Against control there are 11 cards in this sideboard I absolutely think are a necessity that you have but what in the world do you sub out? Arbor Colossus , Polukranos, World Eater and Scavenging Ooze 's so there's six cards out. Need 5 more? lol
November 15, 2013 2:19 p.m.
golffore297 says... #3
DTucker-In my local meta, I will generally not need to side in more than 6 cards because the type of play is very spread out. I do have a lot of control stopping stuff in here, but some controls work differently, so which control-stoppers I use will be ore of a case by case basis.
Apoptosis-I can try to get some of the rarer cards online, but I don't really have much money to spend, so maybe I can make a cheap, but powerful, deck so that I can eventually earn trade value and/or cards I need.
November 15, 2013 6:39 p.m.
golffore297 says... #5
Too bad Khalni Hydra isn't Standard anymore, else he would certainly be in here. Maybe someone, possibly me, could make a Modern deck with the same ideas.
November 17, 2013 10:58 a.m.
kcajattack says... #6
golffore297 i made a devotion hydra deck after yours and i think it is pretty good. hydra devotion
November 17, 2013 11:43 a.m.
I run a G/r devotion deck at my FNM standard and it's fun as hell. I run something like this: 4 mystic, 2 caryatid, 2 voyaging saytr, 4 emissary, 3 polukranos, 4 boon saytr, 3 reverent hunter, 4 arbor colossus, 2 Domri, 2 Xenagos, 2 Mizzium Mortars, 2 Wasteland Viper , and 3 nylea.
Like I said its fun as hell. I play the viper for deathtouch and polukranos. Attack with polukranos but !!BEFORE BLOCKERS!! Bloodrush the viper to give him deathtouch then monstrous polukranos wipe the opponents board and swing for at least 5. Domri works really well in this deck cuz I have so many creatures. Awesome card advantage and spot removal as long as I have a big creature out, with as much ramp as I'm running I always do. I've played turn 2 Xenagos into colossus and reverant hunter with Nykthos and the emissarys. My board presence explodes with this deck and I'm amazed at how few lands I can operate with as long as I get a Nykthos and/or Xenagos out. Its can be a little weak game 1 against counter heavy blue based control decks like Esper and U/W but mistcutters and Witchstalker usually is all I need. I started the deck as mono green devotion and splashed red for some planeswalkers against control and it just ran great I hope this helps.
November 17, 2013 6:16 p.m.
Although Scavenging Ooze is a good card, I think that Kalonian Tusker would work better for this deck. It adds an extra devotion and has better stats than Scavenging Ooze if you get him at the beginning of the game.
November 17, 2013 6:34 p.m.
golffore297 says... #10
I've contemplated Kalonian Tusker before, but I would rather have something that comes out of Burning-Tree Emissary and adds an extra devotion on turn 2 rather than having to wait to play my 2 drop.
November 17, 2013 7:25 p.m.
You don't really need the ooze or the tusker they just lower your odds of drawing into your emmisarys with as much ramp as your running u should be playing more big mana sinks to drop the hammer on opponents early. I tried running tuskers in my deck, I mean a 3/3 for GG where's the down side, but he's just not needed. Seriously Witchstalker is a good addition to the mainboard with all the blue and black played in the meta right now. He doesn't die to most removal and he gets counters when ur blue or black opponents try any shananigans on your turn. Why the clan defiance u have no red mana sources outside the emmisarys, drop that and the Golgari charm and get 4 Pit Fight , drop the overgrown tomb and think about mutavault it's good against control in an aggro deck. Also too much ramp isnt good so I'd drop the Karametra acolytes cuz she's not that good early or without much devotion. Run 4 colossus and get some nylea in there. I mean even if she isn't a creature she still gives everbody trample, can break board stalls, and she can pump. What's the use of 128 mana on turn whatever if u can't use it to play big guys or pump dudes the synergy she provides is great in this kind of devotion deck. Also Boon Satyr is really good for a 3 drop but I usually have enough mana to bestow him on Witchstalker or arbor colossus to put opponents on a pretty quick clock and the flash can work as pseudo removal if you flash him out on a blocker. Also Reverent Hunter is pretty awesome for a 3 drop with a few mystics and emmisarys out. In a rampy aggro deck like this consistency is key so 2 of anything isnt good. I mean your chances of drawing it before the game's over are slim to none. Let me know if you think any of these are good ideas or not.
November 17, 2013 11:55 p.m.
I ended up modeling a deck after this only I made a little tweak to it. Possibly tell me your opinion please? deck:Green Devotion & Then Some
November 18, 2013 5:10 p.m.
golffore297 says... #14
DimirDan: Card odds aren't generally affected by how many other copies of cards you have in the deck, they are based on the number of cards in your deck and the number of copies of that specific cards you run. No matter how I shift the cards around, as long as I run 60 cards, I will have the same odds of drawing Burning-Tree Emissary . Witchstalker is a great card, but at my LGS, he will only be needed in some situations as I don't have more than a couple of people that run control. Clan Defiance has two sources of red mana at the moment, being Burning-Tree Emissary and Sylvan Caryatid . There's a chance I may invest in 1 or 2 Stomping Ground s for another source. The Golgari Charm is part of protecting all my creatures from boardwipes with the Regenerate clause. Pit Fight is still a decent fight card, but it is just not normally going to be needed as my creatures will usually be too big to just brush past. I found that Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx by itself, with Voyaging Satyr , were just not enough sometimes, and card odds are low since I didn't want a 4 of a legendary land. The Karametra's Acolyte s allow me to have a Nykthos-like source, but with the ability for a 4-of. I feel like there are plenty of mana sinks in this deck between Mistcutter Hydra , Polukranos, World Eater , and Nylea, God of the Hunt . As for Boon Satyr and Reverent Hunter , they are great cards, but they just weren't what I was looking for when I was thinking up this decklist.
DTucker: Great! I think it is good when people but their own little twists onto things to be able to run it were they play or just try something different. I'll check it out when I have a chance.
November 18, 2013 8:58 p.m.
I'm sorry if you got the wrong idea about what I said about card draw. What I meant was if your ramping so much that your dropping your big dudes early then the game will be over before you draw into your 2 of cards. If your confused about the odds just check the draw odds at the top of the page. You can't tell me that the odds are the same for drawing a 2 of versus a 4 of. And when I said it decreases the odds of drawing the emmisarys I meant that too many 2 drop creatures decreases the odds of getting her to play on turn 2. If your deck is full of oozes and tuskers the odds of you drawing them in your opening hand increases for that 2 drop slot. For your deck to Nykthos properly you need those emmisarys early to blast your devotion. That's why I like the colossus so much. His GGG3 is great for the devotion he almost turns on nylea by himself and the reach he brings is great in those match ups where your opponent is running flyers. Imagine running into an archangel of thune and being able to monstrous him and take her out just like that. I'm trying to help your deck play better I'm not trying to insult you. If you thought I was being mean I'm sorry I just want the green decks to be the best they can be.
November 18, 2013 11:15 p.m.
golffore297 says... #16
I'm not taking suggestions as insults, I'm really not. I'm just trying to justify the choices I made, mostly to myself, because a good amount of the cards in this deck are based on my local meta. I'm trying to come off in a way that is not abrasive, so sorry if I came off that way. I'm trying to not run too many large creatures, but have it so that I will get 1-3 game finishers a game. This is why Garruk, Caller of Beasts is an important part of this deck because of his card draw ability. I want to end the game as fast as possible because at my LGS, a lot of the decks work quickly, so I tried to come up with a way to be quick, but efficient.
November 19, 2013 9:57 a.m.
Cool I look forward to hearing how well you do in your local FNM. Good luck.
November 19, 2013 12:59 p.m.
Yeah I'm loving the feel of the deck built off of this Don't Make The Hulk Angry. You came up with the most brilliant idea ever and I figured I'd toss in my two cents on it! Please take a peek and thank you again, amazing deck +1.
November 19, 2013 1:29 p.m.
kcajattack says... #19
i have made a deck based of your golffore297 and its a fair turn 2 Worldspine Wurm and alot cheaper hydra devotion comments with advice plz
November 19, 2013 7:04 p.m.
Into the Wilds should either be Clan Defiance or another Hydra of some sort. You do not really want to waste your time playing that or having it just sit in your hands when there is more that you could be doing. 99% of the time you will be better off casting one of those cards I mentioned or activating monstrosity or even just acting like there is something in your hand. +1 Though.
November 20, 2013 5:21 a.m.
As for your mana generation contest, there's a fairly easy way to get unlimited mana on turn 4:
T1: 7 Cards in hand
Play Forest, tap for Elvish Mystic
T2: 6 Cards in hand
Tap Forest and Elvish Mystic for 2x Burning-Tree Emissaries. Play Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and tap it with the 2 floating mana for 5 floating Green mana. Play a Voyaging Satyr.
T3: 3 Cards in hand
Play an Island. Tap the Elvish Mystic and Forest to activate Nykthos for 6 floating Green mana. Tap the Island for a blue mana, and cast Elite Arcanist with the blue mana and 3 green mana, exiling Triton Tactics.
T4: 1 Card in hand
Tap the Elvish Mystic and Forest to activate Nykthos for 6 floating green mana. Tap Voyaging Satyr to untap Nykthos, and tap Elite Arcanist, paying 1 mana to cast Triton Tactics, targeting Elite Arcanist and Voyaging Satyr. Use Voyaging Satyr to untap Nykthos as much as you wish, tapping Elite Arcanist to cast Triton Tactics to untap Elite Arcanist and Voyaging Satyr for unlimited green mana on turn 4.
November 22, 2013 3:21 a.m.
TheWaltSpot says... #23
maybe run Primeval Bounty along with Into the Wilds because i think they work well together.
December 1, 2013 2:53 p.m.
kcajattack says... #24
i made a deck modled after this one and it is a little less expensive and a pretty good ramp. hydra devotion
December 1, 2013 4:11 p.m.
SasukeUchiha says... #25
Of 32 creatures about 11 have the ability to swing over 2. I think a little less ramp, and a little more damage dealers might be good. since mono green has no real way to dig through your deck, one more into the wilds might be good. This at least can help get rid of lands from your draws to allow more creatures to be played.
Apoptosis says... #1
Most of the cards you can get pretty cheap through eBay, etc. Garruk is the only one that has recently spiked in value.
November 14, 2013 11:42 p.m.