Delicious Life

Commander / EDH Ixyao


1245783 says... #1

One major change that i would make with this deck is to add a Sol Ring ... I feel like it's a staple for any EDH deck anywhere.

Also, it's kind of hard for people to look at a decklist and edit an EDH deck because there are so many cards. I feel like the best way to help yourself edit this deck is to playtest it with some friends with some extra cards in it (hopefully your friends will let you do that), and just take out the cards that you aren't satisfied with.

July 23, 2013 9:02 p.m.

senken12 says... #2

Serra Avatar is a fun one for Life gain. So is the Ajanis

July 24, 2013 6:03 p.m.

jorjo10 says... #3

Absorb Vis is just a bad card from my point of view. I understand that it might be used to the cycling, but still I don't think it is good enough for being in EDH.

Orzhov Basilica is another bad card. It comes into play tapped and brings one of your lands back, which only means it slows you down. Land destruction is not so uncommon in EDH and if it is destroyed, it slows you down again. Rather add some basic land.

Rather than Underworld Connections , I'd use Phyrexian Arena , since Underworld Connections is requiring a special land tapped to use its effect.

And I'd add Vizkopa Guildmage since it makes that infinite combo with Exquisite Blood and it is just great just by itself.

Also consider how much token maker you really want here. Some, OK, but I feel that this number of token makers is just too high, and maybe delete them all. It requires EDH more build on tokens and work with them, for you it will be just 1/1 with no other effect, maybe except of flying, that are good just in a really high number to attack with, till that time they're just blockers that can sometimes swing.

Also, more mana artifacts to speed you up wouldn't hurt.

You may also check my Obzedat EDH deck I'm having an improving since gatecrash was released. Obzedat, Lead Us! (Edited Version). Hope it at least somehow helps you.

July 24, 2013 6:52 p.m.

Ixyao says... #4


I agree, Absorb Vis is a bad card, which is why I wanted to use it. Nobody likes losing to a bad card and since this isn't a competative deck, I decided to add it for fun...but once I needed to cut i decided it had to go.

I'm inclined to disagree on the basilica, as I don't find it that terribly detrimental and LD isn't too prevalent in local meta.

If I can get my hands on Phyrexian Arena I will most likely swap it out for Underworld Connections , but as it stands.

I had initially passed over Vizkopa Guildmage as I thought it seemed too limited, but a second Sanguine Bond is right in line with the deck, thank you for pointing that out.

Lastly, took all the advice, added some mana rocks and removed the slower/less efficient token gen.

July 25, 2013 1:30 p.m.

onigirumo says... #5

Ok, what about:

Well, hope this helps.

July 26, 2013 9:23 a.m.

Check out my Obzedat Greed deck, which has seen quite a bit of play and wins more often than not. It's fairly similar to yours, with the fundamental difference being that your deck focuses on creatures more than a life gain deck should. You want to control the board state without actually doing anything besides gaining life, giving other players little reason to attack you. What you definitely need to put in is Bloodchief Ascension and Avacyn, Angel of Hope , as well as life gain supporters like Wall of Reverence , Boon Reflection , and Rhox Faithmender . By the way, you really need to take out Rest in Peace as it doesn't really do anything in your deck besides make some of your other cards useless. You can't flashback or pull things out of your graveyard without a graveyard, mate.

July 26, 2013 11:36 p.m.

steveoowns says... #7

all this life steal but no Exsanguinate ?

September 20, 2013 2:59 p.m.

VampireArmy says... #9

why not try the Helm of Obedience plus Leyline of the Void / Rest in Peace Instant full mill (exile) combo?

October 5, 2013 2:45 p.m.

Ixyao says... #10

VampireArmy It's already in the deck

October 5, 2013 4:35 p.m.

Venator101 says... #11

November 15, 2013 10 p.m.

senken12 says... #12

Whip of Erebos cause Lifelink

November 16, 2013 4:01 a.m.

DarkRequiem says... #13

+1 from me. It does look quite interesting.

December 21, 2013 11:53 p.m.

cosmicteapot says... #14

Do you think Vedalken Orrery has a place in your deck? I think it works well for your commander, for example you can play Terminus while Obzedat is in exile. Of course, playing nonlands as flash is always quite helpful :D Also, Rout is an instant board wipe.

December 25, 2013 7:49 a.m.

-Bean- says... #15

Great deck idea, BW are my fave colours. It seems like you might have a weakness to artefacts and enchantments. Return to Dust and Aura of Silence are good answers to that if it's causing problems.

If you're playing multiplayer, Necropotence can make you a target. Greed could be a safer option if you don't like being ganged up on.

I like cosmicteapot's suggestions. Instant wipes with your general exiled are a great idea and almost guarantee the 5-life swing with Obzedat.

January 3, 2014 9:34 p.m.

artakha says... #16

January 3, 2014 9:36 p.m.

artakha says... #17

I don't wanna upset ya, but Cavern of Souls is kind of useless in this deck. It only works with one creature type (which you have a bunch), and otherwise only taps for colorless mana. I would replace it with Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx due to the devotion mechanic, and the large amount of late game mana it can yield.

January 3, 2014 9:49 p.m.

Ixyao says... #18

@ProfessorDucky Honestly, between cheaper removal like Mortify and Vindicate , the pricier removal Angel of Despair and Ashen Rider , mass remove Austere Command , Akroma's Vengeance and Merciless Eviction and a good chunk of tutor, I've never had a problem with artifacts and enchantments. Necropotence has never really made me a target tbh.

@artakha I used to have Sorin, Lord of Innistrad in the deck, but never really found him to be all that useful. As for the Archangel, I honestly don't use creatures to win unless I have to. Lastly, about Cavern of Souls . I personally have counter/control based decks... they just take the fun out of the game. Sure, I can only get a few creatures out with it. But if I name Spirit, I get Crypt Ghast , Divinity of Pride , Kokusho, the Evening Star and Obzedat, Ghost Council . Which seems pretty good to me.

January 4, 2014 8:43 a.m.

Chipmunk47 says... #19

Also some good cards to add are; Sorin's Thirst and Sorin's Vengeance .

January 4, 2014 10:18 a.m.

artakha says... #22

Also, I would probably replace Diabolic Revelation with Diabolic Tutor purely because of the ridiculous mana cost on it. You're spending about 6 mana to find one card. Even if you do have the mana to find more than one card, it just seems a bit... slow.

January 4, 2014 6:01 p.m.

Ixyao says... #23

This is an Obzedat deck, I'm not looking for a new general or blue cards at all.Also, Diabolic Revelation allows me to tutor for my 2-card combos effectively.

January 4, 2014 6:59 p.m.

Dekordius says... #24

Greed also keeps your hand restocked with toys, in case you haven't considered it yet.

January 5, 2014 7:30 p.m.

1992lucas says... #25

Cool deck. i was thinking of making a Obzedat edh deck myself. Hows running 35 lands working out for you? To me it seems like to little for this kind of a deck.

January 8, 2014 4:09 a.m.

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