Devotion to White Angels

Modern Drcfan

SCORE: 138 | 115 COMMENTS | 126934 VIEWS | IN 119 FOLDERS

Redspy3 says... #1

Drcfan . I've got two of those bad boys in my sideboard.

May 21, 2019 10:44 p.m.

Drcfan says... #2


Modern Horizons Testlist:

May 25, 2019 6:35 a.m.

Falabrama says... #3

Drcfan, what are your thoughts on Silence and Rule of Law ? I'm building a similar deck and thinking of adding these cards.. have you tested them before?

November 11, 2019 7:05 p.m.

Redspy3 says... #4

Deck list update! Woop woop!

April 10, 2020 6:58 p.m.

What would be some good cards to add/switch out that would be more beneficial against aggro decks? Idk if I just get unlucky (or just suck lol) or if aggro decks can just hit harder faster on this deck so I was just wondering. My friend has taken to using an aggro deck and it seems a bit harder to go up against than the one he used previously lol.

September 18, 2020 3:16 p.m.

Drcfan says... #6


Depends on how many times you face aggro decks. You can construct your angels deck very different on the lower end. For Aggro you only need to survive 5 turns and then you are good. You can adjust your Angels setup deck for aggro with: (Keep in mind when you bring Sorceries and instants in your maindeck, you kill more and more any devotion plan)

What to put in:

What to take out:

September 20, 2020 5:04 p.m.

Drcfan says... #7

retarded* omg that spelling error

September 20, 2020 5:06 p.m.

DrCinnamon says... #8

What are your thoughts on Grand Abolisher or Luminous Broodmoth? GA to give protection from U, which I seem to struggle with the most, and Broodmoth could be fun to activate the ETB abilities for the Orchid, Thalia, Eos, etc. Would going more creature heavy ruin the deck?

Also, if I wanted to build a second deck by adding color (or colorless) to this one, do you have a color or tribe that you feel synergizes well with white or angels? It would be cool to have some variety in playing while keeping cost down by utilizing cards I already own from this deck.

September 27, 2020 2:17 p.m.

Drcfan says... #9

@ DrCinnamon

October 2, 2020 11:22 a.m.

Drcfan says... #10

Question about double sided cards:

Emeria's Call  Flip is a double sided card. Can i fetch with Weathered Wayfarer for the land side of it?

November 9, 2020 12:14 p.m.

Drcfan says... #11

Plans for updating the mana base to a alternative mana base version:

New Mana base:

Old Mana Base

What changes:

I can not consider any more lands that come into play tapped, i have 3 now which is already brutal

November 9, 2020 12:57 p.m.

Drcfan says... #12

"Question about double sided cards:

Emeria's Call Flip is a double sided card. Can i fetch with Weathered Wayfarer for the land side of it?"

it cannot, mana base stays the same

November 9, 2020 6:20 p.m.

Gloglok says... #13

Hi Drcfan! I have a few questions/remarks for you :)

Why you can't tutor Emeria's Call by searching for a land Show

  • You could theoretically do a draw once per turn with Secluded Steppe and with your Wayfarer and Mistveil. It's less than Arch of Orazca (which you've told me in the past was too expensive to your taste, and too situational with the ascend mechanic), albeit colored mana and disruptable via destroying the Wayfarer. What do you think?

I love the Settle the Wreckage suggestion, have copied it in my deck! Works very well with the instant speed, with the lands fetched by the opponent and our Wayfarer, it keeps our board, and it exiles which prevents graveyard shenanigans. Only issue over a Wrath of God is having to target our opponent (and the lands given, indeed), but I prefer it this way.

I'm also glad you've lowered your average CMC, deck looks much smoother like this. I will try Mistveil Plains and Secluded Steppe in my deck, will keep it if it's good! :)

Thank you for your time!

January 11, 2021 7:54 a.m.

Drcfan says... #14


What i really need for this deck is 3 drop removal better than Oblivion Ring. Grasp of Fate is strictly better but not modern. Banisher Priest and Fiend Hunter die easily to removal. I hope some day a set will bring something printed on an Angel

Kind Regards -Drcfan

January 11, 2021 8:55 a.m.

Hipoisthabest says... #15

Hey there, Kaldheim has recieved a metric ton of angel support and I wanted to know your thoughts on them, specifically, Doomskar, Starnheim Unleashed, and Reidane, God of the Worthy. I feel Doomskar could be a great sideboard for aggro, or even main deckable, and Starnheim could be a fun 1 of, especially if you can get it foretold.

January 23, 2021 8:23 a.m.

Drcfan says... #16

@ Hipoisthabest

I was hyped for probably 10 years to get a celtic mythology set and here Kaldheim came. There are some pretty neat card mechanics definitely worth to play. I was especially hyped for new Angel cards for this deck, but was utterly disappointed. And here is why:

Final thought for Kaldheim: My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

January 23, 2021 1:06 p.m.

Drcfan My impression of Kaldheim has been different, especially for tribal decks like yours.

Take a look at the shapeshifters! They bring some pretty glorious value albeit maybe not in white. Playing around with creature types has become a lot more interesting as well with Maskwood Nexus . Double damage angels? Just get a splash of red and think of them as Giants with Calamity Bearer . There are a lot more of those synergies to be found, also within the existing modern catalogue. Rally / Ally might even become feasible.

Some other suggestions that pop up in my mind - sorry if I'm being random, I just like mono white myself a lot too :D

  • Sephara, Sky's Blade could be a cheap cast and can be fetched with Lancers.

  • Some flickering might be a powerful alternative to protections and allow you to retrigger ETBs, and you can pseudo block with it too. Ephemerate and Flicker of Fate come to mind.

  • 1 drop creatures with Ranger of Eos are a great way to add pressure for your first 3-4 turns and ramp out fast in turn 5-6 by dropping multiple things. Big cards make you vulnerable to counters. In this case, Proclamation of Rebirth is an insane value card.

On that last point, if this triggers you, check out my

Cool deck, I love the theme!

February 3, 2021 4:11 p.m.

One additional point. I may have missed it, but have you considered Bishop of Wings ? This could feed you with flyers to place Sephara, Sky's Blade at one white after some tragic event.

February 3, 2021 4:23 p.m.

Drcfan says... #19

@ VayraTheGatherer

February 4, 2021 4:25 a.m.

Drcfan So Bishop of Wings for two white isn't devotion-styled to you? It would add a ton of power to your build with only a tiny little bit of support. Add Divine Visitation and you're right back to your Angel theme with a sweet little cycle, and with a sac engine like Ashnod's Altar you'd also have mana. I don't quite understand the idea that 'a lifegain angels deck would have a set of other Angels', nobody is forcing you to, or am I missing something? I'm not telling you 'make a lifegain deck ;)' but is it a sin to have an effect (off Angels!) that can recoup some life to lengthen your play?

Just some thoughts. In the end it is your deck and definition of theming ;)

February 4, 2021 4:45 p.m.
  • bad example obviously to bring Ashnod's in the mix in terms of legality, but I think I am kind of missing that follow-through in your choice of cards and theme. Yes, we stack devotion, but what follows up on it?
February 4, 2021 4:48 p.m.

Gloglok says... #22

Hey Drcfan,

Just checking in to say that your suggestions from our last discussion have proven to be very interesting!

  • Skyclave Apparition + Charming Prince is huge! The Prince replaces the Wall and is a human, the life gain/flicker options which are nice to have to complement the scry 2/draw of the Wall, plus its attack of 2 can sometimes dissuade some attackers. And the Apparition is a good replacement of the Oblivion Ring , with added devotion and the fact that they never get the card back (and the flicking with the Prince is just yummy!)

  • Emeria's Call  Flip is great, always a positive as a one-of/two-of, and the small synergy with Lyra Dawnbringer and the fact that she is legendary has made me prefer her to Baneslayer Angel (or Linvala , as I don't have too many creature-based combos in my meta).

  • Mistveil Plains + Secluded Steppe are doing a lot more than I expected! Like you said, with the Wayfarer you can pay to draw a card, or to do it every turn, which in practice has been more interesting than the Arch for me. And finally, the Mistveil Plains are not only great with the Steppe, but also with any legendary angel an opponent would have destroyed/made you discard as you can bounce the Lancers with the Prince to get your angel back! It can really make the difference, and my angels have come back to play this way infinitely more in a few games than Emeria, The Sky Ruin has ever done.

  • I have taken out the Giver of Runes + Ranger-Captain of Eos as I find them kinda clunky to play or at least I don't like them as much.

Deck is very smooth now, a joy to play again! I won't pretend it's competitive in 2021's Modern state but I'm having a great time and you still get a fair amount of wins against non-control decks! Cheers :)

February 4, 2021 5:37 p.m.

Drcfan says... #23

@ VayraTheGatherer

February 10, 2021 6:07 a.m.

Drcfan says... #24

@ Gloglok

You are absolutely right with the competitive level in 2021. With more and more powercreep over the last years, white decks in particular got worse and worse. Here is an nice explanation of whats happening atm. White is not the color of removal. It was way more competitive in 2016-2018 but today it holds up pretty well and i think its the most fun deck i own to play.

February 10, 2021 6:20 a.m.

Drcfan says... #25

@ Gloglok

February 10, 2021 6:26 a.m.

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