
Modern* emask

SCORE: 70 | 101 COMMENTS | 11413 VIEWS | IN 17 FOLDERS

emask says... #1

Crazybop09 Thanks! I've only played this one casually with friends and it's been good to me.

I've done a little testing against some Modern lists and because the combo can go off pretty quick, it can win with a surprise--even more so with Laboratory Maniac included. I've removed it for now for consistency's sake, but might throw it in again since it's so easy to play it, then Spoils your deck before drawing. I have won against Deft Punk a couple times with this list--only tried it a couple times. While Deft Punk is more consistent, this list really shines when you have the surprise factor going.

I haven't done enough testing to bring this to a tournament or anything, but I really like playing this deck.

Anyway, it's one I always keep on the back burner and try to improve every once in a while. I haven't played much with the transformative sideboard, but the strategy is close to the same--bouncing their critters while drawing and bouncing any Splicers.

August 14, 2014 2:36 p.m.

Subject134127 says... #2

Very original deck, quite unlike what I've seen so far. And unlike most other modern combo's it's not a cheap infinite one :D! Definitely a +1, because the +5 doesn't exist.

September 25, 2014 3:31 a.m.

emask says... #3

Thanks a bunch Subject134127! Unique and fun was the goal. Doesn't do too badly either. Surprise is definitely an aid if you decide to run Laboratory Maniac .

Thanks again!

September 25, 2014 3:43 a.m.

nnewbury9469 says... #4

Magus of the Mirror could be funny here. It is too expensive but eh.

November 9, 2014 2:53 a.m.

emask says... #5

nnewbury9469 Ha! That'd be awesome. I've thought of life swapping before with a few cards (or maybe just one? whatever that artifact is...), but the cost is always so high. Maybe one day! Might find a way to break it...


November 10, 2014 1:13 a.m.

OpenFire says... #6

January 10, 2015 11:14 p.m.

emask says... #7

@ OpenFire interesting... Not sure it will fit my current playstyle, but definitely something to consider, thanks!

January 12, 2015 1:23 a.m.

GoofyFoot says... #8

Tainted Strike is definitely a consideration.

February 8, 2015 5:21 a.m.

emask says... #9

GoofyFoot That's a pretty sweet idea. Usually damage is high enough not to matter, but I'll definitely consider!


February 10, 2015 2:58 a.m.

jimmijam says... #10

This is brilliant! :D Xavier4238

April 7, 2015 6:07 a.m.

emask says... #11

Thanks jimmijam!

April 7, 2015 6:03 p.m.

All I can really say is, damn! This deck is something I'd have to be trained on how to play with it, before I could actually play with it.

Forsure somebody knows their freaking Magic playing this shit! Super good, I'd get stomped by this I bet. Lol unless my aggro deck can out race it. I'd sure hope so hahaha

April 10, 2015 1:33 a.m.

emask says... #13

Thanks! It needs more testing and work, But my main goal here with this list is fun. Aggro would be tough, especially very fast swarming aggro...

This deck plays pretty simple. Hopefully you can acquire a Phyrexian Unlife as you play. Basically just try and draw as much as you can while stalling by bouncing and Remanding their spells. Once you've got an Unlife, you can Spoils of the Vault say, a Death's Shadow and hopefully swing for a good amount if your life is low--or negative!

Laboratory Maniac could also be tutored--or played--and if you have Phyrexian Unlife on board, you could name a card that's not in your library, thus milling yourself out and hopefully winning the game! Would be best to do this before your upkeep so the trigger happens right away. Would like to experiment with Maniac more, and possibly Near-Death Experience combos at some point.

Anyway, thanks again tricksonafixed66!

April 10, 2015 4 a.m.

emask says... #14

@ AzrielBarakielHey there! Sorry for the necro, but I was reading through our comments about Angel's Grace and it wouldn't work to bring life back to 1 (if already below 1). It will certainly prevent us from dying that turn, but if the life is below 1, it will never go back up. Also Spoils of the Vault drains life vs damage, so Angel's Grace wouldn't really work there either.

All that said, I'm still considering as it can certainly save my bacon. Just thinking if it's worth having cards that save me, vs cards that help me win.

Anyway, thanks again!

April 12, 2015 5:02 a.m.

Espair says... #15

This deck is creative and looks incredibly fun to play, nice job!

April 15, 2015 5:22 a.m.

emask says... #16

Espair Thanks! Means a lot. Always looking to improve, but the main goal is keeping this fun and creative.

April 15, 2015 5:59 a.m.

Wonderful deck Emask, I love the Sb especially. Pretty great brew, wish I had the skills to make something this unique, plus I have always loved Deaths Shadow. Plus 1 man.

April 18, 2015 12:18 a.m.

emask says... #18

ZombieswithJetpacks Thanks! You certainly have the skills, I love your lists. This is a work in progress. I want to keep it fun and unique but also try and refine it now and then.

Thanks again!

April 18, 2015 2:47 a.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #19

What's your plan against Abzan and their Abrupt Decays, Maelstrom Pulses and Path to Exiles? Twin and their ability to completely ignore Phyrexian Unlife? Burn in general?

I think perhaps, if you really want to make this competitive, you need to change it up with cards that can help against the various meta. Orzhov Charm and Batwing Brume are cards to consider. Mainboarding discard is a good idea. Potentially having Dismember and Mana Leak main are good as well.

I made a junk Death's Shadow deck a long time ago, back before KTK changed the face of modern as we know it. Back then, it certainly was competitive and able to keep up with the Jund, Pod, Twin and all that. Now, it just doesn't work. Abzan focuses on being able to attrition you. Pelting you with discards making your counterspells completely useless as they put down extreme value outclassing most of your removal and putting them leagues ahead in terms of life. Twin can and will just slaughter you with Blood Moon, and their use of tempo play can make the life you end up losing into a guaranteed loss. Burn just smiles at your Spoils of the Vault.

All in all, the thoughts of Death's Shadow died with the prevalence of Siege Rhino and the ban of pod. It was nice to play back in the day but it no longer holds up to the current meta.

April 24, 2015 4:49 a.m.

emask says... #20

Thanks for your response! I don't really care too much about the competitive side of things anymore though.

In my meta it works pretty well. Death's Shadow along with Postmortem Lunge have a surprise factor which is huge if played right.

It's certainly true pulse and decay and whatnot would get rid of many threats including the Unlife, but again, maybe by the time they realize it'll be too late.

Those are cool suggestions though, thanks. My main goal with this deck is fun. Also to make it as efficient as possible. Gotta say, so far I'm pretty happy with it.

I featured it because for some reason my account was upgraded... Kind of a cool surprise!

Thanks again

April 24, 2015 5:02 a.m.

emask says... #21

Actually, kind of funny against burn. Sometimes they walk right into a Shadow or Postmortem Lunge does the trick!

April 24, 2015 5:04 a.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #22

If you wish to see how I did my own Death's Shadow build before I scrapped it post KTK, here it is:

The Grim Reaper is Stalking Us .... Playtest

Modern Femme_Fatale

SCORE: 68 | 21 COMMENTS | 8375 VIEWS

April 24, 2015 6:02 a.m.

warpedcolor says... #23

Why Arid Mesa?

April 24, 2015 4:30 p.m.

emask says... #24

warpedcolor because that was one of the fetches I had. Works well enough actually, I'm never wishing for anything else as I most often search for a land that produces white.

Thanks for checking out the deck!

Femme_Fatale Batwing Brume is a really nifty card, thanks! Also that's a fine looking list there. Really like how the Hound made it in! This deck is mostly for fun. I will keep tweaking it over time, but I don't want to lose the fun factor and flavor. Wins by milling and killing myself!

To make it more competitive I might up the Thoughtseize count and look at some more removal. Would also likely remove some fun cards from the side. The deck could possibly be even more consistent without the Spoils and Unlife, but then it's a completely different deck. I really enjoy working with ideas like this though, even if it isn't top tier.

Thanks again!

April 24, 2015 5:18 p.m.

warpedcolor says... #25

Flooded Strand's are cheaper, and get blue!

April 24, 2015 7:24 p.m.

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