OMG, that's a lot of comments. I read maybe 1/3. So I hope I don't repeat what other's have already said.
I've build a similar deck, but with G instead of U, and strictly because I want to run Melira, Sylvok Outcast I saw someone suggest it - and personally, I think she's worth it when you drop her late game and your opponent's eyes pop out.
Also, Noxious Revival
Fateful Hour cards? Faith's Shield?
April 29, 2015 1:09 a.m.
Thanks kamarupa! And no worries, I might forget what some of the comments say!
I've considered thsoe guys, but think I'll pass. Noxious Revival does seem pretty sweet, but I really like Postmortem Lunge for that job. Faith's Shield is interesting...reminds me of Angel's Grace in a way. I'll definitely consider it!
What's your list called? I'd love to check it out. Thanks!
April 29, 2015 1:18 a.m.
Thanks so much for you comment on my deck.
My Death's Shadow list is called I want to die (Help Wanted)
April 29, 2015 10:13 a.m.
I'm kind of glad I didn't know what Evanescence was and kind of upset that I do now.
April 30, 2015 1:20 a.m.
Oh no! I've never blocked a user I love their first album. Good stuff.
April 30, 2015 1:46 a.m.
No offense, not trying to get blocked. But it seems cheesy.
April 30, 2015 1:34 p.m.
kamarupa No worries! Not offended at all. I love all kinds of music. Pretty into heavier alternatives stuff though. Big fan of Deftones, OLP, In Flames, NIN...The list goes on.
Really getting into the National lately. Pretty chill, great lyrics. Same with Iron and Wine.
April 30, 2015 5:08 p.m.
Never heard it before! Not bad though. Always finding great music.
May 1, 2015 3:05 a.m.
That's why I love my Banshee player - makes suggestions based on LastFM - I find loads of new music like that.
May 2, 2015 1:29 a.m.
Nifty. I'm a sucker for cd stores and picking random albums I've never heard of.
May 2, 2015 3:25 a.m.
jonathanveedot says... #14
I like the one of Lab Maniac in the MB because I feel like it can catch opponents off guard the first or second game. If you have him + Spoils of the Vault. You can win on turn 4, just play him then tutor for him since he's a 1-of you'll cycle out if he doesn't get killed the moment you play him (I'd run this play when the opponent taps out), also, though more complicated, if your initial game plan for this deck gets shut down and Unlife is on the board still, you can tutor for him, and use a snap caster to run your combo next turn (this is like a last option move).
That one-of would give you extra leverage without disrupting your flow. I run a Zur Esper deck I'm working on when I don't play my Naya Burn, so I won't claim to know how to run your deck, but it seemed like it'd be a nice surprise and then side board it out game 2 if it ever hits the board (because they'll assume your deck depends on that combo), and then you hit them extra hard with the original game plan. Pretty much it psychs them out so they may make a bad call when make their subs.
Either way +1, I like that it looks both fun and playable.
May 28, 2015 8 p.m.
jonathanveedot Thanks!
Yeah, used to mainboard it, but for test purposes and playstyle preference at the time I sided it.
You've definitely got the right idea why he's there though. You can throw ppl off playing with a Death's Shadow strategy one game, then Laboratory Maniac--or vice versa.
I have the deck shown with the main strategy in the MB for now--more consistent to that strategy. Playing it myself I often do use the Maniac! So fun.
Thanks for checking it out!
May 29, 2015 7:16 p.m.
jonathanveedot says... #16
Yea, the deck looks fun. I love throwing a curve at the opponent, so then they side for it only to realize your deck is so much deeper than that haha. I've been running Mentors of the Lost Arts lately in these same colors, and it pisses people off because you control the tempo then explode. So much fun, I think Esper is my new color scheme (;
And my bad, I thought I responded haha.
June 2, 2015 1:25 a.m.
AzrielBarakiel says... #17
So, they're both instants, grace and vaults. If you wait to cast then when your opponent is in combat attacking for example. Yours resolve. Life goes to -50000 or whatever (arbitrary number). They hit you with combat damage and you pop back to 1 life with angels grace.
June 5, 2015 6:20 p.m.
Thanks AzrielBarakiel! Sorry, I'm having a real hard time with this one. Still stuck on when you say
"If you wait to cast then when your opponent is in combat for example"
Not quite sure what you mean. To my understanding, no matter what the circumstance, Angel's Grace can't bring the life up. I could very well be wrong, so please feel free to try explaining it again if you've got a moment and aren't sick of the subject!
Thanks again for commenting! Sorry this isn't making sense to me. I appreciate it nontheless.
June 5, 2015 8:33 p.m. Edited.
I mean, I can see what you're saying if I'm dealt dmg as well, but I think the issue lies in their use of the word "reduce" on Angel's Grace.
I'm pretty sure that because they use the word reduce, the life won't come back. With Grace resolving first--it has to since it has split second--the dmg would bring me back to one, but then spoils would do it's thing and I'd go into negative life (talking spoils plays that would take me to negative life for this example).
Now if spoils also happened before I was inflicted dmg (after grace), the same thing would happen. IF I'm dealt dmg and I'm already below 1 life, while I have been dealt damage putting me below 1 or 0 or whatever, I was already there to begin with, so the damage didn't actually 'reduce' my life total to less than 1 because it was already there.
...I think.
June 5, 2015 8:46 p.m. Edited.
jonathanveedot says... #20
Idk if this will clear up the confusion, but even though you're attacked for infinite damage, Angel's Grace pretty much locks the stack and when you enter the combat damage phase, the total damage dealt to you is reduced to nonlethal. It's a playable card, but there's other options as well.
June 5, 2015 9:55 p.m.
Definitely is a playable card, just not so sure about it bringing the life back up. Thought about using it for other reasons.
Thanks though! Maybe it'll click for me soon..
June 6, 2015 2:03 p.m.
CaptSillva says... #22
You know who is crazy good with Death's Shadow? Varolz, the Scar-Striped that's who. Sure you would have to plash green but green offers some great digging power anyway. Varolz lets you just pay 1 black to exile Death's Shadow from your graveyard to put 13 +1/+1 counters on any creature. Other cards that are good wtih Varolz are Hunted Horror, Force of Savagery, Nyxathid, and Sheltering Ancient.
May 16, 2016 1:28 a.m.
CaptSillva Thanks!
I'll consider it. Would like to stick with esper colours, but certainly worth looking at for something in the future!
June 15, 2016 9:39 p.m.
Losing Gitaxian Probe is a really bit hit for this deck. It both cantrips and helps you lose some life to cast Death's Shadow. Hard to find another card that does both of those things. Maybe replace it with 2x Serum Visions and 2x Dismember, and see how that works? Or perhaps Thoughtseize?
emask says... #1
I'll consider getting those, thanks! Last time I looked at fetchland prices they scared me...
April 25, 2015 12:50 a.m.