Demons and Hydras Oh My!

Standard fijord


2npii says... #1

Nice deck! I like the inclusion of Rakdos, Lord of Riots , could be great for the Savageborn Hydras.If you're running that many dorks you might be able to drop a land or two; personally I'd cut both a bit (my hydra deck has 8 dorks and 21 lands for example). The first thing I thought when I saw this was Corpsejack Menace so it's good to see you've considered it. He'd be great since he makes Desecration Demon insane, lets Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch unleash for 2 counters and makes your hydras plain stupid. As for Exava Vs Ogre Battledriver , if you're not running any other unleashers then maybe the Ogre wins, but it's a close call.

January 7, 2014 6:52 p.m.

fijord says... #2

Thanks for the comment! I think I might try out the Ogre Battledriver next FNM just to see if I notice a difference. A small thing I did notice is that the ogre does die to Anger of the Gods , so I will have to watch when and if I cast that. Im really torn on how to include Corpsejack Menace , what should I remove to in order to include him, and how many should I add, since other than a 4/4 body he doesnt add much to my board other than his crazy ability. I could swap out my Zhur-Taa Druid to make room for him, but do I really want 3? I think these choices would be easier if I had a paycheck and could just go buy my missing pieces, oh well, Ill get them eventually.

January 7, 2014 10:13 p.m.

2npii says... #3

That's a good point. The Ogre also plays more of a support role whereas Exava is tougher and can actually do some damage herself, but her support effects are more limited. It's a tough call, I'm glad I don't have to make it!

I've just checked your mana curve and Corpsejack may damage it a bit; ideally you'd want to take out a few two drops, probably the Zhur-Taa Druids, and throw in a couple of three drops alongside Corpsejack, or maybe give up on him all together and focus on filling the number three slot, but I can't think of anything suitable off of the top of my head I'm afraid. Good luck!

January 8, 2014 5:54 a.m.

Objectively, it doesn't look like either Exava or Ogre Battledriver are auto-includes with this deck.

Ogre Battledriver is a good card for a weenie / aggro strategy in order to make unimpressive creatures or tokens into legitimate threats the turn they come into play. You're going for more of a midrange strategy, and most of your cards are legitimate threats all by themselves.

Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch is, of course, at home in a deck with lots of +1/+1 counters. Your deck has a few of them, but not so many as to call it a sub-theme. That being said, she's a strong stand-alone card and interacts amazingly with Kalonian Hydra .

If you have to pick one of them to put into the deck, it's definitely Exava.

January 8, 2014 11:49 a.m.

fijord says... #5

I like having the haste creatures because too often I find myself letting my opponent untap, then casting a Supreme Verdict or maybe a removal spell (or keeping mana open for said removal spell) and killing my creature before it had a chance to deal damage. Haste lets me swing as soon as my creature hits the board, which I tend to find relevant. I think Ill play around with the battle driver, but I am leaning towards Exava (also, as has been pointed out, ogre is double red as opposed to red/black).

And how does removing the three Zhur-Taa Druid sound, replacing them with two Hammer of Purphoros and a Corpsejack Menace ? Or do I need more relevant one drops like Experiment One ?

January 8, 2014 10:20 p.m.

Mordon327 says... #6

I like the concept of the deck but I'm having an issue with it's consistency. It has a lot of great cards but there will be one or two of them so they only come out once in a while. I really like the Savageborn Hydra and I think that you should put more of them in there along with the Kalonian Hydra . I can also see a ton of potential with the Corpsejack Menace but there aren't enough of them to really do much. If I were to build this deck I would have four Corpsejack Menace , four Kalonian Hydra , and four Savageborn Hydra , but that's just me. +1 counters all the way!

January 11, 2014 8:01 p.m.

fijord says... #7

Thanks for the input Mordon327, I have to agree that consistency is an issue, and for the most pat I am trying to flush out my deck with trades, etc. Kalonian Hydra are on my list of things to add, as well as Desecration Demon , who make for a pretty sweet 4 drop. Originally I did have 3 Corpsejack Menace but they wernt doing very much for me, I mean sure, you could get a nuts combo with him, a hydra, and something to grant haste, but that was pretty rare. The reson I have only one in there right now is because I recently took out three Zhur-Taa Druid and replaced them with the two Experiment One and a Corpsejack Menace . The biggest question I have for you, is what to remove in favor of more hydras and corpsejacks? I suppose I could drop Rakdos, Lord of Riots since he isnt doing much for me, though I do love the concept of him in the deck.

January 11, 2014 9:29 p.m.

Mordon327 says... #8

That's a fair question and a hard one at that. The Desecration Demon is an awesome card and the last time I played against it, it was too much for me to handle. My thought is that you could get rid of the four Elvish Mystic 's and use the space for hydra's and Desecration Demon 's or anything else you might need. You already have four Sylvan Caryatid 's which give you the mana that you need. I would probably side board Kalonian Hydra if you were to remove the Corpsejack Menace and stick in another Nylea, God of the Hunt and Polukranos, World Eater , because who doesn't what big huge creatures with trample? If your finding yourself running mana dry, Xenagos, The Reveler isn't a bad option to throw in there. Also an expensive land that would work amazingly with the amount of devotion that you have would be Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx , but if your like me, $10 a card is too expensive...

January 11, 2014 10:56 p.m.

fijord says... #9

Ive considered Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx but I wasnt sure if I had enough devotion to make it worth adding it in. I guess I might when I add in the other hydras. I could play around with removing the mystics, but Im a little wary of that since they make the bulk of my one drops, and theyre pretty relevant. Xenagos, The Reveler would indeed be a sweet addition to this, but again that falls to trading/ getting lucky with prize packs. I dont have any extra money atm to go off buying single cards otherwise I would have a play set of Stormbreath Dragon lol. As for Nylea, God of the Hunt , Im still on the fence about her, trample is nice and all, but is that really worth the slot in my deck? Meh, I need to do some tinkering with my deck, and some playtesting, but thanks for the input, I will def consider it.

January 12, 2014 1:12 p.m.

Mordon327 says... #10

I'm going to have to agree that Nylea, God of the Hunt might be a little difficult to use with a three color deck. I do think that you have enough devotion to tinker around with Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx but you might not have enough for Nylea, God of the Hunt , perhaps you could pull her out and add another Desecration Demon or Rakdos, Lord of Riots . Either way, I think you have a great deck going here and it looks fun to play. Good luck with it!

January 12, 2014 3:09 p.m.

GreyFawkes says... #11

I would do Hammer of Purphoros instead of Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch . All your creatures get haste, including mana dorks, which is very relevant. Also if you get in a bind you get 3/3 golems. especially relevant versus esper control and azorious con

January 27, 2014 5:08 p.m.

fijord says... #12

Ive played with the idea of adding in hammer, and it probably would be a good plan, though I might just replace the Ogre Battledriver instead of Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch . Being a 4/4 first strike haste is usually wonderful pressure, especially against esper decks. As much as I like the +2/0 of the battledriver, he really doesnt do much more than that, and I think making guyswith the hammer is a more relevant ability. Thanks for bringing up the Hammer.

January 27, 2014 5:19 p.m.

GreyFawkes says... #13

Oh I didn't notice the ogre...that's a better call

January 27, 2014 6:49 p.m.

dawnsfist says... #14

a lot of thought in this one, id say run savageborn hydra and possibly enlarge. personally, i think enlarge and savageborn are a perfect fit in any deck that wants to blow out and do it with a little style, as a 2/2 hydra swings for 18 damage. this also paints them as a threat no matter how much they come into play as. so the opponent will waste no time in removing them. so it clears the way for other threats to enter play when you suspect your opponent is holding back.

February 5, 2014 2:04 p.m.

fijord says... #15


That would be interesting indeed. Though I recently removed my Savageborn Hydra s out of my deck because as awesome as they are, whenever I played them, they seemed very underwhelming. And while giving them +7/+7 and trample is exactly what they need, it requires a 2 card combo to pull it off. I would have to remove 6-8 cards from my deck to make room for them, and Im just not sure what to remove. Ideally I would rather bum rush them with a bunch of hasty creatures that got increasingly scarier.

February 7, 2014 1:29 p.m.

Schuesseled says... #16

consitency is key, take a look at my jund:

Revel In The Power Of A Jund Blitzkrieg.

February 7, 2014 2:11 p.m.

Aytonday says... #17

I would look at Fnatic of Xengos, The tribute he has is a pretty good one. 4/4 all the time or a 4/4 with haste for the turn. Its a hard choice especially when two are at once

April 17, 2014 8:19 p.m.

fijord says... #18

Thanks for commenting Aytonday, I have and still am considering Fanatic of Xenagos , hes pretty awesome, but Im a little unsure where to swap him in. Im also trying to find a place for my 2 newly acquired Flame-Wreathed Phoenix , so maybe take out the mana dorks? Idk, maybe Read the Bones ? Its a pretty decent card for getting what I need though. Thoughts? ideas?

April 18, 2014 3:24 a.m.

Aytonday says... #19

Well the real question is. Do you have consistent draws without read the bones? If no, then don't take them out. Ask your self about mana dorks as well. It all depends on what's not helping you.

April 18, 2014 8:12 a.m.

fijord says... #20

This is true, sadly I havent been playing this deck at FNM's for a while now, Ive been playing my Naya Hexproof FTW just because I love hexproof so much lol. Maybe I should bring this in tonight, idk, well see, if not, then I might just play test some hands with different setups and see how they go?

April 18, 2014 11:57 a.m.

isaaace says... #21

Playtested the deck, and Exava, Blood witch loves those Kolonian Hydras.+1

April 20, 2014 3:48 p.m.

hmohandas says... #22

I would try Gyre Sage over Elvish Mystic for large pumps and added benefits from your other cards.

June 29, 2014 2:52 p.m.

fijord says... #23

Thats something I havent thought of before, Ill give it a try, though Im not huge on the idea of getting rid of my 1 drops, especially since Gyre Sage wont give me mana unless I can evolve it. I might replace Sylvan Caryatid for it? Though that does allow me to tap for any color? Still, Ill try it.

June 29, 2014 5:17 p.m.

fijord says... #24

So in my testing with the sage, Ive found hes much better in a heavier creature centric deck. I did toy with the idea of removing my spot removal and throwing in 2 more Dreg Mangler , the 2 Gyre Sage that I own, moving Ruric Thar, the Unbowed in from the sideboard, and maybe finding a place for a pair of Experiment One . Most of my removal would find its way to the sideboard I figure.

July 1, 2014 5:59 p.m.

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