
delirium/ demonic counsel rakdos Demons reanimator. 3 different Tech packages put in the unpopular color pair of R/B. These packages synergise seamlessly, due to it being a reanimator we need to fill up our graveyard. Valgavoth is the best reanimating target in all of Magic, so reasons to play Annex is a non-zero number. I’ve spent hours running through lists on Goldfish and couldn’t see a single list that ran every package you see here, I found one that ran counsel and reanimator but it didn’t run annex. That was the closest list I found to what you see here. Dropping valgavoth on turn 4 will always hit different, very very fun deck to pilot. one iteration involved 3 sideboard dross, this is strictly for decks running heavy graveyard hate, to which we will pivot to running minimal reanimation and rely almost exclusively on Annex and Dross for the beat down. Against burn/aggro decks we simply need to slow them down enough to drop valgavoth to entirely flip the board state, and for the mirror matches against mono-black and golgari demons, drakuseth and vile mutilator are fantastic mirror breakers. In theory I predict a weakness to mill, due to the decks heavily cycling capability, however since to Jace combo falling out of meta this may not matter. Feel free to ask questions about any other strange tech pieces you see. For the first 2 weeks of foundations I only ran between 3 and 5 removal spells, this number has been bumped up to around 7. this should make a substantial difference in this deck's survivability. On week 5, I switched from archfiend to desecration demon, I will always hold the position that archfiend sucks. Desecration demon at the very least, doesn't directly kill you. My team and I decided to try 2 arenas in addition to the full-playset of Annex just to guarantee a draw engine by turn 3. Annex was a card I slept on at release and I have come to find it is an absolute powerhouse. It absolutely carries the demon archetype. I am a hater of Archfiend of the dross, so we run two desecration demons instead. the sideboard is to pivot more into a wider and more resilient reanimator strat, or to make our large targets more spashy. sideboarding will entirely depend upon how our opponent is attempting to disrupt us. if they aren't then we will simply commit harder to explosive on curve plays.


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91% Competitive

Revision 19 See all

(1 month ago)

-4 Deep-Cavern Bat side
-2 Phyrexian Obliterator side
+2 Pyroclasm main
+3 Sheoldred, the Apocalypse side
+1 Withering Torment side
Date added 4 months
Last updated 1 month

This deck is Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 3 Mythic Rares

29 - 1 Rares

14 - 7 Uncommons

4 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.76
Tokens Copy Clone, Demon 6/6 B, On an Adventure
Folders Standeck
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