lot of good stuffs and ideas. +1

November 15, 2013 12:09 a.m.

Diresam12 says... #6

Fav the deck! Deft Duelist OP

November 15, 2013 12:11 a.m.

emask says... #7

Thanks! She's a great common.

November 15, 2013 12:14 a.m.

emask says... #8

Diresam12 you've got some great lists too! Thanks for checking this out!

November 15, 2013 12:27 a.m.

Diresam12 says... #9

Thank you! ;) I'm mainly an aggro and budget player, I still have to discover tempo deck, my greatest nemesis with UWR control xD Look at these, many are interesting choices even if not top tier.

November 15, 2013 12:31 a.m.

emask says... #10

This sort of plays like aggro, just remove their threats and swing. Just timing with the spells can be tricky. I like budget decks too, I started around Zendikar so I was lucky to get some fetches and other cards in trades and boosters. Will do, you've got great lists!

November 15, 2013 12:37 a.m.

Manapanda says... #11

+1 I think you found the best card to tutor with Ranger of Eos .

I really love that vexing Vexing Devil

November 16, 2013 8:57 p.m.

emask says... #12

Thanks! Bringing him back is nice as ppl don't often see it coming. Makes it more vexing...

November 17, 2013 1:53 a.m.

poupy9 says... #13

I really want to get this deck on paper, I been playing it on Cockatrice and while it doesn't win every game, it is really consistent and powerful. Would you say that it would function without the fetches? Because I really don't have the money to drop ~40$ per. If so, what would be decent replacements?

November 17, 2013 9:37 p.m.

emask says... #14

Cool! Thanks for trying it out! And I'm glad it's been working for you. Do you have any suggestions? What match-ups do you find difficult? I've never had a second opinion from someone else who has actually piloted my deck, your feedback is most welcome!

Hmmm... Well there are always the slower tap fetches Evolving Wilds etc... They don't take life, but for the speed, I prefer the unfortunately super expensive ones... But maybe just tweaking the entire manabase could help (adding some red/white and/or red/blue lands in replace of the fetches). Problem is that you won't be thinning out your deck as you would with fetches (i.e., a higher chance you'll run into land rather than an answer). Main reasons I run fetches are for that slight deck thinning, but also acquiring my third colour, Red (would be tougher to get it consistently without them)...And I want it early to Bolt their threats.

Anyways, I do definitely think you could do it, just would have to tweak the manabase. There isn't much red in this deck, but I find the little there is, is very important (i.e., Lightning Bolt & Vexing Devil ). You could always go with Delver of Secrets  Flip replacing Devil and maybe use some blue bounce... Lots of options, but it would be a different deck completely...

Again, thanks for trying it out. I'd love to hear some of your ideas. I've been thinking of toying with my manabase again and even possibly AEther Vial --though the vial can slow you down sometimes... Might switch-out Reforge the Soul for a utility or fun card as well...

November 18, 2013 12:45 a.m.

emask says... #15

poupy9 Do you have any lists currently? Not sure if the feedback above helps, but there's also mana artifacts like Sphere of the Suns etc... When I ran this with the vials it was fun to include Shrapnel Blast ...

November 21, 2013 8:18 p.m.

poupy9 says... #16

I took a little break from modern to work on my EDH deck and my casual deck, but thank you for taking my comment into consideration! I will try to test out a vial variation via Cockatrice, it looks like it potentially have alot of power. As to the fetch lands I think that some good replacement could potentially be a playset of Gemstone Mine s but that would still add two empty land slots, maybe two more shocks?

November 21, 2013 9:50 p.m.

emask says... #17

poupy9 Thing about vial is that it can slow things down. But with sufficient draw, you should be able to play speedier. It's great with Snapcaster Mage . And well, also great to avoid countered creatures...

I moved away from it as I found it wasn't consistent enough though, but still, it can be worth playing with. Might experiment with it again at some point...

Gemstone Mine would probably work for you indeed. Also, if you ever have any feedback after trying it out, I'd love to hear it.

Thanks again!

November 21, 2013 11 p.m.

poupy9 says... #18

Could you explain why you are running the Phantasmal Image ? I feel like Spreading Seas would be better considering it shuts down pesky utility lands.

November 22, 2013 6:02 p.m.

emask says... #19

Hehehe.... Well, I've got a Phantasmal Image that's an alter with a picture of Link fighting Dark Link from the Zelda series... Love it too much.

That said, you could always copy someone's Celestial Colonnade ... Really though, mostly preference. Lots of preference in this deck. Thanks though!

November 23, 2013 1:51 a.m.

emask says... #20

Woops! Colonnade thing wouldn't really work unless it was on your turn, or with the vial/something...

November 24, 2013 2:20 a.m.

Jay says... #21

Really neat deck. If only USA had access to Orzhov Charm .

November 28, 2013 11:10 p.m.

emask says... #22

Nice! Thanks a bunch! The charm would be neat to play with for sure. While I love Proc, the versatility the charm offers is really nice.

November 28, 2013 11:38 p.m.

Jay says... #23

Oh, and I've always wanted to find a home for Zealous Guardian . Perhaps here, somewhere?

November 29, 2013 12:21 a.m.

emask says... #24

I do like that card a lot. I bet there's quite a few tricks he can play. Though, I think for this deck I'll stick with the Human tribal. That said, only Champion of the Parish benefits from it (tribal), so maybe I'll give it a shot! Looks fun to play as well. Thanks!

November 29, 2013 1:18 a.m.

DavidBray says... #25

Ha!, very potent effect with Proclamation of Rebirth and Vexing Devil . I planned to do the same in a RB shell with Immortal Servitude , but recastable is awesome.

December 10, 2013 5:04 p.m.

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