Devotion to White Angels

Modern Drcfan

SCORE: 138 | 115 COMMENTS | 126933 VIEWS | IN 119 FOLDERS

khaleen says... #1

Hey, first of all thank you for sharing this nice deck. What are your thoughts about Admonition Angel ? I really want to find a slot for it in this deck.

Then i would like to ask you, how the Skyclave Apparition & Charming Prince combination is played, and why you decided to put it in your deck.

Thank you!

February 25, 2021 4:54 p.m.

Drcfan says... #2

@ khaleen

  • Admonition Angel i think it is a playable option. Bad thing you cannot search for it with Thalia's Lancers . Landfall profits a lot from fetchlands, so you hit two nonland permanents each turn. Not sure if it's worth to play fetchlands in a mono color deck but definitely worth checking out. The slot for Admonition Angel would be that of Quarantine Field , you can play a 2 of

  • The value of the combo is quite insane, there is barely no other way to remove permanents in white forever. There are some decks that play very strong removals as well like Abrupt Decay , Assassin's Trophy . So an Oblivion Ring would bring you no value here but Skyclave Apparition does at least something even after removal. Additional it gives 2 devotion. Charming Prince is just the bounce effect (Or scry 2) for Skyclave Apparition and Thalia's Lancers . The combo can give you some additional removal or legendary card to hand which is quite an insane payoff for 2 mana. Be careful how to tap your mana. You need to tap Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx before the exile trigger of the permanent resolves. You will loose devotion else and have less mana for the turn.

February 26, 2021 7:40 a.m.

Drcfan says... #3

@ khaleen

I always forget to mark the user so she/he gets an notification

February 26, 2021 7:42 a.m.

khaleen says... #4

Cool, thank you! Sounds really nice. I'm going to test it.

Got another thingy:

Is this permanten-removal mechanic with Oblivion Ring , explained in the following video, legit to play?

What do you think about that? I think this could give you some possibilities to play with.

February 28, 2021 12:35 p.m.

khaleen says... #5


February 28, 2021 3:10 p.m.

Drcfan says... #6


Yes this is an absolute legit strategy but hard to pull off consistently. You have two sets of cards you need. "Permanents with ETB triggers" & "Flicker Spells" If you draw only one of those sets, you are basically screwed. If you still want to try, it will work best if you splash a bit black or blue. (I think it is not worth to play in mono white)

Permanents with ETB trigger abuse - Journey to Nowhere , Tidehollow Sculler , Fiend Hunter , Oblivion Ring , Angel of Serenity

Creature Flicker - Cloudshift , Essence Flux , Ephemerate , Restoration Angel , Eldrazi Displacer , Justiciar's Portal , Momentary Blink

Permanent Flicker - Flicker of Fate , Blizzard Strix , Teferi's Time Twist

March 2, 2021 2:51 a.m.

JackMalthus says... #7

Thank you for this deck,iam an old magic player (since 1995) and i love angels. Dont know if you saw the magic horizon 2 cards,but are you thinking in Serra's Emissary for this deck?

June 14, 2021 3:19 p.m.

RogueTwonkies says... #8

Hey there liked your deck so I built a version of my own using yours as my template have most of what you got with some minor tweaks here and there that I felt would work well and played it today for modern Monday at my local shop. Went 1-3 sadly but it was a fun deck to ply my advice though is to add some stuff that will be able to deal with land hate pretty much every game I’d finally get the engine online to bring out angles but my opponent would either destroy the land or turn it into something useless. Don’t fully have a sideboard yet but have some stuff from modern horizons 2 I plan to add into the deck which I hope will fix that issue but any advice on what I could do to stop people from destroying my lands so I can actually get my devotion engine online?

June 15, 2021 12:30 a.m.

Drcfan says... #9


I think Serra's Emissary is quite nice with an ability (prison effect) that suits the gameplan and the flavor of the deck. One thing i do not like is that she is not legendary. No fetch interaction. So this makes the deck less fun to play if you cannot fetch the cards you need. Up to you, im still testing that card atm


Yeah land hate can be quite annoying and used to be (some years back) more in the direction of BloodMoon than general land destruction. But you can always run 4x Flagstones of Trokair . See the maybeboard cards if you need some more ideas against some type of deck in your meta. Depends on how fast land destruction is, you can still add cards like Mana Tithe for Path to Exile or even Sanctum Prelate for Skyclave Apparition

June 16, 2021 3:44 p.m.

RogueTwonkies says... #10


Yes I indeed added some new stuff from MH2 like the Sanctum Prelates and even some Giver of Runes from original MH however I think what I might need to change is the runed halo for something else mainly because it only makes it so I can’t be targeted but not my permanents so it doesn’t stop stuff like pillage, god effects, 4 drop karn which are played heavily in my modern meta so I think I need to find something else that will be able to stop my permanents from being targeted probably the leylines

June 25, 2021 9:06 p.m.

RogueTwonkies says... #11

However I believe even that only means I have hexproof and not my permanents so kinda trying to find something that can stop Karn/liquid metal coating combo pillage and land enchants that make my cavern/nythos useless

June 25, 2021 9:10 p.m.

khaleen says... #12

Hi Drcfan, If you had a choice, what would you replace the Runed Halo play set and Brisela, Voice of Nightmares  Meld  Meld for? I’m thinking of adding Serra's Emissary

September 13, 2021 1:28 p.m.

khaleen says... #13

And what are your thoughts about Loyal Retainers?

September 15, 2021 1:51 p.m.

AngelPrince13 says... #14

I don't think anyone should carry 4 Leyline of Sanctity in the sidedeck anymore. It really has no place in the current meta, aside from going against Burn decks. It won't stop mill (too many of their cards don't target). It seems to be only good against casual gimmick decks that attempt to target a player with a plethora of things (and that's quite uncommon in the current meta).

December 1, 2021 1:48 p.m.

Rr0013 says... #15

So for myself I like to play Starnheim Unleashed with Nykthos. Though now I see good potential for Elspeth Resplendent.
Also for fun Book of Exalted deeds and Faceless Haven.

July 3, 2022 5:35 a.m.

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