Took this deck to 2-1-1 at my second FNM ever. Only changes were -2 Pillar of Flame from the sideboard into +1 Ultimate Price and +1 Murder
Round 1: Esper Control - 1-1 draw. Random thoughts: I need card draw, I ran out of gas game 1 with my opponent at low life and never drew a threat (including Bonfire of the Damned).
Round 2: Silly Guttersnipe/Charmbreaker Devils deck - 2-1. Random thoughts: I still really want Garruk, Primal Hunter for the card draw but the “fight” ability of Garruk Relentless
Flip worked great against this kind of deck. I’m really happy with the amount of spot removal after sideboard.
Round 3: Vampire aggro – 1-2. Random thoughts: my deck was fine other than the mulligan to 4 game 1, I just needed to play smarter. My opponent’s deck (built by his sons) ran every red sorcery speed creature steal in standard, I think. I lost to a top-deck vampire pump with his Glaring Spotlight for his sole vampire up against my many threats on the table.
Round 4: B/U mill – 2-0. Random thoughts: still very happy with the amount of spot removal in main and after sideboard.
Cards that stood out:
Vraska the Unseen is fantastic as a harder-to-deal with answer to random things I need dead. I never used her ultimate but she always got played at some point when she was in my hand to do something great.
Garruk Relentless
Flip: I was set to buy Garruk, Primal Hunter for the card draw but the figh ability was very relevant in my area. The creature search was almost as good just to dig for answers.
Cards that stood out by not being so great:
Thundermaw Hellkite really never impressed me, nor did I ever feel the need to tutor for it. May go purely 1x in sideboard as a tutor target against something like Spirits.
Underworld Connections: it may have just been the games I played but getting this early never led to drawing cards as I needed to play threats. Later it was either blown up or I didn’t need to use the ability. Not sure if replacing Thundermaw Hellkite for a second one of these would make it more worth using.