Round 1 Opponent : 4C Rites (2-0 Win)
Game 1 was a board stall basically that I eventually cleared my way through with a Kalitas and a bunch of removal. Game 2 I boarded in 2 Languishes and another Infinite Obliteration. Dropped a languish on turn 4 and just kept control from there.
Round 2 Opponent : Bant Humans (2-0 Win)
Game 1 was a long game that ended in me Languishing my own Kalitas along with 5 of his creatures to get 5 Zombies and dropped Gitrog next turn to seal the deal. Game 2 I got 3 Languishes and blew his board away.
Round 3 Opponent : Sultai Seasons Past (2-0) Win
This guy was running a deck very similar to mine, had the delirium shell but was also playing jace, dragonlord silumgar and seasons past. Game 1 went long but he didn't find seasons past and I eventually outlasted him with so much Frog advantage. Game 2 he didnt see his 6th land and i just controlled him down, he dropped Kalitas turn 4, which I quickly ultimate priced away next turn and dropped advocate. He never pulled back out of it.
Round 4 Opponent : B/W Control (0-2 Loss)
Game 1 was a board stall we were going back and forth until he Secured the wastes for 6 and then 7 the next turn. No way i could clear through all the tokens having used my single main boarded languish earlier in the game. I dropped a Gitrog monster 3 turns in a row that game and he had answers for all 3 of them. Game 2 I didnt draw any sideboard cards and got mana flooded. Magic Happens. Think this matchup may be one of the tougher ones for my deck.
Round 5 Opponent : Mardu Control (2-1 Win)
Game 1 was a bloodbath back and forth, I got him down to 3 Life and I was at 26. We were both out of cards and manlands (who had been going at it for 4-5 turns) when he proceeded to top deck Sorin and Darkdwellers etc. while I got land after land. I boarded in 2x Duress, 1x To the Slaughter, Pulse of Murasa and Ruinous Path. Games 2 and 3 were both pretty grindy but I took control early and never let up. Mindwrack was definitely the MVP of this match. First one milled 4 and activated delirium single-handedly while the other one ate 2 removal spells to kill it (Languish AND grasp).
Top 4 Opponent : Bant Humans ( Same player I played earlier in swiss) (0-2 Loss)
After seeing I was up against the Bant humans deck I was excited because our first match went pretty heavily in my favor and I felt that having languish and infinite obliteration in the main would give me the leg up. Game 1 was back and forth but eventually he cleared away my board with some reflector mages and pushed through the damage. Game 2 I finally drew a Languish after probably 10 turns and would have been able to clear his board, and get 2 Zombie while stil having Gitrog survive but Languish got eaten up by negate and he pushed the damage through next turn.
Overall I'm pretty happy with how my deck played this weekend, took down FNM on friday and damn near the PPTQ on saturday. Realized that Pick the Brain is good under the right circumstances but I often had it in my hand for a long time and only ever played it when I had no other options. Considering a World Breaker along with a Drownyard Temple or 2 because they synergize well with Gitrog for 1, and secondly I was sweating pretty hard when the cryptolith deck had a board full of creatures that he could have sac'd to Ormendahl at any time, so I want something that can blow up some Abbeys as well as those pesky Shambling Vents. Luckily Kalitas dissuaded him from sacing his 5 creatures (he would have lost Ormendahl to To the Slaughter either way).