
"My name is Skellum and I wear a silly hat. Is there a problem, officer?" - Skellum, Dementia Master to Major Teroh

UPDATE: Proudly presenting the final version!

Personally I think Chainer is a great Card in EDH (+Torment is awesome, you might want to read it if you're into lore). So I tried to get the most out of a mono-black deck using colorless sources to help answering most situations.

Now I reached the point where I hardly can enhance the deck but go different directions instead.

Eventually this deck uses (own and enemy) creature's ETBs to win... or screw the enemy so hard that its sufficient to just swing at them a couple times. To evade Chainer's last ability exiling your creatures once he dies always have an Outlet ready.

Currently running the duel / french Version.

I own this Deck in Paper as listed.


Infinite Lifedrain:

Chainer, Dementia Master, Abhorrent Overlord, Gray Merchant of Asphodel OR Zulaport Cutthroat, Phyrexian Altar

Draw library:

Chainer, Dementia Master, Abhorrent Overlord, Disciple of Bolas , Phyrexian Altar, any one Permanent with at least 1 devotion.

Cast Creatures (Beyond the first) for 0 and Draw Cards equal to their cmc (Draw library 2):

Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder, Smothering Abomination, Phyrexian Altar

Infinite targeted damage:

Mikaeus, the Unhallowed, Triskelion


This Card alone can lock most nonblack decks, just ensure you have creatures like Bloodghast or tokens to sac. Add a Smokestack for even less fun.



Feedback appreciated!

(updates such as card synergies list will follow)


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