Degenerate Designs

Commander / EDH Megalomania


Razulghul says... #1

Hey there, I like the deck a lot and I think I have a few suggestions that might be worth considering:

Aphetto Alchemist - I am not sure but would this be a good replacement for Dispell? I am a big fan of it in general because it is so versatile and it would provide a lot of value with all the potential targets in your list.

Mystic Speculation - maybe replace Whispers of the Muse? I think it is much more potent in a thrasios list and it requires a lot less set up to abuse with Paradox Engine potentially allowing for infinite mana as well.

Jeweled Amulet - might be worth replacing one of the signets? It's pretty good in my experience though underrated.

Tolaria West - Could replace an island possibly? Searches for a lot of good stuff in your list!

That's all I can think of, hope it helps!

November 2, 2017 3:39 a.m.

Razulghul says... #2

Hmm on second thought, maybe Mystic Speculation replaces Preordain?

November 2, 2017 3:45 a.m.

Megalomania says... #3

Thanks for the comment dlamars! My issue with Mystic Speculation is that it doesnt draw me a card unlike Whispers of the Muse and Preordain.

I will look into the possibility of including Jeweled Amulet but it seems a bit slow unless im using it with the Engine in play. It still seems pretty interesting though. Ill add it to my maybeboard.

In my experience, Tolaria West hardly ever gets used. The transmute cost is just too big considering how fast the deck already is.

If anything else comes to mind, please feel free to drop me a comment. Thank you for the upvote as well!

November 2, 2017 4:34 a.m.

Megalomania says... #4

Thanks for the comment dlamars! My issue with Mystic Speculation is that it doesnt draw me a card unlike Whispers of the Muse and Preordain.

I will look into the possibility of including Jeweled Amulet but it seems a bit slow unless im using it with the Engine in play. It still seems pretty interesting though. Ill add it to my maybeboard.

In my experience, Tolaria West hardly ever gets used. The transmute cost is just too big considering how fast the deck already is.

If anything else comes to mind, please feel free to drop me a comment. Thank you for the upvote as well!

November 2, 2017 4:35 a.m.

enpc says... #5

Not sure if you figured this one out yet, but Sensei's Divining Top, Paradox Engine and Thrasios net you your entire deck, given 5 mana production worth of dorks/ run all these cards already, just thought I would point it out. I figure it's good to know a bunch of different lines.

November 2, 2017 4:51 a.m.

Megalomania says... #6

Yup. I unexpectedly ran across the combo while playing and it was a pleasant surprise. Still, thanks for pointing it out.

November 2, 2017 5:03 a.m.

Razulghul says... #7

well, my thoughts are that Preordain is pretty much a one or two use and done. Whereas Mystic Speculation could be used early and later combo out with Yawgmoth's Will and buyback. Both of your commanders are going to draw you enough cards to offset the difference but while both dig 3 cards deep only one has combo potential.

November 2, 2017 5:04 a.m.

Razulghul says... #8

as far as Jeweled Amulet goes, honestly I'd try it out. It really does work wonders imo. Tolaria West finds so much in the deck and while I understand you hesitating to add it, 3 mana to find and play Mana Crypt is always good,

November 2, 2017 5:09 a.m.

Megalomania says... #9

Now that youve explained it, Mystic Speculation does make sense. I will seriously put it into consideration. I hate that its a sorcery and it doesnt draw me a card but the re-usability does make it quite attractive.

November 2, 2017 5:24 a.m.

Florg says... #10

Okay so I took a look over your deck, and I've come up with a few critiques and suggestions. I think overall it's a great list, there's just a few cards that I think are questionable.

The one that sicks out the most to me is Whispers of the Muse. I understand that it can be a simple cantrip sometimes, but in order to perform it's primary function in your deck, you need at least 6 mana in nonland sources to go off. As another commenter pointed out, Mystic Speculation is a better option if you want to go that route, as it only requires 4 mana in nonland sources with Paradox Engine to produce infinite mana. I think Sprout Swarm might be an even better option as it ends up paying for itself after a few casts with the engine.
Personally, I don't think you really need a buyback spell at all since it should be easy enough to get Isochron Scepter and an imprintable instant in your hand with Paradox Engine. I would probably just replace Whispers with Angel's Grace to combo with Ad Nauseam.

Kiora's Follower also seems like it could be replaced with something better. Another 1 CMC mana dork, perhaps a Grim Monolith, maybe even another tutor or draw spell.

Impulse is a decent cantrip but I just feel like it could be something better. Perhaps the aforementioned Angel's Grace or a Chain of Vapor?

I think with how low your CMC is, you could even consider replacing some lands with 1 CMC dorks or removal. I only run 28 lands in Thrasios and Tymna Doom the Day and I find that I very rarely get too few lands. I think that if you want to be on the safe side 29 should be fine for this deck.

Overall I think your deck is great. It will absolutely crush 90% of the random commander decks out there. In fact you might end up with the same problem I have, not enough people around that can handle the deck! haha

I hope my suggestions and critiques are helpful. :)

November 4, 2017 6:46 a.m.

enpc says... #11

Florg: Kiora's Follower is super good in the list. It provides an untapped on pod, meaning that you can pod Thrasios into Trinket Mage (Getting LED) into Salvagers in one turn. You expose your combo a lot less, not to mention that follower is insane with Paradox Engine.

November 4, 2017 7:39 a.m.

Megalomania says... #12

Florg, awesome feedback, buddy. I am with enpc with regards to Kioras Follower but all the other suggestions are super helpful.

I like the idea of taking out some lands in favor of maybe Avacyn's Pilgrim, Angel's Grace and either Grim Monolith or Tainted Pact.

I guess Impulse and Whispers are the weakest cards in the deck. I guess the deck could use an additional removal spell and maybe Mystic Speculation.

Now heres a dumb question. How good is Angels Grace? I know it wins the game when used with Ad Nauseam but is that enough to justify its spot in the deck? This is the first time I will be using it and I havent had much luck with Ad Nauseam so I havent exactly relied on it that much. Hopefully Angels Grace will change that.

November 4, 2017 9:27 p.m.

Darkshadow327 says... #13

I seriously have no idea what to suggest to make this deck better, it seems really good as it is. Maybe Debt to the Deathless as a alternate win con? I'm just grasping at straws here, you obviously don't need a guy who's only been playing MTG for 1 year to give you suggestions on this deck.

Best of luck! (Love the partner pair BTW)

November 9, 2017 9:49 p.m.

Suns_Champion says... #14

Hi! Great deck! Tough one for me!

What I like:

Your love of Ad Nauseam.

Good lord that curve is beauuuutiful.

Some suggestions to put in:

Noble Hierarch I'm sure you know about. Just an expensive upgrade :)

Protean Hulk could help fetch some of your combo creatures. Wacks your curve though.

Chromatic Lantern is necessary I feel for extra consistency.

And some to take out:

Avacyn's Pilgrim if you put in the Hierarch.

Carpet of Flowers may be here because you have a lot of blue player in the meta, but it seems like more of a sideboard card.

Otherwise... looks sweet. Hope some of this helps!

November 19, 2017 9:24 p.m.

Decisive says... #15

Sculpting Steel - If you run copy artifact, why not this too?

Eladamri's Call - Fetch your win con or a dork

Toxic Deluge - You may be running enough counterspells, but I can't seem to find a boardwipe on your list.

Chain of Vapor - Bounce something you own out of harm's way

Path to Exile - Is giving a player a land such a big downside in your meta? If it isn't you should run this (Don't forget if you get desperate, target something you control)

Crop Rotation - Mana fixing for consistency

Memory's Journey - If you're facing issues with recursion

Eldritch Evolution - Backup Birthing Pod, is one use though

Mystic Remora/Rhystic Study - Over Carpet of Flowers. Draw is potent in any deck

Tarnished Citadel - Mana fixing

Phyrexian Tower - Maybe if you find you have creatures to sacrifice

November 26, 2017 1:40 a.m. Edited.

Megalomania says... #16


Mystic Remora is already in the deck, buddy. Rhystic Study is nice but im trying too keep the ave. cmc as low as possible to maximize the use of Ad Nauseam and Paradox Engine. It is also the reason why I am not running Sculpting Steel.

Ill see if I still need Tarnished Citadel since the mana base is already pretty solid.

Toxic Deluge was in the last batch of cards I cut from the list. The deck is often able to outspeed opponents so a boardwipe hardly ever gets used.

I have been on the fence about Chain of Vapor for a long time. It does make sense but then again, I can simply run a 1 cmc countermagic in its place. Im also unsure if I want the drawback of allowing an opponent to bounce my own permanents since the deck requires a good amount of rocks/dorks to combo off.

Thank you for the feedback. Feel free to add more if anything else comes to mind.

November 26, 2017 2:55 a.m.

Decisive says... #17

You don't have to target something an opponent controls with Chain of Vapor, you can just target someone you control to get it out of harm's way. And if you choose you could sac a land to do it again. Basically, it's a flipped Cyclonic Rift that you could reuse if you wanted to. (It's the controller of the permanent that gets bounced that chooses whether or not to sac a land for the ability, it's not always your opponent)

November 26, 2017 9:52 a.m.

Shane.Allen says... #18

I like this deck, its very well made and your combo's and synergies are very well done. This one gets a up vote. what made you choose those two commanders to lead this deck ?

December 3, 2017 5:30 p.m.

Spirit_Logan says... #19

Go infinite with Kydele, Chosen of Kruphix and Staff of Domination. Draw infinite cards, Generate infinite mana, then win with your wincons, Walking Ballista and Laboratory Maniac.

December 3, 2017 6:30 p.m.

Megalomania says... #20

Thanks man! Leovold getting banned was the primary reason I switched to these two commanders. After buying the needed duals for , I just had to stick with the colors.

I wanted the new deck where I will get to use most of the cards I already had. Thrasios was just to good to pass up on so that was an easy choice. I ended up choosing Tymna over Vial Smasher as partner because adding gave me access to the bomberman combo which I really liked.

Byuante yeah, that does make sense. I'll see if I can find a slot for it. Thanks man!

December 3, 2017 6:37 p.m.

Megalomania says... #21

Spirit_Logan Thanks for the suggestions. Those two appear like "win more" cards to me than necessary additions. I'm also trying to keep the curve low so I can win almost every time I cast Paradox Engine or Ad Nauseam.

December 3, 2017 6:40 p.m.

enpc says... #22

How's Labman been going as your backup wincon?

December 3, 2017 7:44 p.m.

Megalomania says... #23

I haven't had any problems with regards to the use of Labman. My playgroup has adapted to the speed of the deck by hitting any dork or rock that I play to slow me down. That approach has found some considerable success. I dislike losing so i'm actually considering going the Breakfast Hulk route. lol.

I hate that it isn't nowhere as pretty as the Scepter/Engine decks but it seems to get the job done a lot faster, with less chances of being disrupted/slowed down. There are some concerns I am trying to work out before I make the switch though.

December 3, 2017 9:16 p.m.

Suns_Champion says... #24

I'm back! Sorry I already upvoted but I think I have a few suggestions that'll help you!

You said your "playgroup has adapted to the speed of the deck by hitting any dork or rock that I play to slow me down. That approach has found some considerable success." So I'd suggest Shapers' Sanctuary to help prevent that. If they want to slow you down, they'll have to pay with serious card disadvantage! Keeps your curve low at only .

Echo the call for Sculpting Steel since you already have Copy Artifact!

Hope the Sanctuary helps!

December 10, 2017 10:32 a.m.

bomb_arie says... #25

Nice deck, had to read into it to understand how it works. Never played (angainst) such a deck. Since you play combo I would add more tutors to find your wincons faster. Some nice tutors that I run in this colors are Congregation at Dawn who finds the creature you might need and some dorks along the way and Brutalizer Exarch which is versatile (tutor or removal). Further for draw Dark Deal might be a nice and cheap complement for Windfall. If you are going to play more of these cards (everbody draws and discards) consider cards like Megrim. In this way you can add an extra win-con in your deck.

January 5, 2018 9:52 a.m.

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