Devotion to Green (Modern) W/ Eidolon of Blossoms!

Modern* CurdBrosBrewingCo

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Sideboard —Jan. 20, 2014


We all know a great deck is 75 cards (not just 60) and we've worked hard on getting a strong sideboard during testing. Our goal was to find cards that could be sided in effectively to "tech" against specific difficult match-ups while still working within the framework of the deck (i.e. not reducing devotion, not slowing the deck down considerably, etc.) Thus far I've found the following cards:

  1. Pithing Needle - This card deals with many different modern staples including Twin (the main combo peices all do so with abilities), Tron (named against Karn), Jund (naming Lilliana), Pod (naming Birthing Pod), etc. Nobilior suggested this and it is too good to pass up!

  2. Creeping Corrosion - This basically is a back-breaker against Affinity. If they get to a point where their board can outrace ours; we just play this and it pretty much ends the match.

  3. Ground Seal - Effective against Goryo's Vengeancefoil decks as well as Deathrite Shaman, Scavenging Ooze, and Snapcaster Mage. Has other applications as well; and also adds one to our devotion (so if we side out our Fertile Ground's we don't lose any devotion).

  4. Beast Within - This is a great card against Tron specifically (as you use it to detroy their lands). Of course, it is extremely versatile, and can be sided in multiple match ups (including being a great card against Jund.)

  5. Privileged Position - This is a great card against Jund (with its ample removal), Merfolk (no Spreading Seas), Burn Decks, and Control decks (as it protects our creatures from being unsummoned or bounced and also protects our lands from Tectonic Edge and other land destruction spells. It does all this while adding three to our devotion count!

  6. Cloudthresher - This is a great card for any devotion deck. Flying can be a difficulty for this deck; and this card can be a pretty good beating to any flying creatures while at the same time adding three to your devotion count.

The board still needs some work, however, as control match ups can still be an issue. Need to figure out if I can either (a) add Cavern of Souls to the main board or (b) get Vexing Shusher or other such cards in the sideboard by streamlining the board and seeing if any matches are so good that it's not necessary to board against them as heavily.

Extra Options:

  1. Tajuru Preserver - This card is great against Emrakul, the Aeons Torn (or any Eldrazi for that matter) as it nullifies Annihilator (much the same way as Sigarda, Host of Herons. This plays against the new "Ten Fists" deck, Goryo's Vengeancefoil decks, and Tron. If you are in an area where combo decks that spit out Emrakul are prevalent; this is a good choice.

  2. Unravel the Aether - Good card against both Affinity, Splinter Twin, and Pod decks. At one green mana; I will always have the mana to react at instant speed.

  3. Dosan the Falling Leaf - This is a great card against both control (currently RWU in modern) as well as Affinity (as it stops all flash creatures which make up nearly all of Splinter Twin's creatures as well as control's Snapcaster Mage and Vindelion Clique. It can also hurt Jund to some extent (as often they want to play much of their removal on your turn). He also adds two the our devotion count; so we don't lose any devotion siding him in.

  4. Vexing Shusher (adds two to your devotion count while making your spells uncounterable) and Spellskite (such an amazingly versatile sideboard card in any deck) are both great for counter-control decks.

...they will stay in the Maybeboard and I will continue to test with all to get the perfect assortment of cards depending on which match-ups prove to be the most challenging. Let us know what you think!

Bioman82801 says... #1

Why did you choose Sylvan Scrying , when Rampant Growth is the exact same mana cost and puts the land on the field?

January 19, 2014 1:18 p.m.

Sylvan Scrying was chosen over Rampant Growth so we could grab Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx in situations we don't have one. You are right that traditionally Rampant Growth is better; but it only gets basic lands (somewhat similar to Farseek , etc.). That's the only reason; but it would be better if the land could come down immediately!

January 19, 2014 2:04 p.m.

I hope you know that you can't tutor up Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre with Summoner's Pact . the Pact specifies a "green creature" and Ulamog is colorless.

January 19, 2014 2:12 p.m. are exactly right! It has been replaced with Wistful Selkie 's. The card draw creatures are amazing in this deck. You have so much mana that you want as many cards as possible and the add to devotion. Changes the Description too. Thank you for your help. Made the Ulamog change at 5:00 am; amd obviously am but that good at this :). You rock! Thanks

January 19, 2014 2:44 p.m.

You're actually not the first person I've seen make that mistake. Apparently it's more common than I thought. :P

January 19, 2014 3:05 p.m.

It shouldn't be (reading the cards helps :), but that's why I love Tapped Out. I get to communicate with great minds/players like you to help mold a deck and fix my mistakes! It's actually even stronger this way (more draw gets you to the win cons and helps smooth out a problem a lot of green decks have of simply running out of cards.). I can't thank you enough for your help!!

January 19, 2014 3:37 p.m.