A Green/Gruul devotion-deck that I invented. I've played it in one fnm already and I'm gonna play with it on Bng gameday this weekend. It's lacking two
Domri Rade
s but I'll get those as soon as possible.
Fnm 21st Feb:
Game 1: 0-2
This was a weird one. I was up against a guildgate deck with Maze's End as win-condition. As soon as I had some creatures on board he blew them away with Supreme Verdict and after that he just used a number of Fog-spells to extend the game until he had 10 gates and won. This happened twice.. I had absoultely nothing but Ruric Thar to deal with him so I'm gonna get a couple of Skullcracks in the sideboard to handle with that kind of thing.
Game 2: 2-1
Don't know how I lost a game against this guy. He didn't seem to know what he was doing and he was playing with some kind of enchantment/counter simic deck. Shouldn't have lost the second game if it wasn't for Master Biomancer locking me down.
Game 3: 2-1
I'll have to say the same for this one "He didn't seem to know what he was doing". He said that he won the last game because of his opponent getting mana-screwed and I believe him because his deck was truly shitty (lost second game to mana-screw). He was playing some kind of Orzhov enchantment deck, man, when will people learn that enchantments suck?
Game 4: 2-1
Now finally a decent opponent (lets just forget game one). He was playing selesnya aggro with Brimaz, King of Oreskos leading the way.In the first game he got me down to 3 with Brave the Elements leaving only a Voice of Resurgence behind (he was at 15). Me myself had 2 Elves, a burning tree and a nylea on board (Nylea beaing a god). I sit with a Ghor clan on hand and 6 mana wondering if its enough dmg to kill him, its not, I'm 3 dmg short. But then I topdeck a Flesh // Blood and kill him off.The second game I lose by taking mulligan to five.The thirde game goes on for some time and leads to a topdecking battle where both of us have creature we dont wanna attack with on board. We're both pretty healthy. I draw a temple of abandon and see a Garruk and that was enought to win it.
Overall i go 3-1 and earn two boosters which i open to see a Nykthos and a Ephara, God of the Poils so you can say that this fnm paid off :D