Devotion to lasers

Standard DannyG


fnmfan1997 says... #1

run a 4 off of Mutavault immediately if you can afford them. Its the perfect extra mana sink to swing in for some finishing damage or extra damage if your opponent forgets about them, or you can block with them if need be. Great card! Hence why it is $35... so.. if you can afford it, its one of the best cards period for this deck! If not... oh well. Just a suggestion. Take it as you will.

February 24, 2014 9:46 p.m.

DannyG says... #2

Yea, sure they are even in my maybeboard, but so far I cannot afford them as their price became utterly ridiculous. I was actually thinking of going only 3 anyways as I feel 4 + 2 Temple of Silence I play could affect my starting hands a bit to much.

February 25, 2014 5:09 a.m.

jedrzejmk says... #3

Would put 4 Assemble the Legion on sideboard for control match-up.

2x Chandra, Pyromaster would be stellar.

Toil / Trouble for sideboard for control decks.

Spark Trooper x3 for sideboard.

February 25, 2014 4:48 p.m.

jedrzejmk says... #4

PS: Toil / Trouble works great with that black splash.

February 25, 2014 4:49 p.m.

BrutalFear says... #5

+1, I love this deck. Have you thought about how to build this after rotation?

July 24, 2014 1:17 p.m.

DannyG says... #6

Well, it all depends on if there will be any suitable replacements for the Ravnica block cards that I'm using right now. Burn won't loose that much cards after rotation like U/W control does for example (pretty much whole deck), but they are ones that really do matter in this deck:

Boros Charm - one of the most efficient burn spells both in standard and modern. 4 damage for 2 mana, with no additional cost or other downsides is big deal.

Warleader's Helix - this is one can be easly replaced by Stoke the Flames , you don't mind that much about lifegain, unless against some certain muchups. In this case you will have to look for additional lifegain effects in sideboard.

Shock - notice there was no reprint of this card in M15, and it's unlikely going to appear in the next block, as this card was appearing only in core sets for a long long time. It's not extremely good card, but hey, it's burn spell for 1 mana. It would be nice to see Lightning Bolt but I would not expect that in the near future.

Sacred Foundry - this deck does not belong to the list of decks with really tight mana base, so loosing 4 shocklands won't hurt us that much. However it's very likely that the other 5 painlands will appear in KTK, so we'll be left with 8 dual lands for post-rotation standard and half of them will come into play tapped.

Chandra's Phoenix - one of the key cards in deck. It's not only a 2/2 haste flier, but also a source of card advantage and a creature that dodges pretty any non-exile removal.

Young Pyromancer - seems like can be replaced by Eidolon of the Great Revel , but lack of him may be noticed in creature heavy metagame, which is likely to happens as we still haven't seen any good mass removal for post-rotation (namely, no Wrath effect).

And for the last thing, creme de la creme - Skullcrack - if there will no reprint of any card with similar effect (Flames of the Blood Hand comes to my mind as first alternative) I find this archetype to be pretty much dead post rotation. Burn decks is so easly countered with lifegain, that it's not even worth playing if you have no way to stop it. And there are plenty of lifegain in Theros block and M15 (sheep, Courser, Staff reprint in M15 etc.)

So the conclusion is I may not try to push into this archetype after rotation, unless new block brings in some cards that could replace the core of the deck that leaves out. If that won't happen I might be building it more torwards Sligh deck with lots of cheap creatures, as of the current cards there is a huge potential of brewing such deck succesfully. These are my thoughts based on the known cards that will be legal post-rotation and this could change completely if next block brings something totally unexpected.

July 24, 2014 1:59 p.m.

Gop says... #7

This is a fun deck type but will suffer after rotation. Have you considered Peak Eruption for the mirror?

August 26, 2014 9:37 p.m.

DannyG says... #8

I don't find this card to be that relevant in this matchup. Chained to the Rocks is rather not sided in for mirror, and having the 3 mana spell just for the sake for hurting a bit in a matchup that still is a coin toss, is waste of slots. Nyx-Fleece Ram is more than enough to side in (together with Chandra, Pyromaster ) and I'm considering adding 1 more sheep into side, because of increasing popularity of rabble red in my local meta.

I would rather have it reserved for more useful cards that help us in other matchups - mainly U/Wx control which is the hardest right now I believe.

August 27, 2014 5:51 a.m.

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