Delerium - Silence ft. Elspeth & The Sunbears
SCORE: 121 | 44 COMMENTS | 17734 VIEWS | IN 68 FOLDERS
Haha you're quite welcome pctech214 this deck is my pride and joy, but kinda has fallen victim to Eldrazi, much like everything else in the format. I still play this with my casual playgroup as well as bi-weekly FNMs. Before Zendikar came out a couple buddies, and I ran riot with Pillow Fort and Prison decks.
I personally took this deck to two 2nd places and a 3rd place finish as recently as January. SO the deck can put up results.
March 1, 2016 9:27 p.m. Edited.
Have you thought of Enduring Ideal+Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx? Put in a few more enchantments (maybe Dovescape) and another sunbear; Nyx-Fleece Ram.
May 27, 2016 1:13 p.m.
I have actually tried a pillowy type setup with those two before, and the results were good--along with the ram, but like it says in the description, this is a medley of archetypes.
Happymaster19 Had an awesome Starfield setup going a while back before his primer was finished. So if I ever adapt to pillowfort or heavier enchant control I'll give those another go, thanks for the suggestions.
May 27, 2016 1:24 p.m. Edited.
Have you thought about replacing your Oblivion Rings with the much better Detention Sphere? It gets rid of doubles and really does great vs. creature tokens of the same name(goblin,zombie,etc).
July 18, 2016 11:06 p.m.
Splashing blue for it wouldn't be hard at all, and is an upgrade but I've kept it out this long for a reason.
It just doesn't fit within the flavor of the deck.
Side note though: I have been thinking about replacing the rings with something any other suggestions would be great!
July 18, 2016 11:17 p.m.
Every time I see you cycle your deck I get a sweet feeling about 'those' days, when the original song was released worldwide....
I was in a big club in Antwerp (the Mythic Club Zillion) and ppl started shouting... they were in awe of this song.
And to this day I still am....
I just felt the need to share this....
August 31, 2016 5:21 p.m.
I first heard it from my step-dads cousin who was a roadie for techno/psychedelic bands, and they had this playing once while they grinded in Diablo.
Its forver imprinted (haha Isochron Scepter pun) in my brain!
August 31, 2016 5:32 p.m.
RingweMakil says... #10
Can you reliably expect to cast Kambal with only 3 black sources in the deck?
I'm loving the idea behind the deck - sure you don't want to play more Isochron Scepters, though? And what about opposing Stony Silence?
Maybe decrease the number of 6 drops a bit to focus on more early interaction? You'll also need some ways of dealing with artifacts/enchantments (Tear, Erase ... Engineered Explosives?); maybe sideboard a Wrath of God or two to deal with aggressive swarm strategies? Or do you just always want to race those?
The burn matchup seems awful - Kor Firewalker sideboard? And maybe add a couple more ways to gain life maindecked? Elspeth Tirel, perhaps.
Do you need/want Thalia, Guardian of Thraben maindecked? She slows down a LOT of your deck. My gut feeling is she should be sideboard when you want to win the game early on, such as against control or in a race where you want to death and taxes the opposing creatures and smash in before they can establish a board presence properly.
October 11, 2016 11:15 p.m.
First off, I've had no issues thus far with casting Kambal. I generally like to have a turn 1 scry so I'll almost always Mulligan down to 6,5 to ensure I filter through the deck. So that covers that.
Multiple scepters would be redundant and honestly a dead draw. Stony silence taking out my scepter isn't the end of the world considering I have Abolisher and Kambal to negate spell casting.
With only 4 6CMC cards in the deck I know exactly what I'm doing with them. I need the assurance that Titan will be drawn and Elspeth on her own is solid enough reason too.
Artifacts and enchantments are taken care of quite easily considering Aura of Silence, Nevermore, Silence and of course Blind Obedience.
Elspeth has a built-in Wrath, and is harder to overcome then a boarded in wipe.
Burn is actually one of my favorable matchups. Halo, silence, Nevermore, Leyline, Story Circle, Thalia & the new Kambal all give Burn decks a chill pill.
Finally Thalia is Thalia, and no Hatebear/D&T deck runs less than 2 in any brew. She does affect me considerably during early-game, but if drawn mid-late she becomes an All-star!
October 12, 2016 1:27 a.m.
RingweMakil says... #12
I'd be very curious to play against this list - I always enjoy seeing people make powerful cards work in older formats in the face of conventional "oh Modern is too quick a format", and I'd love to see how it does against a range of decks!
October 12, 2016 6:24 a.m.
YowamushiNoBuki says... #13
I like your deck build, but if you really wanted to beef your creatures a little bit more, then you could put 'Honor of the Pure' in there to give all of your creatures +1/+1, and then if you draw some more, they stack. I'm more of a mono-white Knight deck build myself, but I really love that cleric that doesn't allow the other player to do anything on your turn, I think I may actually purchase a few of those myself. I really enjoy some of the things you've done with your build, and might take just a few ideas from it for future changes to my Knight deck. Overall, nice deck.
October 22, 2016 11:01 a.m.
Thank you for the very kind words :) The deck has been my baby for a while now, and I love every aspect of it.
As for the Honor of the Pure addition, I in fact have one copy just in case in my "maybe board" in my gaming case when I go play. Its never made it into the main deck other than when the original shell had like 20+ creatures.
So for now it's going to stay there until I ether drop some control for aggro, or Sun Titan gets a brother card to replace my Ghostly Prison because Windborn Muse isn't enough devotion for 4CMC, and Norn's Annex isn't wise in my build either.
October 22, 2016 3:36 p.m. Edited.
LordDerrien says... #15
So... Why are you playing Leonin Arbiter, but no Ghost Quarters? To nasty for the play with friends, or did you not know about the 'Wasteland-like' effect?
April 7, 2017 3:42 p.m.
I normally had 2 secretly placed on my sideboard, and would bring them out from time to time. I stopped doing it though because of the latter...Friends and Modern Night became rough when Jund,Burn, and Death Shadow players targeted me.
The deck still locks them out well enough with no quarters.
Oh yeah! Haven't updated the deck in a while so I may put them back in the mix. Found out the other night before I dropped out in round 4 that a Grixis Control player had my deck memorized to the T!
April 7, 2017 3:56 p.m.
LordDerrien says... #17
Oh damn, I not that feeling. For the past year I have almost exclusively been playing my Inquisition deck. Everyone know, what cards it includes, because I do not change anything (it is perfect at the moment; except for Hanweir Militia Captain Flip - I do not like the changing). Turns out, if you are playing Ghostly Prison, Archangel of Tithes and Luminarch Ascension really everyone wants to see you dead.
April 7, 2017 4:32 p.m.
Silence of the Tithes is what I've been working on just to throw off some of the people I think have been tracking me.
Yeah..Mono white sticks out like a Mormon at a Rock show! People will catch on and just prepare to demolish.
April 7, 2017 5:14 p.m.
LordDerrien says... #19
Interesting deck. You are really into one- and two-ofs from some cards, are you not? I always tried to do it in a similar way, but my inner percetionist and sucker for round numbers only lets me play playsets, two-ofs (Planeswalkers, Legendaries, narrow not stacking effects) or three-ofs (Planeswalkers, Legendaries). One-ofs can only be understood by my brain, if I am able to tutor for it.
So i always slightly cringe, when looking at your decks. That is not something mean from me, but I just have a wall in my head that prevents me from feeling it aethestically pleasing.
Aside from that; Mono-White decks are either White Weenie, Death and Texas, Soul Sisters some weird form of Control or Midrange. Of those types only the first three are really Tier 2, if the tribal is Knights, Death and Texas really goes all the way by using Aether Vial + Flickerwisp / Ghost Quarter
Leonin Arbiter
and Soul Sisters utiliezes Serra Ascendant, Ranger of Eos and Archangel of Thune.
Everything except these decks is somehow a homebrew or tries to make a hybrid out of the aforementioned tribes. Not that it is bad. Mono-White Midrange is fun. Case-in-point:
Inquisition - Heroes of Righteousness
SCORE: 89 | 110 COMMENTS | 13112 VIEWS | IN 59 FOLDERS
pctech214 says... #1
You are my new hero, thank you for making an all white deck for modern. I am an all white player who specialize in white cards, plus this deck makes me very happy loved the song and the deck. two bad i can't give you a +2 for the song and deck
March 1, 2016 9:23 p.m.