This is our current take on the Modern Green Devotion deck. It has gone through A LOT of testing and A LOT of changes; only to end up much more like it began :)
The deck is all about one thing:

Devotion to Green
The deck ramps via multiple ramp spells as well as Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx into its big-boys (Primalcrux, Nylea, God of the Hunt,Xenagos, God of Revels, and/or Mistcutter Hydra) extremely quickly. It's not odd to have 10+ mana on turn three and you can cast whichever fatty you have. And with the new card Aspect of Hydra you can win even without a fatty (such a great new card)!
The deck is broken down into three areas: (1) Ramp, (2) Draw/Devotion, and (3) Win-Conditions
Ramp Core

- Utopia Sprawl
- Fertile Ground
- Arbor Elf
- Garruk Wildspeaker
Garruk Wildspeaker is AMAZING in this deck. He untaps any lands, including those enchanted by Utopia Sprawl and/or Fertile Ground as well as Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx. He ramps more than any thing else in the deck while adding 2 to the devotion count!. He is all-star of the deck.
Draw Core

- Eidolon of Blossoms
- Elvish Visionary
Abundant Growth
- Courser of Kruphix (playing a land from your hand effectively draws a card).
Eidolon of Blossoms draws a card for every Utopia Sprawl and
Abundant Growth
as well as herself! She also draws a card for each God (Nylea, Xenagos, etc.) and Courser of Kruphix that comes into play while she's on the board. With
Abundant Growth
you actual draw 2 cards! She is a powerful card-draw engine in this deck.
Wistful Selkie
is also a good option that can be placed int the deck if you prefer.
The draw cards are here to both build up devotion and ensure that our hand isn't empty (as can easily happen in a green ramp deck). They really smooth out the deck.
Win Cons

- Mistcutter Hydra
- Nylea, God of the Hunt
- Primalcrux
- Xenagos, God of Revels
- Aspect of Hydra
Each is discussed below (along with the reasons they were chosen over other cards). The basic idea is that using Summoner's Pact; you can pick the best pair of finishers you want...Xenagos will give Primalcrux Haste and a huge boost, where Nylea will give Mistcutter trample (as he already has haste). Or, you may want to call up another Primalcrux, another Mistcutter (if playing Merfolk or control etc.). Regardless, there will almost always be a HUGE trampling hast creature finishing the game :)
Aspect of Hydra was added as a means of an "instant speed" win that can come out of nowhere. It has stolen several games.
Every card in the deck is meant to serve multiple purposes. Eidolon of Blossoms draws multiple cards and adds two to devotion, Nylea, God of the Hunt is a cheap and Indestructible creature (as 90% of the time she will be an active creature) as well as a "mana sink" (discussed below). Courser of Kruphix smooths out land-draws, gains a little life, adds 2-devotion, and triggers Eidolon of Blossoms....there has been some great synergy among green cards lately!
The deck takes the "Devotion" aspect to the extreme with Nylea, God of the Hunt, Xenagos, God of Revels, Primalcrux, and Mistcutter Hydra all becoming more and more powerful with each green mana symbols we have!
We have had many questions and made many decisions based on testing; and we wanted to outline them as well to ensure everyone know why we chose the cards we did. The more common Green Devotion Decks utilize Genesis Wave, Craterhoof Behemoth, and Primal Command as their win-conditions; so some of our choices seem odd when compared to these decks. While Primal Command is in the sideboard, we hoped to clarify these below for anyone interested:
Deck Choices (Mono Green Devotion)
Example Goldfish to Turn Four
The way the constant untapping and drawing works; and given the power of Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx , etc. it can be tough to see how this deck wins by turn 3-4 without playing hands. Here is one example:
Turn One
- Forest
- Cast Arbor Elf.
Cards in hand = 5-6
Devotion = 1
Turn Two
- Forest .
- Cast Utopia Sprawl
- Place Utopia Sprawl on untapped Forest (now "Enchanted Forest" that taps for 2-green mana.)
- Tap Enchanted Forest for 2-green mana.
- Tap Arbor Elf to untap Enchanted Forest for an additional 2-green mana.
- Use total of 4-green mana total to cast Garruk Wildspeaker.
- +1 Garruk Wildspeaker to untap Enchanted Forest and other Forest . Tap lands for 3-green mana.
- Cast Courser of Kruphix
Cards in Hand = 2
Devotion = 6
Turn Three
- Play Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx off top of deck.
- Tap Enchanted Forest for 2-green mana.
- Cast Elvish Visionary (draw a card).
- Untap Enchanted Forest with Arbor Elf .
- Tap Enchanted Forest again for 2-green mana.
- Use these 2-mana to trigger Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx for 7-green mana (Devotion = 7 due to addition of Elvish Visionary)
- Cast Primalcrux
- +1 Garruk Wildspeaker to untap Enchanted Forest and Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx (he can untap ANY two lands).
- Use 2-mana from Enchanted Forest to re-trigger Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
- With the addition of Primalcrux , Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx now generates 13 total mana.
- Cast Elvish Visionary (draw a card)
- Cast Eidolon of Blossoms (draw a card)
- Cast
Abundant Growth
(draw 2 cards due to Eidolon trigger)
- Cast Utopia Sprawl (draw card due to Eidolon trigger)
- Cast second Eidolon of Blossoms (draw two cards from both Eidolon triggers)
Cards in Hand = 4
Devotion = 20
This is where the card draw becomes important...we played 8 cards this turn and still have 4 cards in hand.
Turn Four -
- Draw for a total of five cards.
- Play Stomping Ground
- Cast
Abundant Growth
(draw 3 cards due to two Eidolon)
- Cast Summoner's Pact to tutor for Xenagos, God of Revels
- Tap Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx twice with the help go Garruk Wildspeaker for 42 mana (as
Abundant Growth
pushed our devotion to 22).
- Tap the now Double-Enchanted Forest 3 times thanks to Garruk Wildspeaker and Arbor Elf for a total of 9-green mana (however 4 of this is used to trigger the Nykthos twice, netting you 5 additional mana).
- Tap our remaining Forest for 2-mana leaving us with 50 green mana and tap Stomping Ground 1-red mana.
- Cast Xenagos, God of Revels. 46 green mana remaining. (draw two cards due to Eidolon trigger)
- Cast Summoner's Pact tutoring for Nylea, God of the Hunt
- Cast Nylea, God of the Hunt (draw two cards). 42-mana left.
- Cast a Mistcutter Hydra for 41/41 haste, uncounterable.
- Cast Aspect of Hydra to give Miscutter Hydra +24/+24.
- Entering Combat, trigger Xenagos, God of Revels ability to make Miscutter Hydra (currently 65/65) into 130/130.
Attacking with only our Mistcutter Hydra and our Primalcrux (who is now 25/25 trampler because of the Mistcutter and Xenago's green symbols)...
Remember, you also still have 5 cards in hand as well
There are plenty of other lines and ways to produce even more mana by turn 4 putting you close to 200 power (i.e. If you have another Nykthos in hand; you can use the new legend rule to destroy the tapped one and tap the new one for 23 more mana...or you have another Primalcrux...) but that just gets crazy. Obviously, the above is not always the case; but you will often have 20+ damage by turn 4 quite regularly, and by turn 5-6 you are almost always going to have 50+ power.
While the above is not the "perfect nutdraw" , it is extremely close...Not all games go quite that well :) The good news is, most provide plenty of gas to get to 40+ damage.
I'm glad that Dreno33 asked me to provide such a "Gold-Fishing" scenario; as it shows the importance of the "draw cards" as well as how the deck can "go off". I'm happy to provide other examples as well if anyone would like to see more.
On Average, by turn three-four, you will have more than enough mana and at least one 12/12 Trampler and often a total power attacking of 30+. By Turn 5-6 your power grows exponentially into the 50-100 range in a vast majority of games.
Consistency is the name of the game (or deck); and this deck wins by turn five in nearly every game it is not heavily disrupted; but has the draw capability to maintain itself over more "grindy" matches. It is a very fast deck; often bordering on combo when you have a Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx in play (and can win as early as turn three if unopposed), although turn 4 is much more likely.
We've worked hard to find a Devotion deck that is viable in the Modern format that differs from the Genesis Wave versions in a format as quick as Modern. So far, this is it! Let us know what you think! Thanks in advance for any help, suggestions, comments, and +1's !