Devotion to Green (Modern) W/ Eidolon of Blossoms!
SCORE: 189 | 280 COMMENTS | 51362 VIEWS | IN 83 FOLDERS
Cleaned up Deck and Comments —Jan. 19, 2014
Special thanks to Mystic, rathalos3000, Old_Man, NoahsArk, Boza, canterlotguardian, artakha, RobossVampireHunter, and Bioman82801 who have made comments and helped make this deck better. Mystic developed his own version known as The Green Book that is great (with the great idea of using Mwonvuli Tracker that you can check it if you want to see a slightly different take.
This deck has taken a lot of testing and a lot of help, and we truly appreciate everyone who has commented, helped us, told us where we screwed up :), and/or gave us a +1. Please do feel free to let us know what you think; as there is always room for improvement! As new Born of the Gods cards come out; it could change as well...we're already wondering where Kiora's Follower may fit in :) The fun of deck building !
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #2
I agree! I went back and forth between Khalni Hydra and Primalcrux . I even thought about it over Genesis Wave . Primalcrux just ends up bigger than 8/8 on average; and I could only fit so much in :).
Khalni Hydra is amazing in Devotion decks though. I'll keep testing with it and make sure it's added if there's room.
January 13, 2014 12:25 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #4
rathalos3000... You are 100% right. Four Strangleroot Geist is completely necessary. It's just too good in the deck. Thanks for your help!
January 15, 2014 2:20 a.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #8
Thanks NoahsArk...I'll test some where I switch out the Omnath, Locus of Mana and one Eternal Witness for Khalni Hydra 's and see how that works out. The tough part is taking other cards out. It's a suprsingly careful balance between the little guys, the digging cards, and the win-cons that keep the deck consistent. I do love Khalni Hydra and it should fit in a deck like this (given the smaller guys)...hopefully it will be even better! Thanks for the help!
January 16, 2014 8:41 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #9
Finding a way to get both Khalni Hydra
and Blood
in the deck. If the deck moves in the route of multiple "Fatties"...Flesh//Blood becomes a beating...we've added them to the "maybeboard" and will update the deck later this evening when the changes have been made. Thanks to everyone who has commented and/or +1'd.
January 16, 2014 10:13 p.m.
While I like the way the deck is setup now! I think it is the most powerful thing you can do in modern right now. I have seen other versions of this deck that focus a lot on Genesis Wave and i think it is the right direction. In case you want to go that way, there are several things you want to do:
1/ More land enchantments like Overgrowth .2/ More untap land like Magus of the Candelabra 3/ A win con like Craterhoof Behemoth or Emrakul, the Aeons Torn
Without much card draw, you deck suffers from being unable to draw much, and you present just a couple of threats usually, that come out fast, but have the "dies to doomblade" problem.
A more resilient threat and more draw (Harmonize is always nice) are very much needed here, green offers few tutors and cantrips. That said, you have to have more tutors to fetch your green beaters. Call of the Conclave is the cheaper option, but you should shell out for Summoner's Pact .
January 17, 2014 6:51 a.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #12
Thanks Boza! Summoner's Pact is a brilliant idea! It has been added along with one Craterhoof Behemoth .
The first version of this deck was much more like Michael Jacob's deck (which is kind of "the template" for all the decks with Genesis Wave , Fertile Ground , Craterhoof Behemoth , Primal Command , etc. I do like the deck very much; but (a). I wanted to provide a different take on the devotion mechanic and (b) I found a few issues with the deck:
There were many somewhat "dead draws". You'd often get to 6 mana and have only a few mana cards and a Genesis Wave ...which wasn't powerful was kind of a "Win Bigger" scenario where when you won, you won by a lot; but when you lost, you lost by a lot. I'd tried to build this one to be a little less "flash" and a more consistent pressure. That said; it could also be that I'm not a talented enough player to take the most advantage
That deck had almost too much ramp (if there is such a thing :). The deck has four Fertile Ground , a few more dorks, etc. Again, this could just be my skill level; but they were cards I did not wish to draw late (and when your deck consists of 40% ramp; there's a good chance you will.
Nylea, God of the Hunt doesn't die to doom blade. Nor does Strangleroot Geist (the first time :). While your point is the most astute there is (without haste, both Primalcrux and Khalni Hydra die to doom blade.); I've tried to put enough win-cons in and enough card draw to make sure most games you have around 3 "big boys" and enough pressure to make sure they have to deal with them quickly. I do see what you're saying though; and will keep track of this and adjust.
Between the four copies of Elvish Visionary , three of Wistful Selkie , three of Explore , and two of Eternal Witness ; there's a pretty healthy amount of card draw/card advantage...but I understand your point. Being a green Mage myself, Harmonize is one of my top 5 MTG cards ever! I'll definitely test with it.
I can't thank you enough for taking the time to write such a great suggestion and critique! It's truly helpful. Thank you.
January 17, 2014 12:05 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #13
Tested with ideas from Boza's suggestions. Harmonize seemed to be the best after all. We'll keep testing though to continue to try to make it the best it can be.
January 17, 2014 12:52 p.m.
Damn. A modern green devotion with Primalcrux ? Recipe for hate! XD
January 17, 2014 2:53 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #16
Thank you for your comment RobossVampireHunter...we didn't put in four Dryad Arbor because you really only want them if you are in need of a creature (planning on ''Ultimating" Garruk Wildspeaker , have a tone of mana and only Nylea, God of the Hunt on board with no one to "pump", etc.)
When Khalni Hydra was in the deck, we had 4 Arbors (as it automatically reduced its cost by one)...but Dryad Arbor has summoning sickness; so it can slow you down if you play it on one of your earlier turns (as you can't tap it and it counts as your land for turn).
It's really kind of a "toss up" between Khalni Hydra and Nylea, God of the Hunt ; however we've found that Nylea, God of the Hunt is far more resilient and consistent (she can be cast much more often on turn 2-3, is indestructible, and can pump the small guys if needed...) The removal of Khalni Hydra led to the removal of some of the Dryad Arbor .
rathalos3000 says... #1
I highly recommend Khalni Hydra and +1 ;)
January 13, 2014 12:12 p.m.