Delve Swiftly into Mentorship, and Snap to it!

Modern nevadathestate


Cheerlessbear says... #1

What is the reasoning for running Monastery Mentor over Young Pyromancer ? also you should consider more Remand instead of Spell Pierce

June 7, 2015 11:15 p.m.

nevadathestate says... #2

Cheerlessbear, thanking for bringing up that discussion, as I have unintentionally deleted my reasoning from an earlier comment.

I am aware that Young Pyromancer is a strong card for this type of shell, but the build I wish to make involves Monastery Mentor for the Prowess mechanic. You may be wondering why choose a CMC 3 white creature over a 2 CMC creature that is in the deck's primary colors. It is simply that I only found myself using 2 on the field at most over the 4 I originally intended to use. Makes for a leaner curve with strong midgame ending potential.

As for your remark about Remand, I have found myself overly excited to topdeck the card before, and for good reason. It is a very strong tempo spell, and quite versatile. At this point, I may consider dropping the Spell Pierce to a 1 of and go with 3 of Remand. Still debating it, but the strength of a well placed Spell Pierce is good too. it is part of what helps me deploy an early (turn 4) Monastery Mentor.

As I finish the deck and discover my local meta, I will adjust accordingly. Thanks again for the comment.

June 11, 2015 4:37 p.m.

tclaw12 says... #3

What do you think about cutting the 2x Mana Leak and going up to the full 4x Remand?

June 16, 2015 2:31 a.m.

Clawed6 says... #4

Nice deck. I have previously run Geist of Saint Traft in UWR Delver but the Monastery Mentor does give a different option.

Lands: Not sure about Desolate Lighthouse, in a 3 colour build trying to be quite aggressive you need coloured mana. Only 10 of your spells have colourless mana in the casting cost. Seems more suited to midrange/control builds, not when you trying to drop turn 1 Delver of Secrets  Flip or Monastery Swiftspear.

Temple of Epiphany being a tapped land is a problem, despite the scry helping with flipping Delver. Again, the deck is trying to be quite aggressive so it is rare that you want to play a tapped land.

I would then add an extra Steam Vents for quick blue and red mana. And leave it at 19 lands as you have 12 cantrip spells so should be ok.

June 16, 2015 12:42 p.m.

Clawed6 says... #5

I would go down to 3 Lightning Helix as you are trying to be aggressive and is not always that easy in this deck. Along with the 1 less land, and add 1 extra Monastery Mentor and 1 extra Snapcaster Mage as you would really like to see 1 of each during a game and running 2 of's is a bit light.

19 lands/14 creatures/27 other spells seems fine for Delver deck ratio, some run up to 16 creatures.

June 16, 2015 12:49 p.m.

Clawed6 says... #6

Sideboard: Echoing Truth is better than Cyclonic Rift as you will almost never be able to cast for Overload cost and Echoing can be used on Lingering Souls and other token producing effect with more consistent success. It can also be used to save your own creature, return your Snapcaster Mage, etc.

Sphinx's Revelation is for control decks, you are trying to end game quickly not go for long and 20 land is too low for such a deck.

I see you have no Spell Snare in your main or side. I prefer to run them main due to how many good CC 2 cards are played out there, with Spell Pierce in SB. I would at least include 2 Snare in the SB.

I would think 2 Rending Volley for Twin decks would be useful.

Rest in Peace stops your Snapcaster Mage being effective. If you did go up to 3, suggest dropping from sideboard as I just can't see when you would take Snapcasters out due to how good they are in post SB games to reuse key hate cards.

Dragon's Claw is good vs Burn, you also gain life off your own spells

No idea how to fit this all in! 3 colours means lots of SB options

June 16, 2015 1:01 p.m.


Just a FYI. Team America is actually the original name of Legacy BUG Delver.

June 16, 2015 1:12 p.m.

Cheerlessbear says... #8

Kor Firewalker is better than Dragon's Claw in most cases

June 17, 2015 12:13 p.m.

Clawed6 says... #9

It is better if he can cast it, but cost is and he is mainly blue mana then red the splash white. That is very difficult turn 2 and tough on turn 3, and you need the lifegain quickly due to speed of Burn. So better effect but less chance of being able to play it quickly. I don't know what turns out the better option.

June 17, 2015 1:42 p.m.

Wow, so much feedback! Thank you!

tclaw12, I may consider that. It is similar to my explanation why I don't cut Spell Pierce altogether. Each card serves its purpose in respect to the curve, but I also cannot deny how happy I am to draw into Remand then use it on my opponent immediately!

Clawed6, oh man! Such suggestions! Really appreciate the thought given to this build. To help explain some of my choices, I do 1-of Sphinx's Revelation to dig for some hasty answers. You are right that it is a control type spell, but the aggro nature of my prowess creatures like to eat spells, so if anything it is a midgame refuel. I rock the Desolate Lighthouse to dig as well, provided I draw into lands or spells I just don't need. I had my reservations about its inclusion, but I feel much better about its intent now. The Temple of Epiphany is there mostly for "free" deck manipulation as I need it in mid to late game. I often do not have it in the starting hand (hence the 1-of), and it serves its purpose while allowing me to meet my mana curve requirements. I will see about how it works after playing a few nights in the local meta. Really awesome feedback though, and will strongly consider making some of those changes. Namely, Echoing Truth replacing Cyclonic Rift and addition of Spell Snare. Also, may seem like a non-bo of Snapcaster Mage with Rest in Peace, but the idea is to limit the mirror matchup. May remove it, depending.

Cheerlessbear, you are right, but as Clawed6 mentions, Kor Firewalker is a difficult cast with my color choices. If I had stronger white sources, would TOTALLY go for it.

fluffybunnypants, duly noted. Was not aware, and still sort of wonder if this even fits the Team archetype, after doing some reading. Perhaps loosely, but perhaps you have thoughts on whether it remains labeled as such?

Again, thank you all for the comments!

June 19, 2015 2:09 a.m.

After much consideration, I am dropping the Mana Leak for Remand. Considering that the latter has more versatility than the former, it does fit the tempo build in effect, and also provides extra cantrips.

So, thank you to tclaw12 for that suggestion and Cheerlessbear for getting me to think about how to fit the extra 2-of into the deck. I am positive I will be happy with the new changes!

June 28, 2015 4:25 p.m.

JexInfinite says... #12

Monastery Mentor is a worse Young Pyromancer, especially in this deck. The white splash is fine, but don't play Mentor over Pyromancer.

September 5, 2015 8:57 p.m.

JexInfinite, I am very aware of this fact. Honestly, was a lot of fun running Monastery Mentor, but it had an awkward role in this deck; Mentor either showed up too late and there was nothing to trigger it, or it was just underwhelming. When it won, it was great, but otherwise it was just not consistent.

I am going to try out Young Pyromancer in a more burn-oriented variation of this in the near future.

September 13, 2015 9:17 p.m.

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