Devotion to Green (Modern) W/ Eidolon of Blossoms!

Modern* CurdBrosBrewingCo

SCORE: 189 | 280 COMMENTS | 51362 VIEWS | IN 83 FOLDERS

ASPECT OF HYDRA —Jan. 22, 2014


This card (just spoiled) pushes this deck to new makes any of the "little guys" very big guys and can be done at INSTANT SPEED. Replaced Sylvan Scrying as with the amount of cards you draw in this deck you get a Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx 9 out of 10 games anyways; and this card is just way too powerful not to play. With Nylea, God of the Hunt giving anyone trample....this card can win games by itself...thank you Born of the Gods :)

unsung31 says... #1

January 20, 2014 1:05 a.m.

unsung31...Leatherback Baloth is. A great card for mono green devotion. I will certainly test it out over Wistful Selkie and Carven Caryatid . My only concern would be not having enough card draw in the deck; but a 4/5 may be worth it :). Thank you for the suggestion!

January 20, 2014 2:09 a.m.

Thanks Hawx91! We have seen many variants of Michael Jacob's Genisis Wave wave devotion deck (with a few cards changed here or there) with the win-con being Genisis Wave into a Craterhoof Behemoth . These decks also include Burning-Tree Emissary (which I think you meant) as a "free devotion upgrade" and Primeval Titan as their way of tutoring for Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx . These are great decks! I didn't build such a deck for several reasons:

  1. The first is that it is already built. It would be difficult to build my own version of this deck as a majority of the cards are needed for the combo. ( Genesis Wave / Craterhoof Behemoth ). Most run a copy of Primal Command and thus use Eternal Witness (as of course they should given their interaction). There is little room for innovation as changing too much can ruin the combo's that are set up .

  2. I found the deck had several "dead draws". Often times you would draw a late-game Burning-Tree Emissary that did nothing, or a ramp- card (as they have even more than my deck if you can believe it), or you'd have a Genesis Wave you could only cast for 3 against control with no other cards in hand. Early Eternal Witness 's were. 2/1 bears that could only grab a mana dork assuming one was killed. Th deck is highly depend and on the sequencing of the cards.

  3. These decks seem to "Win Big" and lose big. They operate essentially as a combo deck. When the Wave goes off and hits a Craterhoof, you win...if this doesn't happen relatively early; you struggle. I wanted to offer a version that could still be explosive at times; but also had a little more consistency and resiliency.

  4. These decks (like many combo decks) could be beat with Meddling Mage or other similar card. If you remove or counter the Genesis Wave it cripples the deck.

I am not trying to imply that our deck is "better" than the Genesis Wave versions. We simply tried to change some items we did not care for and build a different take on the devotion mechanic that could still be viable while more in line with the Playstyle we prefer. This deck can still "go off"; but is a more stable, less dynamic version.

Thank you for you suggestions! Any one of these cards could be great in the deck; and we'll keep testing to make sure whether they should be added.

January 20, 2014 10:58 a.m.

MyRevival says... #5

MrBradDanger- Here's a pretty good example of a ramp/beater deck. Notice that all the 1,2, and 3 drops bring them cards or mana to keep the engine turning.

TL;DR on the deck explanation, but I've played ramp and really like your list. As for it's Modern worthiness, no idea; I play casual, and it would do the trick there. Thanks for posting up!

January 20, 2014 12:38 p.m.

camthecoyote says... #6

I don't understand why Misty Rainforest is in this deck. I don't see any blue that needs mana fixing, my only guess is that you want to pay one life to shuffle your library.

January 20, 2014 2:04 p.m.

Coyote....thanks for letting me know about this! Misty Rainforest was in the deck in its prior "iteration" due to the fact that we had one Dryad Arbor in the deck to add value to an Overrun Garruk Wildspeaker , find a creature if you have a ton of mana and Nylea, God of the Hunt and no other creatures (as it can give you someone to pump with trample). While these are "bad/worst case scenarios; it never hurts to think about those situations as well. When I removed the blue from the deck (removed Coiling Oracle , etc.). I accidentally removed the Dryad Arbor as well. I have added it back. Thanks for your help! I probably wouldn't have caught that for days :)

January 20, 2014 2:16 p.m.

camthecoyote....Dryad Arbor added back. Misty Rainforest 's do help thin the deck; but this is so minimal that you are right that they shouldn't be added for the thinning benefit alone. Thank you for your help!

January 20, 2014 2:20 p.m.

camthecoyote says... #9

CurdBrosBrewingCo No prob, I'm really liking this deck, I might just try it out.

January 20, 2014 2:29 p.m.

Nobilior says... #10

I personally like Boggart Ram-Gang for anything mono-green. Might be worth trying out.

January 20, 2014 5:34 p.m.

Nobilior...thank you for the suggestion. We love this card and actually have a G/R "Hasty Devotion" deck as we call it that runs four of these (it is a perfect fit in that deck). We are finishing it up now (sideboard, etc.) and will have it "published" over the next few days. You are absolutely right that it is a great devotion card. In this deck, however, we needed the card draw to keep the engine going. There are enough ramp cards that you can run out of cards quickly if your draw isn't perfect and if you don't have enough draw cards. They are much more of a "beater" than either Wistful Selkie or Carven Caryatid ; but we really needed the "when it comes into play, draw a card" effect that both carry. Great card, however, and great suggestion. It is a perfect devotion card for the majority of devotion decks (both green and red!).

January 20, 2014 6:08 p.m.

For those of you who suggested both Boggart Ram-Gang as well as Leatherback Baloth ; we put together another devotion deck (this one is Red and Green) caled Grull Hasty Devotion. We think they fit better in a build that takes advantage of their strengths; but obviously both suggestions are great for devotion decks.

Grull Hasty Devotion exchanges consistency and resiliency for speed. May not hold up as well in "competitive play" as this one but is a really fun build that probably will generate better stories (although the comment of 81 damage on turn 6 by RedZebra is pretty tough to beat :)

Thanks by the way to RedZebra for putting the deck together, playing, and taking the time to provide results of such a cool match. It takes a great player to do such a thing; but I'm glad the deck can do it! As always, we'd love to hear what you think about either deck. Thanks again to all who have commented and +1'd!

January 20, 2014 7:13 p.m.

Alec_7 says... #13

Looks great! Would you mind taking a look at my version, Alec_7 (i cant figure out how to link directly to my deck, it comes up with another) ? I'd appreciate it a lot, and maybe you can find something you overlooked.

January 20, 2014 8:18 p.m.

Alec_7...your deck Modern Green Devotion looks like a heck of a lot of fun! Literally all of my top favorite creatures of all time are in there. My deck can't fit all of them because I have to have the ramp (Utopia Sprawl , Fertile Ground , etc.) as well as the draw (Carven Caryatid , Elvish Visionary , Wistful Selkie ) cards to maintain the "engine" of the deck. Without them, I could easily either draw into too many cards I couldn't pay for quickly enough or simply run out of cards after laying down my first hand quickly (and would be in trouble if my opponent interacts with it).

There are several cards I like in your deck (and the idea is definitely a good one); and while it's a slightly different route than mine, it is just as good (if not better :). I especially think Khalni Hydra is strong in your deck given its numerous creatures. Based on my quick look at the deck, my only addition would be four Dryad Arbor (as they reduce Khalni Hydra 's costs AND can tap...effectively taping for two-green each for Khalni Hydra ).

I'd focus most on Khalni Hydra , Primalcrux , and Primal Surge as your win-cons (as you use so many rampers that you can get to 9 easy via multiple lines and with the sheer amount of creatures your Primal Surge 's would be awesome! I love the idea of Reverent Hunter being in a deck with Khalni Hydra as well (they compliment each other well). It would make for some amazing games!

My decks typically focus on 3-4 win-cons and developing multiple lines to get to them; so just based on the way I build, I would reduce the overall number of "big boys" (but please understand this is just a preference and does not make either deck "wrong" or "right" in any way). If your asking for my suggestions, I would run:

4x Arbor Elf 4x Voyaging Satyr 2x Leatherback Baloth 3x Karametra's Acolyte 4x Strangleroot Geist 4x Khalni Hydra 4x Primalcrux 2x Reverent Hunter 4x Burning-Tree Emissary 3x Primal Surge 3x Garruk, Caller of Beasts 1x Akroma's Memorial Love this idea4x Dryad Arbor - My only addition to the deck4x Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx 14x Forest

As you can see, not a ton of changes (literally only a few cards). Just removal of some of your 1 and 2 of's, and an additional Garruk, Caller of Beasts and Primal Surge . I think with Garruk, Caller of Beasts being your main "draw engine" (and a great one at that in your creature-heavy deck) that it's important you draw him often (seeing as how you'll get to six mana super fast!) I added two more Primal Surge 's to the deck; as you can get there so quick and basically it is a "cast me and I win the game" card in your deck. You just generate so much mana that you could surge by turn 3 or 4 and a late game surge when your board state is only a few small guys and a a Karametra's Acolyte could be game-changing.

All this being said; I wouldn't change much at all...and you know better than me given the fact that you've tested the deck...and I can promise you I'll be stealing some of your ideas in testing :) I love the Akroma's Memorial idea! I may have to use it...

I wish I could run Khalni Hydra and Dryad Arbor in my deck too (but a lot of my ramp comes from enchantments given the use of Garruk Wildspeaker where your's comes from creatures...making Khalni Hydra a much quicker cast).

I appreciate you pointing your deck out to me; as there are some definite cards in there that I love and may end up adding to this deck. We green mages have to stick together :) Modern Green Devotion is a great deck by Alec_7...I gave it a plus one and anyone reading this should do the same! :)

January 20, 2014 9:57 p.m.

Alec_7 says... #15

Thank you so much for taking the time to do this! :) I like Dryad Arbor, but it has summoning sickness and cant tap first turn, so I'll have to experiment with them. The only thing I'm not going to try is 3x Primal surge, as they get in each others way. Once, when I used to run 2, I got a 10 mana Elvish Mystic :(. I'd also like to keep Regal Force , he gets lots of cards, including non-creature cards Garruk wont. Also, Karametra's Acolyte is a major mana producer, I'd like to keep four. I will take out Nylea, God of the Hunt Omnath, Locus of Mana , and Polukranos, World Eater for another Garruk, Caller of Beasts , Strangleroot Geist , Voyaging Satyr , and Burning-Tree Emissary . Actually, thinking about all these 2-drops, and the fact that I only have 4 1-drops, Dryad Arbor will probably stay in. Thank you!

January 20, 2014 10:28 p.m.

No problem Alec_7...I see your point about the Primal Surge are absolutely right...that would be a kick in the face :) Regal Force is a good keep (as card draw is a must) so this is a great call....The summoning sickness does hurt the Dryad Arbor 's I agree. I just like them with Khalni Hydra could of course run 2 or 3 instead of a playset too. Everything else you've said sounds perfect. You have much better knowledge of the deck and playing it than I do; so I am certain your comments are right. I hoped I helped a little though :) I need to try out Karametra's Acolyte ...I haven't tested with her much and it seems from both what you have said and what I see that it may be better than Sylvan Scrying (as it acts as a Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx anyways! Two heads are always better than one :) Thank you!

January 20, 2014 10:44 p.m.

MaliciousMac says... #17

This deck is absolutely insane. I made a 16/16 Mistcutter on turn 4. Definite +1 from me.

January 20, 2014 11:14 p.m.

Alec_7 says... #18

CurdBrosBrewingCo: Love the changes to my deck! However, now I'm getting everything out, and running out of gas. I get more then enough mana, so I'm considering taking out a land or two and adding another Regal Force . Other than that, it runs a lot more consistently now. Thanks a ton for your help!

January 20, 2014 11:31 p.m.

Alec_7...that is a great idea! I ended up going down to 20 total lands; so I can see that. Running of out gas is a common issue for green decks and is tough to fix. That is why I have so many "draw a card" creatures in mine. The way your deck works; your are 110% correct that another Regal Force would be great. That way, you are always drawing a bunch of cards right before you may run out (between your Regal Force and Garruk, Caller of Beasts ).

I'm so glad to hear it's improving! Nothing is more fun that testing and seeing the deck make positive leaps! Anyone that wants to see the is Modern Green Devotion and it is another take on the devotion mechanic that is really good.

January 20, 2014 11:51 p.m.

Alec_7 says... #20

Uhh... you linked to someone else's deck with the same name as mine. I'm not sure how to get it to link to mine instead, so if you want to see it, click on my name: Alec_7

January 21, 2014 12:09 a.m.

Alec_7...If you can, do me a favor and change the name to something like "Green Devotion Creature Beat-down" or anything you'd like. I'll go through and change all the links so that it matches your deck.

January 21, 2014 12:52 a.m.

Dreno33 says... #22

please show your hands and Turn by Turn plays of huge dudes on T3-4. trying to see it

January 21, 2014 4:44 a.m.

I should have referenced you, Dreno33 in the answer to your question above.

I apologize if it is difficult to read. I had it more spaced out; but it wouldn't go though (I kept receiving an error screen). If you have any other questions please don't hesitate to ask. I hope this helps!

January 21, 2014 12:28 p.m.

vishnarg says... #25

January 21, 2014 1:07 p.m.