In Soviet Russia, Food Chain Eat You (Version 3.0)
Commander / EDH*
Lilbrudder says... #2
Haha I love me some food chain and thats a fact. But this deck was entirely maddoxmtg's fault :-) I am glad you like the name.
October 27, 2016 7:42 p.m.
I might look at the other Edric for this deck as well. I love what you have done with the deck. Still think you could also benefit from Recycle but that might bee a bit too much ahaha.
October 29, 2016 3:54 p.m.
Lilbrudder says... #4
maddoxmtg: I am glad you like it. To be honest I am really suprised how well the combo does within a stax prison shell. I don't think it is at the level of Glix's prison derevi, which is the deck I merged your idea with, but it has performed remarkably well and it adds an "I win button" to Derevi, which can casually goldfish turn 3-5 wins. I am still a ways away from that perfect balance of stax and combo, but in time we can get it there. Recycle is a really cool card, but its a bit too expensive for my tastes. Can you think of any tax cards or combo outlets I have overlooked?
October 31, 2016 5:20 p.m.
I actually just realized how dumb Aluren is in this deck. Thank you for helping me see that. Umm, honestly, no, I can't see anything you missed. Maybe throw in a copy of Stasis, It help lock out the table if you can go infinite just on mana and derevi. Maybe a thought. Rest in Piece and Altar of the Brood is also a super fun combo here against those not running a legendary eldrazi.
October 31, 2016 5:32 p.m.
Lilbrudder says... #6
I really like stasis, but I don't know how to properly abuse it most of the time I draw it to be honest. Probably as I learn more about magic I will reinclude it.
Dude Aluren is batshit crazy. It took me a while before I realized its full potential. I didn't even think to add it until you mentioned it and even then I played with it for a while before I realized all the things it could do.
October 31, 2016 5:48 p.m.
Well stasis is often best used when you have a way to abuse derevi. I usually drop it when I have derevi and a creature with vigilance, such as sun titan out. It does well with the fact that your goal is to dink down your opponent's resources. If you play it when they are tapped out, then it has the maximum effect. But most likely, you should drop it when you have chain and scourge ready to rock but no flash. so you combo off, locking down their lands and artifacts, then just sit back and watch them cry.
October 31, 2016 6:49 p.m.
Drink_Redbull says... #8
Not sure if anyone has told you that there is a Scrubland in your list, but there's a Scrubland in your list.
November 16, 2016 4:38 p.m.
JaysonSunshine says... #10
Why not run Misthollow Griffin? Derevi conveniently Birthing Pods into Misthollow Griffin
December 21, 2016 8 a.m.
Lilbrudder says... #11
This is true and griffin could definitely warrant a spot in a list devoted to the combo. I personally have decided to go more heavy stax because it gives me an easier path to victory and can wait to go for the combo once people are shut down. My biggest reason for not including griffin is that its 4cc (so no Aluren) and is a mostly dead card outside the combo. I have not found getting eternal scourge into play much of a problem given all my creature tutors and spots are very tight. To be honest this decklist is actually a bit outdated. Here is what I am currently working on
Derevi Food chain 2.0 (stax)
Commander / EDH*
It plays a grindy game much better and has multiple avenue to victory besides food chain. It also has a much higher concentration of stax pieces.
Daedalus19876 says... #1 you have any decks that AREN'T Food Chain-based?
(Lilbrudder+Food Chain OTP!)
But you get a +1 for the name. I'm still giggling, and I'm at work, shame on you.
October 27, 2016 6:52 p.m.