Desert Nomads and the Arabian Nights

Legacy* Lionsheart


Lionsheart says... #1

I love this deck.

January 15, 2016 10:47 p.m.

FIZZBOG says... #2

Seems hard to get the synergy going, and is a little late-ish game because the gauntlet costs 5. Additionally, how would you get a desert? There are no deserts in the deck. The bird maiden could be replaced as well, it is a weaker part of the deck. Other than that though, THE IDEA IS SO COOL :) love it :) I didn't know deserts existed, or desert walk :) Also, could you do the same with forests? Because blanch wood armour is slightly better than the claws of valakut :)

January 16, 2016 11:52 p.m.

Lionsheart says... #3

Thanks for your comments, FIZZBOG!

When putting the cards in, I did forget to post the Desert. Thanks for pointing that out!

The Gauntlets of Chaos are slow, I agree. 5 to cast and then 5 to pop is quite expensive. I've tried to find another way to give my opponent a Desert but I haven't found one yet. If you can think of another card, please let me know.

I hear what you're saying about the Bird Maiden, she is a bit expensive for a 1/2 but I wanted to keep most of cards from Arabian Nights. I wanted to keep the theme to deserts, deserty things, sand, and Arabian nights. But, like I said, suggestions are welcome.

Blanchwood Armor is a good suggestion. I'm sure it would work with forestwalk creatures. Definitely worth looking into.

Thanks again for your comments!

January 17, 2016 2:37 p.m.

FIZZBOG says... #4

Sure! keep up the great decks ;)

January 17, 2016 5:23 p.m.

Askani28 says... #5

Mouahahahaha so cool.
Needs to splash green for Desert Twister ;)

February 29, 2016 12:33 p.m.

CrazedRam3.0 says... #6

what is the point of giving your opponent a desert?

April 18, 2016 4:08 p.m.

Lionsheart says... #7

Thanks for the question CrazedRam3.0

The point is it allows the Desert Nomads to be unblockable. Unexpected and fun to say the least.

Thanks for checking my deck. Feel free to check out my other decks.

April 18, 2016 4:19 p.m.

Confetti_wap says... #8

Dude this is a cool deck. I really like the emphasis on Desert Nomads. It inspired me to make a deck around Bazaar Trader. +1 for sure.

May 15, 2016 6:57 p.m.

Lionsheart says... #9

Thanks for the upvote and comments Confetti_wap! I look forward to seeing what you do with the Bazaar Trader.

May 16, 2016 8:31 p.m.

IcyLightning says... #10

I love the flavor. You should splash white for Camel... just because.

June 14, 2016 12:30 a.m.

Lionsheart says... #11

Thanks IcyLightning! The same thought has crossed my mind a couple times. I'll keep it in mind. Thanks again!

June 14, 2016 11:49 a.m.

Joker1430 says... #12

Pretty cool about the Nomads great deck.

June 17, 2016 9:34 a.m.

Xinofos says... #13

I take it you will looking into some of the new spoilers. Some desert themed cards are about to be released. ;)

April 13, 2017 9:49 p.m.

Lionsheart says... #14

Very much so Xinofos! I'm hoping to make some additions once Amonkhet is out.

Thanks for the upvote!

April 14, 2017 12:23 p.m.

Coyotl says... #15

Awesome deck! I love older card themes like this. You've convinced me to make one similar.

June 9, 2018 1:30 p.m.

visigoth87 says... #16

Can you explain how giving your opponent a Desert makes Desert Nomad unblockable? Really cool theme btw, I was recently looking for a casual deck that used cards from Arabian Nights and this was exactly what I was looking for.

January 31, 2019 7:29 p.m.

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