Dehydrated Hydras

Commander / EDH MrHighscore

SCORE: 121 | 85 COMMENTS | 12084 VIEWS | IN 51 FOLDERS

Lanzo493 says... #1

I have a joke concerning the Conjurer's Closet. It's a scientific kind of joke. You don't put the X hydras into conjurers closet because it doesn't work, right? Well, the X hydras aren't gay, so they wouldn't be able to come out of the closet. This is because they are like germs and don't have a gender. After all, they get all those heads because of asexual reproduction. One head becomes two heads. Science.

July 23, 2016 12:54 a.m.

griffstick says... #2

Cough.... silence... cricket, cricket,

July 23, 2016 1:49 a.m.

MrHighscore says... #3

Thank you for the feedback :)


  • I don't think this is a Helix Pinnacle deck, and I have a very hard time defending the card for just one round, and I it is also very unlikely that I will be able to produce 100 mana in one turn.


  • Hardened Scales I don't think this is value enough for EDH. It only affects 17 cards and its a fairly weak combo with doublers.
  • I took Crucible of Worlds out of the deck, and I don't think I'll bring it back in. If I do, I'll probably run your combo.
  • I don't like Glaring Spotlight and would always rune Arcane Lighthouse over it. Also I don't have much that targets, so I'm not sure why I should add it?

Added to mabybeboard

I have added Abundance to the maybeboard, as it is pretty good alone and insanely powerfull when paired with Sylvan Library: Draw 3 (filtered) cards without paying the life. I could use that.



July 23, 2016 5:03 a.m.

Lhurgyof says... #4

Have you considered Bind to help with control? I like that it replaces itself and functions as a green half-Stifle

+1, I dig cool tribal decks.

July 24, 2016 4:57 a.m.

A few cards that could be great in here:

July 24, 2016 1:17 p.m.

maddoxmtg says... #6

If you ever want to splash again, Rosheen Meanderer plays well with x spells, and Xenagos, God of Revels plays well with big fatties.

July 24, 2016 3:46 p.m.

Infral says... #7

I think that Vigor would be a great friend to your hydras.

July 25, 2016 3:15 p.m.

FoxInSox14 says... #8

I would consider swapping Craterhoof Behemoth with Pathbreaker Ibex. it is the same kind of effect but in my experience with hydras "goaterhoof" will make having these giant more worth while for you and it is repeatable.

July 25, 2016 7:27 p.m.

Reaxetion says... #9

July 26, 2016 2:36 p.m.

MrHighscore says... #10

Good feedback, thank you! And thank you for the upvotes :)


  • I did not consider Bind. I like the draw part, but I also fear that it can be a dead card alot of the time. What do you usually counter with it?



  • I don't think I'll bring back red, even though I would really, really like the red Hydras for some control.
  • Rosheen Meanderer can not compete with a mana doubler and they roughly the same CMC and more resilient to removal.
  • Xenagos, God of Revels is awesome. I if I was playing red. I do want to build a Gruul deck, but I always end up with Grool good stuff when I try, and that is just boring.


  • Vigor is a good friend of the hydras. He always got their back and gives out backrubs!


  • Pathbreaker Ibex need a turn before it can attack, unless I have Akroma's Memorial on the field. It's +X/+X is superior, but a bit win-more with the hydra tribe. Craterhoof Behemoth's strenght is that it provides trample now now, not so much that it provieds +X/+X. Maybe I should drop it entirely for Brawn for yet another consistent trample enabler (good synergy with Natural Order)?



July 27, 2016 10:21 a.m.

I'd take out Spidersilk Armor first and Doubling Season next... I know that sounds crazy but hear me out. If it sticks you become prime target and all players focus on killing you as soon as possible because you'll most likely win the next turn. I used time run it in my Prossh deck and it never made it to my next turn. It's a win more card, super good but a dangerous choice none the less.

July 27, 2016 11:01 a.m.

maddoxmtg says... #12

A fun idea I had was to build a budget deck. Pick a commander and a theme. Then pick some thing each of their colors does well and don't include it. I picked Hanna, Ship's Navigator and agreed no exile for the white and no counter for the blue. I also did budget as a challenge. You could try something like that with say, Ruric Thar, the Unbowed?

July 27, 2016 3:53 p.m.

KrossWinter says... #13

You're my hero. I've been wanting to build a hydra deck for so long and this is a perfect inspiration. +1

July 28, 2016 1:26 p.m.

FLATSO99 says... #14

What about Primeval Bounty? it adds counters like crazy and benifits off lands and hydras.

July 28, 2016 6:20 p.m.

freakman13 says... #15

Hail Hydra! is my hydras deck, I went a slightly different direction form you, but I see a few cards that I run that you don't and vise versa. My ramp package is very different, but I think a few of the spells may benefit you.

July 30, 2016 7:18 a.m.

I don't know if you want some removal in here. It seems like you've got protection for your creatures, but no guarantee that someone else is going to be able to come up with a similar but more evasive group. Setessan Tactics works nicely with green, as do most cards with the option of fighting. Krosan Grip is good for noncreature things. I know you have a little, so either add in some more or add in more card advantage to get access to them more reliably. Just my opinion.

July 30, 2016 5 p.m.
July 30, 2016 5:01 p.m.

noblevegas says... #18

Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx + Voyaging Satyr + Staff of Domination
If your Green Devotion is 8 or more, you have an infinite mana loop. This makes Polukranos' Monstrous ability essentially a one-sided board wipe - not to mention play out anything you like from this point.
Temur Sabertooth + Karametra's Acolyte + Lightning Greaves will do the same with a Devotion of 7 or more.

...and because of the above I will throw this one in for fun and giggles:
Use infinite mana loops above to board wipe opponents via Polukranos, World Eater, then Tooth and Nail entwined to get Craterhoof Behemoth and Hydra Omnivore. Equip a Blade of Selves to Omnivore and watch the salt flow. Rogue's Passage will help you push through against a player that had indistructible creatures.

In any case you should be running Tooth and Nail for sure. Infinite mana generation is a real boon to X-costing decks as well so I suggest running a way to do so. It won't be overly reliable since green doesn't have a great way to tutor out Artifacts, but still a solid play.

August 2, 2016 11:45 a.m.

MrHighscore says... #19

Good feedback! So much to consider. Thank you very much for the suggestions and the upvotes... this is now the Polukranos, World Eater deck with the most upvotes on TO :)


  • Spidersilk Armor seems to get a lot of votes to drop. It is on the top of the list together with Heartbeat of Spring.
  • Regarding Doubling Season I don't think it is (that much of) a win more, but it is a major threath that will draw responses. But the games I get to keep it, it is just wonderful.


  • For a Gruul deck, I'm considering a Ruric Thar, the Unbowed or an Atarka, World Render build. Both are very appealling, but also hard to be original about. I'm not putting that much thought into them at the moment, but they are on the top of my todo list.


  • Primeval Bounty is a lovely card. I always consider it, but I also always end up cutting it. I don't see it making a lot of an impact on this deck? Would you prioritize it higher than all the other cards in the maybeboard? And what would you drop?


  • Nice deck! +1 from me. Sweet with the Gruul cards in the mix. How is your commander working out for you?


  • I would most certainly like som removal in the mix. The flavorflul Hydra removal is are mainly red and Gruul though (i.e., Apocalypse Hydra), and so far I've thought of just ignored the removal problem. Setessan Tactics is a nice option for some control. In general I would like to add a bit more card advantage, and a bit more control, but I need to make cuts to do so. Cuts are hard :)
  • Setessan Tactics + Vigor : As long as they don't run death touch or death touch + first strike it is an awesome combo :)


  • Excellent suggestions! I should probably have put it in the description, but I do not want to go infinite in the deck. But Polukranos, World Eater is a pretty good control pawn, when I have lots of mana.
  • I have omitted Tooth and Nail since I'm running a lot of mana symbol x creatures. Also Craterhoof Behemoth is close to getting cut, as it is main value adding point is trample for one round. I can do better than that with Brawn that also have other synergies. I guess I should seriously consider Summoner's Pact for tutoring Hydra Omnivore.
  • Blade of Selves is a really good suggestion! It should be in any deck that runs Conjurer's Closet and vice versa. Why did I not think of that? Thank you! Though Hyras with swords is just weird ;)


August 3, 2016 3:39 a.m.

freakman13 says... #20

My commander is fun, played every game, can board wipe and can buff himself. I have cast him 3 times in the same round before due to that utility.

August 3, 2016 4:53 a.m.

FLATSO99 says... #21

i can see that Primeval Bounty would be cut in favor of some other cards, but mabye in place of elemental bond? bounty costs more, but has more verstility and gives prizes for every creature no matter what. also with all your ramp it shouldn't be to much of a problem to cast. by the way, what is your opionion of Thunderfoot Baloth seems like it could go well, giving your hydras trample.

August 3, 2016 1:42 p.m.

griffstick says... #22

I think Bellowing Tanglewurm might be a great evasion tactic and could be used as a finisher.

August 3, 2016 2:24 p.m.

MrHighscore says... #23


  • Now I want to build a Ulasht, the Hate Seed deck myself, though I have a hard time spotting the synergy with few big creatures.


  • Thunderfoot Baloth is great, but the condition can be hard to satisfy later. Also it is a creature that are quite easy to destroy/exile. I think Brawn is my best option at the moment.
  • Bellowing Tanglewurm is awesome! I think Brawn has a slight edge over it as it works form the graveyard where it is slightly harder to remove.



August 4, 2016 8:09 a.m.

MrHighscore says... #24

I really want to make room for Abundance (crazy combo with Sylvan Library) and Creeping Renaissance (or Harmonize).

Any suggestions for what to cut?


August 4, 2016 9:48 a.m. Edited.

Asceticism and Conjurer's Closet are both removal-evasion cards. Creeping Renaissance is a fallback if removal evasion doesn't work. If you want to take out one of those, that would make sense.

I think that Zendikar Resurgent does just about the same job here that Abundance does, giving you some card advantage as well as ramp (Abundance does if you choose land as the type). This being the case, you should probably keep one or the other.

August 5, 2016 9:48 a.m.

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