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Devotion to White Angels

Modern Angels Control Devotion Mono-White




A Midrange Angels Deck

This is a non lifegain Angels Deck

"Description might not always be up to date" Last updated: October 2023

Todd Hebenstreit AI Edit by Todd Hebenstreit and Drcfan AI Edit

The main idea for this deck is using Angels like Akroma, Angel of Wrathfoil & Brisela, Voice of Nightmaresfoil     & Iona, Shield of Emeriaaltered & Avacyn, Angel of Hopefoil in modern. This is only for people who did not want lifegain as a theme in Angels! To make that possible, i had a lot to learn over the last 10 years, when i started with Angels.

White has: - Card advantage through individual card trading value, cantrips, refetching used cards - Ramp through devotion

Angels are very high drops, so you have to accelerate your gameplan or survive long enough.

  • Devotion: A huge plus, Devotion provides passive ramp without wasting cardslots for ramp cards. Therefore cards need to have multiple manasymbols of that color in order to work properly. Active devotion means, you put in cards like Leyline of Sanctity, Leyline of the Meek,Oversoul of Dusk, Fieldmist Borderpost to increase Devotion early on artificially. Passive devotion means, that devotion comes along with building up the board over several turns just to fix your mana to consistently cast 8+mana drops. Devotion is more of a mana fix because you will rarely have 8mana on turn 8 only by land drops without devotion. This deck is all about efficiency and consistency

  • Mana Dork Ramp: Small creatures that generates mana like Llanowar Elves to accelerate the game plan. You need to have some dig-spells or Creature search spells (example Planeswalker Decks use Deploy the Gatewatch, Combo and Ramp use Traverse the Ulvenwald) But the dorks are absolutely dead drops in late game which this deck does not have

  • Reanimation: Simple, shovel your Angels in the graveyard with loot effects like Faithless Looting and reanimate them Unburial Rites. Can be wanky in modern because of heavy graveyard hate

  • Cheese Strategy: If someone is able to link me a working Tron-Angels or Amulet-Angels, let me know :)

The main strategy is midrange control. Try to go on the draw in the first match to trigger benefits of (Weathered Wayfarer). This makes room for setting yourself up until turn 4-6 where the board control gave you already that many devotion mana, that you can take out Angels. This Deck is very consistent because of tutor effects Weathered Wayfarer, Thalia's Lancers and a white card draw engine for lategame Mistveil Plains+Secluded Steppe

  • Godsendfoil A "6-drop" equipment. It suits the gameplan (devotion, prison effects, card type diversity), the flavor and is my favorite magic card. You 100% win any combat when equipped and its suits the prison style of the deck

  • Maybeboard contains the rest of all cards i own for this deck that i tested. You can try them too ;)

  • Best buying option you have in europe is Cardmarket

Thanks for reading, feel free to comment

**Deckbox and Playmats are selfmade **

2017 2021

2021 2021

Akroma, Angel of Wrath


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91% Competitive

Top Ranked
  • Achieved #10 position overall 7 years ago
  • Achieved #1 position in Modern Mono-White 4 years ago
Date added 9 years
Last updated 2 months

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

16 - 1 Mythic Rares

21 - 14 Rares

10 - 0 Uncommons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.00
Tokens Angel Warrior 4/4 W, Illusion */* U
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