Devotion to Green (Modern) W/ Eidolon of Blossoms!
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CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #2
Yeah...I can attest to the fact that Summoner's Pact is a great card based on my testing with it before...out of curisoty; what do you guys (anyone really, but I'd love to hear steve21 and commodorecanary's ideas as well) think should be removed for the Summoner's Pact 's ? There are no "bad answers". I just want to see what people think and work though where to best place them. Thanks again guys.
January 24, 2014 12:05 a.m.
The_Squirrel says... #3
As you would most likely be using it to get your big guys, I'd cut down on your Mistcutter Hydra and Primalcrux
January 24, 2014 1:15 a.m.
Nice deck.
Just out of curiosity, was this set up so that in the title image, with Nylea, God of the Hunt (the featured card), it appears as though the sliver of Blue in the Mana pie for the deck is the arrowhead of Nylea's bow? Cause if not, it is an hilarious coincidence. ;)
January 24, 2014 12:36 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #5
TDoubleE....HAHA!!! I was wondering if anyone else would see that. It was not on purpose...I swear :) But I did see that, and thought (a) I can't remove the blue now and (b) I had to keep Nylea, God of the Hunt as the featured card....good eye! It was a coincidence, but a happy one.
January 24, 2014 1:47 p.m.
on your T4 scenario, you actually cast a 42/42 hydra, not a 43/43 like you currently have stated. 47 mana - 4 for rogue's passage - 1 for G in Hydra cost = 42 mana for "X"
just thought I'd clear that up. lol
January 24, 2014 2:26 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #7
Thanks Dreno33! Hopefully 88 will still do it :). I do appreciate it though. The "mana math" starts to get a little crazy after turn 2...I keep a couple green 12-sided dies to always have my devotion count visible as well as a few with dies with green numbers (I'm a little OCD :) that shows how much mana I have floating in any one phase/step just to keep track of it all!
January 24, 2014 2:47 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #9
It's got the blue due to Wistful Selkie , Coiling Oracle , and my U/G lands. I like it though, as TDoubleE said, it makes Nylea, God of the Hunt look like she has a big blue arrow at the top where picture and the color pie meet :). Just a funny coincidence; but fun nonetheless.
January 24, 2014 3:43 p.m.
Hmmm Hinterland Harbor just seems better then Breeding Pool !
January 24, 2014 4:57 p.m.
RedSoxFanKy - he needs forests so he can enchant them and have the power to untap a double mana-producing forest with Arbor Elf .
in other words, consistency is everything
January 24, 2014 5 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #12
I personally love the "buddy lands" this case I need the breeding pools to help get my blue mana for an early Coiling Oracle and as Dreno33 stated; because Utopia Sprawl and Arbor Elf both require Forests to work. Dreno33 is absolutely right that it is simply a matter of consistency. The deck runs on consistency, but I do agree that there are many occasions in many decks that should have buddy lands over a few lands that deal them damage...unfortunately in this case I need them. Thank you for the suggestion!
January 24, 2014 6:37 p.m.
jasinatael says... #13
I playtested your deck against mine, Thursday Goblins. You seem to have too many non-basic lands. All that colorless mana in a devotion deck didn't work out too well. I ran your deck four times and the low mana caused too many problems.
January 24, 2014 7:03 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #14
jasinatael...not sure how your games went...but I can honestly say I've almost never run into a problem with mana...The Rogue's Passage
can be removed if the base has become too greedy; however the remainder of the mana ALL produce green (save the Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
at a devotion of three or less) however I'm pretty certain you are not advocating taking those out :)
The only lands that produce colorless mana are the two Rogue's Passage
and the Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
assuming your devotion is 3 or less (which is rare)...both the Misty Rainforest
s and Breeding Pool
can instantly produce green mana (effectively run as Forest
s that do a little damage :)
I'd like to here what other people think that have played the deck. Have you run into any issue with mana? Do you believe the deck would improve with (a) the removal of the Rogue's Passage 's for Forest s and/or (b) the addition of an additional forest? The 2 Rogue's Passage are the only lands that can be removed for basic lands; so the only other option is adding lands in place of other cards (i.e. running 21+ lands).
I will make sure to continue testing with the deck and play close attention to see if I run into any issues with mana...however mana is typically one of the area's I've rarely into a problem with :) On the contrary; one concern was having too much at times and needing a "mana sink"....
Having said this, I do understand if the rogues passages are too greedy (and that is certainly something that could be switched)...I will pay special attention to this tonight during testing and take them out if need be. I will update the deck tonight if that is the case..As far as the remainder of the lands are concerned; they really can't change. You need Four Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and I'm not sure the deck really needs more than 20 lands...
I appreciate the suggestion, especially from someone who has played the deck! I'll make sure to take a look at your Goblins deck as well!
January 24, 2014 9 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #15
jasinatael...I traded out the Rogue's Passage
's for Forest
for the time being (to test with)...Consistency is important to this deck...and if this does make the deck more consistent to do so (even if it is only one game out of 20) than it's worth it!
There really is no other colorless mana beyond those as the Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx nearly always taps for green mana...and all of the other lands already tap for green. I'll keep testing to see if any additional lands are needed' however I've tested quite a bit and 20 seems pretty strong.
I'll have to build Thursday Goblins too and see what king of match up it is! Looks like a neat Goblin Deck. Thanks so much for your suggestions!
January 24, 2014 9:10 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #16
Midwest...Bramblecrush added in sideboard. Thanks!
January 24, 2014 9:18 p.m.
jasinatael says... #17
I just playtested the two decks online in separate windows, I didn't build yours at home. I suppose it could be just something strange with the program or several bad draws. However, with only 20 lands you really only draw one every third turn. Arbor Elf really doesn't seem to help much if you do not have a forest on the table. I also found that if I kept a two land hand I would miss a drop on turn four, which is terrible. I think maybe 22 lands would run better. I run 19 in Thursday Goblins and I think I may need to add one. Just some thoughts.
January 24, 2014 9:52 p.m.
Leatherback Baloth is a real gem. For a little aggro try Strangleroot Geist , or Rancor , and I'm a HUGE fan of Boggart Ram-Gang , and Predator Ooze these all provide some nice aggro and sustainability which i believe you are lacking
January 24, 2014 10:10 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #19
Computer programs and MTGO are far and away the best ways to test...I will keep testing and see if I run into the same types of draws and make sure the mana-base has enough land to run smoothly. I really do appreciate the suggestion. I love Thursday Goblins by the way...Simple and quick :)
January 24, 2014 10:13 p.m.
jasinatael says... #20
I ran it again two more times and I didn't see any mana problems. It may have just been bad draws. +1 to you sir.
January 24, 2014 10:21 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #21
Thanks marok....I actually discussed a few of these before so I won't go too far into it. All are great cards in a devotion deck and great suggestions...I had Strangleroot Geist in this deck for quite some time and ended up switching it for Coiling Oracle ...Strangleroot Geist is a really strong card that is very resilient and it is a card I definitely continue to consider.
I can't deny that all three of the creatures are great in devotion decks. They are strong at their mana cost and all provide 2-3 devotion. I do run these in some of my other devotion decks (Leatherback Baloth , Boggart Ram-Gang , and Strangleroot Geist are in my Grull Hasty Devotion deck.
This deck is somewhat different than many of the devotion decks that have arisen. It is meant to move rather quick and continue to refill itself. It plays a little bit more like a "combo deck" focusing almost solely on drawing cards and building massive devotion until it "goes off" (which is planned to be in the the first few turns). This, however, requires quite a bit of draw and ramping. For instance, if I were to take out Wistful Selkie for Leatherback Baloth and Elvish Visionary for Strangleroot Geist ; the deck may kind of "halt" in numerous hands or I may run out of cards quite quickly... This doesn't mean there is no room for improvement though and I will continue to test this to make sure I have the best balance of ramp and draw while at the same time utilizing the best creatures I can!
The power of the deck, however, lies in its ability to ramp and draw so quickly that it overwhelms the opponent. I will try out some of these cards, however, and see if the consistency can be maintained with some of the "bigger" and"tougher" 2 and 3 drops. Thanks for the suggestions! It is a great list of cards.
January 24, 2014 11:07 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #22
Thanks jasinatael...It's great to here that it can work! It is helpful, however, to hear when it doesn't; and I think you were right that the Rogue's Passage may have been a little greedy :) It is something I definitely needed to look at and make sure of....every suggestion can only help make the deck stronger.
Also... +1 for Thursday Goblins as well...great deck!
January 24, 2014 11:10 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #24
adventfaith...thank you for your suggestion! You're one if the first to suggest that card (and its a good devotion-centric card. ). I think Reverent Hunter is a really cool card that I think has a place in several kinds of devotion decks ( especially one with Nylea, God of the Hunt . ). I couldn't find a great place for him in this deck initially because I'd have to either remove Wistful Selkie at 3-drop; which plays a good role in both draw and devotion count...I could remove Carven Caryatid also (but again, the card draw is a big deal ). I will try it out though; because he does pair well with Nylea in many situations.
Thinking about Reverent Hunter always makes me think of how he compares to Primalcrux ... Primalcrux has same-type ability but it can grow after his first turn! That, and he already has trample. Reverent Hunter however; doesn't get smaller with the death of another creature and costs half as much! Pros and cons :). Primalcrux just does well because he also adds 6-devotion at the same time. Reverent Hunter kind of has "enter the battlefield Chroma" and stays that way. Great suggestion and neat card. I will test it ASAP. Thanks!
January 26, 2014 2:32 a.m.
I tend to find that Reverent Hunter works best in decks that care more about counters than devotion. Like a primarily green based Vorel of the Hull Clade deck as an off hand example. Because he enters based on your devotion it usually allows him to be large enough to trigger evolve etc. etc. His inability to grow larger in this deck (short of Nylea pump) really prohibits him from being as successful as you want him to be in Modern. When you're dealing with monsters such as the Eldrazi Titans and Kessig Ramp decks, he pales in comparison.
He can still be a solid card and playtesting never hurt though.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #1
steve21...I did have Summoner's Pact in this deck before...and to be honest it most likely is a good choice. In an effort to get down to the simplest balance of draw cards, ramp cards, and win-cons; I ended up with the current version of the deck. I do certainly need to test the deck with Summoner's Pact back in (as it does help smooth rough hands out). Thank you for the great suggestion! Most likely it is the right card to play.
January 23, 2014 11:51 p.m.