This is a naya prison deck focused on denayaing your opponent from playing the game.

I have had a couple iterations of this deck, and I am pretty confident that this is the best one. The idea is to lock our opponents out of the game using land destruction cards like Boom/Bust combined with Trinisphere and post board Ghostly Prison and Chalice of the Void. We take advantage of risky keeps and mulligains, meaning that if our opponent doesn't draw the perfect 7, they are probably just not going to play the game.
With that in mind, here is the deck-tech!
Boom/Bust Is crazy powerful. Combos with Ghost Quarter, Flagstones of Trokair, Knight of the Reliquary, Windswept Heath], Wooded Foothills, and Horizon Canopy. Also, with Gitaxian Probe we know what land to take out late game to effectively make cards in their hand obsolete and therefore can be a 2-for-1!
Aven Mindcensor is great at denying opponents fetch lands as well as it's great in the meta with elves, abzan company, bloom titan, and tron!
Fulminator Mage is great. When we have a lock we can beat down with him and if they start catching up, we can blow up a land!
Beast Within is probably the best card in the deck besides Trinisphere as it fixes a lot of match ups. Since we play 3 Firespout we really don't care too much about the 3/3 beast token. This card is very flexible and awesome!
Ghost Quarter combos with aven mindcesor, but is also just great for keeping opponents off the right colors!
Ajani Vengeant
can really lock things down and stall for us. Whether it's for getting rid of an opponents threat, or keeping lands tapped, it does its job!
Trinisphere is insane. We may not run an insane amount of land destruction (9 cards capable of destroying land and 15 if you count potentially disabling lands), but this card shines. The majority of this deck is 3CMC and only Gitaxian Probe is 1CMC, so this really doesn't hurt us much. Using Simian Spirit Guide to ramp this out turn 1/2 can close the game all on its own. And with Gitaxian Probe we know exactly when to drop it!
Knight of the Reliquary is the allstar of this deck! He ramps us slightly and filters out our deck. He can pull out lands like Ghost Quarter or Kessig Wolf Run when we need them. He can also draw a card with Horizon Canopy. On top of all that flexibility, he hits really damn hard!
Tarmogoyf this deck needed a quick threat to ride until the end and goyf works perfectly! In the black iteration, Bitterblossom was pretty sweet here, but losing green/white just wasn't worth it (needed white for Flagstones of Trokair)
Dismember is sweet. We also can still pay 1 mana with Trinisphere out, which is very relevant!
Beast Within can double as removal, and it hits cards that are very annoying like Blood Moon
Firespout is the new edition to this deck! I used to have Anger of the Gods in the sideboard, but is not always guarenteed and the ability to only damage flyers or non-flyers is extremely relevant. I am maining these because if we can't hold out an aggressive deck before the lock in game one, it is hard to catch up. Being able to whipe them and then slow them with Trinisphere is very relevant.
Gitaxian Probe is in the slot where I used to have Lightning Bolt. Even though bolt is so good, I find myself wanting information a lot. So I moved bolt to the side to make room for probe.
Simian Spirit Guide is pretty good in this deck. Allowing us to lock our opponent out of the game with Trinisphere a turn early or a turn 1 Chalice of the Void postboard is so strong! Also, can be played as a beater early on!
Lightning Bolt is the best card in the format, but we don't need it against a lot of decks. Generally we swap out all 4 Gitaxian Probes for these against aggressive decks.
Stony Silence shuts off affinity completely. Can drop this turn 1 and then they pretty much have to concede.
Ghostly Prison is another lock that gets brought in against creature decks. Originally I had this in the main, but when this card is dead, it's pretty bad. And the creatures can still block, so I would rather have firesprouts game 1.
Chalice of the Void shuts down a ton of decks, and being able to play it turn 1 for 1 on the play is so strong!
Grafdigger's Cage is for those pesky reanimator decks like dredgevine, griselshoal, and living end. It is hard for us to handle that, so we need this baby!
Engineered Explosives is another great card to remove threats that got out before we were able to lock down the game.
Crucible of Worlds comes in if we need repeated land destruction (tron) or if we think it's a game were we might cast the bust side of Boom/Bust
Dismember is for twin and any other decks that have x/4+ creatures like Tasigur, the Golden Fang and Tarmogoyf
Scavenging Ooze is mainly just another threat if we need. But it also gives us a bit of life gain and a little more edge against graveyard decks. Could see replacing this slot.
Lightning Helix is sweet, but I don't have room for both this and Lightning Bolt. Currently I am sticking with bolt, but I could see argument for either.
Surgical Extraction instead of Gitaxian Probe is interesting. Being able to remove all of their on-color shock lands from their deck can really ruin some decks. and it also gives us information. This is definitely more powerful, but Gitaxian Probe is more consistent.
Wildfire is a board wipe that also destroys land and does not kill either of my threats. Seems interesting, but a bit mana intensive.
Kor Firewalker basically lets us beat burn. It also doesn't get hit by Firespout. But in order to run these, we need to run Wooded Bastion to also help the mana to cast this consistently.
Shivan Wumpus is a huge threat that fits on theme. My only problem is the potential tempo loss and card advantage loss if they have enough lands.
Gideon Jura is a great walker. In a version of this deck where we might play Wrath of God I could see playing gideon. turn 5 gideon into turn 6 Boom/Bust is very very strong!
Pithing Needle is an interesting idea taken from the lantern control deck from GP Charlotte. It has targets in every single modern deck, and can take out really big problem cards like Liliana of the Veil. It also can destroy our opponent if we use Gitaxian Probe and name their fetch land. Couldn't find a slot though, and if I play this, I need it to be in multiples. I could easily remove Scavenging Ooze for 1, but I would want to play 3 I believe.
Batterskull is a great late game card after a lock that ensures that we win the race! I'm just not sure if it is better than Gideon Jura in that slot anyways. But this deck does need some form of lifegain to be able to win if they break the lock.
Sword of Light and Shadow is very interesting. It is late game potential as well as a source of life gain and protects our threats from almost every possible commonly seen removal in the format.
Boseiju, Who Shelters All
is interesting and would actually be in the sideboard. Against a control deck, Boom/Bust for bust wins the game entirely. This will always get countered though. If we can search it up with Knight of the Reliquary and destroy all lands, that really can go a long way. It has it's place, but I am just not sure if it should take a place in the side over anything else. I believe that is a meta call, where you can remove Graffdigger's Cage if you don't see any of those types of decks
+1 if you like and constructive criticism and assistance is welcome!