

Five Colors! No Lands! First Turn, Did that really just happen?!

A Johnny/Jenny's dream!

The most wicked/maniacal deck ever built, I do believe, though, it may not be the most reliable. It is sort of a one trick pony, starting off at least and therefore can be easily disrupted if it doesn't go off on the first turn.

Are you a combo player? Use this deck as a platform for potentially any combo of up to 15 cards! Just replace the sideboard! That's a lot of combo! Note: You may not need Sylvok Replica so potentially 16. Don't forget to guard against drawing as you likely have no library.

~><~Ultimate Goals~><~

1) Force your opponent to kill themselves with a Door to Nothingness you give to them. (Reset the board if they try to kill you)

2) Steal your opponents' entire deck(s) and use it/them as your own with access to unlimited mana.

Do either of these on (hopefully) your first turn.

Vintage legal as well and would still turn some heads.

If you like this deck please upvote!

See also sister deck Bookwurm - made to fit in the extra 25 sleeves I have for this deck (physical).

Getting this deck going is all about the starting hand. You will have to be able to identify what can and can't work and if it is wise to take a mulligan or gamble. In some cases you may be forced to take a mulligan. It will take time and experience to learn the dos and don'ts of the opening hand. Here are some pointers.

I HIGHLY recommend that you have at least Balustrade Spy or Undercity Informer . It is best to avoid most of the singles in the deck. The main ones being Angel of Glory's Rise , Dread Return and Eternal Witness . There is a single Cabal Therapy in the case that you get the perfect opening hand but also have a card you don't want. Once Cabal Therapy is in the graveyard you can sacrifice a creature in order to pay the flashback cost before moving on to the next step. If you have more than one of the singles that you NEED to get rid of or you were unlucky enough to have one and Cabal Therapy in your hand it is a good idea to throw turn 1 and 2 in order to force discard of that card. As bad as wasting a turn or two is it is even worse to not have the combo go off at all and then you will most definitely lose.

Again the opening hand is the most important part of playing this deck. You need to spend a lot of time getting to know how to make it work. This is why I used 250 as the MINIMAL number of tests for the following statistics. I did this not only with paper cards but also with the Playtest from Tappedout giving us 500 tests.

The way I figure it, anything over 66.66% or 2/3 games won is a win! Notice that the the results are slightly less favorable when using paper cards. I believe this is due to lack of time spent shuffling and/or thorough shuffling. Where the playtest gives a completely random configuration of cards an actual deck, no matter how hard we try just will never be able to be as random as the Playtest. I would suggest spending every second possible shuffling. I would think that this is even more of a necessity if you had just had the deck go off and of course it has been (at least semi-) “reorganized”. This is an assumption however. With 250 test cases to get through I often only shuffled for 15-30 seconds, at most and never played the deck. Assuming you actually get the deck to go off more often than not you will be doing a lot of shuffling. Note:These were done before I knew about the "new" mulligan rule. I just don't have the time to go back and redo the tests right now.

Assuming you have most but not all of the cards you need you can use Gitaxian Probe , Street Wraith and Manamorphose to draw cards for free. I would also suggest using them in the order given as you can exile an unneeded Street Wraith to satisfy Chrome Mox 's imprint ability to obtain . Also once you have used Manamorphose you will be unable to store the mana used for a later time unless you have a couple Wild Cantor s in hand as well.

From here you want to be capable of producing at least four mana with at least one of those mana being . This is done by using Simian Spirit Guide , Elvish Spirit Guide , Lotus Petal and Chrome Mox . Wild Cantor and Manamorphose aid in mana washing. Use Dark Ritual and/or Cabal Ritual to aid in mana ramping.

It is best that all the Wild Cantor s and Priest of Gix are in either your library or graveyard before Angel of Glory's Rise hits the battlefield. Thus it is advisable to cast any Priest of Gix and/or Wild Cantor you have in your hand. Use Wild Cantor ’s ability even if you do not need the mana washing and use Priest of Gix as fodder for the flashback costs of Cabal Therapy and/or Dread Return .

Now you want to use your mana to cast either Balustrade Spy or Undercity Informer (plus using its ability) targeting yourself. Since you have no lands this will mill your entire library thus causing the Narcomoeba s to be put onto the battlefield. If you could only produce three mana but also had Undercity Informer and Chrome Mox it might be preferable to take your chances with that hand. Cast Undercity Informer on turn one and wait to use the ability on turn two with the mana from Chrome Mox

Use Dread Return 's flashback ability, by sacrificing three Narcomoeba s and target Angel of Glory's Rise putting it into play and subsequently all human creatures from your graveyard as well. When Priest of Gix comes into play you get from each and up to two mana of any color of your choosing by (re)sacrificing the Wild Cantor s. The Eternal Witness that has returned to the battlefield allows you to return Open the Vaults to your hand. Assuming you already had Open the Vaults in hand, I would suggest grabbing Dark Ritual if for some reason you can't obtain six mana. Otherwise pull Research as it will make things slightly easier in the future.

Sacrifice Wild Cantor s to get a minimum of in order to cast Open the Vaults . This will put all the artifacts residing in your graveyard directly onto the battlefield. It is advised, if you are able, to exile other cards that were still in your hand and not needed in order to satisfy Chrome Mox 's imprint ability. All artifacts should now be on the battlefield.

If for some reason you had any artifacts in your hand cast them now starting with and most importantly, Nim Deathmantle and Composite Golem as this is your infinite mana combo. You can now sacrifice Composite Golem for . Keep one mana and pay to bring Composite Golem back into play and attach Nim Deathmantle to it. Rinse and repeat as needed from here on out.
If you were previously able to obtain Research use it now targeting 4 cards from your sideboard and shuffling them into your library. Use Elixir of Immortality and Staff of Domination to shuffle your graveyard into your library and then draw your library into your hand. If you were previously unable to Cast Research , cast it now. Repeat this process until all your sideboard cards are in your hand, likely along with a lot of other non-permanent cards as well. Now would be a good time, if you were unable to previously, use Gitaxian Probe as one of your draws in order to look at your opponent's hand to see if there are any counter or other disruption spells. If you have not previously used Cabal Therapy you can now use it to force your opponent to discard the counter/disruption spell. This may be done earlier as well depending on what cards you have in hand.

You now have a choice of a couple options to play your sideboard.

Only one opponent? Want to really mess with them?

Cast Hive Mind , letting it resolve then cast Channel the Suns to add one mana of each color to your mana pool as well as your opponent's. Shuffle it back in with the Elixir of Immortality and draw it with Staff of Domination , casting it repeatedly until both players have an arbitrarily large amount of mana of each color in their mana pools. I personally would add extra mana from Composite Golem + Nim Deathmantle to my own mana pool and only bother with giving them 4 mana of each color. Hopefully they will be so dumbfounded by now that they will not respond to any of the following now that they have mana.

Now you will need to cast Vedalken Orrery , Mirror of Fate , Cast Through Time , and Door to Nothingness .

Use Staff of Domination to put its card-draw ability on the stack seven times. Then sacrifice Mirror of Fate , putting its ability on the stack as well. Mirror of Fate doesn't target, so you can worry about what you'll be choosing later.

Now cast Paradigm Shift . Hive Mind will give your opponent a copy of the spell. Cast Through Time will give it rebound, so that the card will be exiled when it resolves instead of being put in the graveyard. You won't be choosing to cast it again on your next upkeep, so you don't need to worry about remembering that bit. Sacrifice Sylvok Replica , targeting Hive Mind , letting just that ability resolve. Cast Worldfire (originally Decree of Annihilation ), which will also be given rebound for the sole purpose of exiling it.

With all of these things still on the stack, cast an Oblivion Ring and let it resolve, exiling Door to Nothingness . Cast the second Oblivion Ring and exile Vedalken Orrery . Now it's time to let the stack resolve. It should look something like this:

Stack setup

1) Worldfire

2) Paradigm Shift (opponent's copy)

3) Paradigm Shift (original)

4) Mirror of Fate 's ability

5) Seven instances of "Draw a card" ala Staff of Domination

Worldfire resolves, exiling all cards from all graveyards, hands and all permanents. Thanks to rebound it will be exiled, so your graveyard will still be empty afterward. Vedalken Orrery and Door to Nothingness return to the battlefield from their Oblivion Ring -induced exile. Now Paradigm Shift resolves for each player, exiling both libraries and leaving no cards in any zone other than exile.

Now Mirror of Fate 's ability resolves. In order to continue, get back these seven cards:

1) Upwelling

2) Shared Fate (originally Omen Machine )

3) Lich's Mirror

4) Donate

5) Twiddle

6) Oblivion Ring

7) Oblivion Ring

The last thing on the stack is the seven copies of Staff of Domination 's "draw a card" ability. Let those resolve, putting the seven cards you just retrieved into your hand.

Cast each permanent but save the two Oblivion Ring s. Use Donate to give your opponent Door to Nothingness , and Twiddle to untap it.

Remember that both players still have an arbitrarily large amount of mana of each color from Channel the Suns , since you haven't changed phases yet.

You opponent now has three choices: activate Door to Nothingness targeting himself or herself, activate Door to Nothingness targeting you, or do nothing. Getting your opponent to effectively concede using the Door to Nothingness is your goal, but it won't always be so easy.

If your opponent targets you with the Door to Nothingness , cast the two Oblivion Ring s with the ability on the stack, exiling Shared Fate and Vedalken Orrery . Once the Door to Nothingness ' ability resolves, Lich's Mirror will shuffle everything into your library, then the draw seven cards bit will put it all back in your hand. Shared Fate and Vedalken Orrery will then return to the battlefield. Thanks to Vedalken Orrery , you can cast everything at instant speed, essentially resetting the board and giving your opponent the opportunity to make the correct decision.

If your opponent does nothing, you'll eventually need to force the win. Use Oblivion Ring to exile Shared Fate during his or her upkeep. Even if your opponent tries to kill you with the Door to Nothingness in response, Lich's Mirror will prevent you from dying as well as getting rid of Shared Fate itself, clearing the way for your opponent to draw a card and lose the game.

Better choice for multiplayer.

You will need to cast Vedalken Orrery , Mirror of Fate and Cast Through Time

Use Staff of Domination to put its card-draw ability on the stack seven times. Then sacrifice Mirror of Fate , putting its ability on the stack as well. Mirror of Fate doesn't target, so you can worry about what you'll be choosing later.

Now cast Worldfire (originally Decree of Annihilation ). Cast Through Time will give it rebound, or the sole purpose of exiling it when it resolves instead of being put in the graveyard. You won't be choosing to cast it again on your next upkeep, so you don't need to worry about remembering that bit.

With all of these things still on the stack, cast the Oblivion Ring s and let them resolve, exiling Composite Golem + Nim Deathmantle . Now it's time to let the stack resolve. It should look something like this:

Stack setup

1) Worldfire

2) Mirror of Fate 's ability

3) Seven instances of "Draw a card" ala Staff of Domination

Worldfire resolves, exiling all cards from all graveyards, hands and all permanents. Thanks to rebound it will be exiled, so your graveyard will still be empty afterward. Composite Golem and Nim Deathmantle return to the battlefield from their Oblivion Ring -induced exile.

Now Mirror of Fate 's ability resolves. In order to continue, get back these seven cards:

1) Hive Mind

2) Shared Fate (originally Omen Machine )

3) Lich's Mirror

4) Staff of Domination

5) Vedalken Orrery

6) 2x Oblivion Ring

The last thing on the stack is the seven copies of Staff of Domination 's "draw a card" ability. Let those resolve, putting the seven cards you just retrieved into your hand.

Remember you still have the ability to produce infinite mana with Composite Golem + Nim Deathmantle . Cast each permanent but save the two Oblivion Ring s and the Hive Mind .

Your opponent(s) should have nothing on the battlefield, no hand or graveyard only a library. You should have two Oblivion Ring s and a Hive Mind in hand, no library or graveyard and Composite Golem , Nim Deathmantle , Shared Fate , Lich's Mirror , Staff of Domination and Vedalken Orrery on the battlefield.

You now have the ability to produce as much mana of any color of your choosing as you wish, draw as many cards as you wish and each draw gets converted into a pseudo-draw from your opponent’s/opponents’ libraries. Yes that is right you can “draw” everyone’s library and use it against them. Vedalken Orrery allows you to do what you wish at instant speed.

If you haven’t messed with your opponent(s) enough by now by completely destroying any chance they have of doing anything and using their deck against them, you can find some of the strangest combinations they never thought of using before or were unable to due to not having the ability to cast at instant speed with Vedalken Orrery or throwing Hive Mind into the mix. This is compounded when you are in a multiplayer game and have multiple decks to make combinations with.

Lich's Mirror is mostly there as a safeguard. In the case you accidentally manage to kill everyone, including yourself, Lich's Mirror will keep you from losing.

Instead of one of the seven you could opt to pull Sylvok Replica to make sure you can get rid of Hive Mind if you wish or even Upwelling to help you store mana in case something happens to Composite Golem and/or Nim Deathmantle .

If you wanted you could always resort back to using an Oblivion Ring to exile Shared Fate , pass the turn and then force the win by forcing your opponent(s) to draw from an empty library. )

I have to give credit where credit is due. The original idea of this deck was not mine. It came from two decks that I very much admire and had the desire to combine and make Legacy legal. Some of the description of this deck,though edited a bit, is copied from the originals.

Check out the original decks here:

All Spells, Zero Lands, Turn One Win: BOOM

There's the Door!


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Revision 6 See all

(5 years ago)

+1 Research / Development main
-1 Research / Development main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #6 position overall 8 years ago
Date added 9 years
Last updated 5 years
Key combos

This deck is not Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 3 Mythic Rares

8 - 8 Rares

27 - 1 Uncommons

23 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.48
Tokens Elemental 3/1 R
Folders Legacy, Shenanigans, Interesting decks, Ideas i really admired, legacy, Considerable Decks, what the fuck, Ideas, Budget Decks, WTF decks
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