DFT - Dimir Control

Standard EastsideRock

SCORE: 744 | 1527 COMMENTS | 257423 VIEWS | IN 375 FOLDERS

Cheez_berger11 says... #1

Sire of Stagnation maybe? it gives you extra cards whenever your oppoennt plays a land...

April 11, 2016 10:24 p.m.

NotSquishedYet says... #2

Thanks for mentioning that one. Not that I'm particularly sure about it here or not, but I hadn't known that it dropped to $1.50. How quaint.

April 12, 2016 12:04 a.m.

TheFirst says... #3

Have you considered Sin Prodder? That guy is just pure card advantage!

April 13, 2016 9:19 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #4

darthblinx Nice list man, congrats on that 4th place. What do you usually name with Obliteration?

Riensino Shame on you for playing Jund!! haha, well you still redeemed yourself with a sweet madness list, Call Bloodline seems like a very decent madness enabler.

Cheez_berger11 Sire is such an awesome card in theory, but in practice I would be terrified to tap 6 lands and see it get spot removed immediately. With more counter magic in the deck, he would be king though.

TheFirst Yeah I actually did! He was in my Maybe not too long ago, but with the drawing options we already have, I never found myself needing him. He would be very very close to making the list though, I really like him.

psssst Thund3r_C0ugar stop teasing us and drop by with your field report mang! :D

April 15, 2016 10:20 p.m.

Riensino says... #5

Call the bloodline is an absolute engine in winning games out of the blue in my Jund list. EastsideRock

April 15, 2016 11:45 p.m.

NotSquishedYet says... #6

I can attest to its abnormally high power for looking so bad.

April 15, 2016 11:53 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #7

5 Days later I realize that there is such thing as a ''wall'' on Tapped Out and that Thund3r_C0ugar sent me TWO tourney reports! He went 4-0 at FNM and 1-2 drop in a SIQ. It seems like he got mana-screwed quite alot which I don't think is very representative from the testing I've done, I guess the Magic Gods weren't with Grixis in the SIQ! Here are the reports:

FNMRound1: Mono Red / colorless aggroGame1: Game 1 goes by pretty fast and I couldn't find my second black source in time to start killing his stuff off. He floods the board and I just can't keep up.Game2: quite the opposite of what happened last game. He get's stuck on two lands and I get a T2 icey thang to block. Soon enough he flips over and that's pretty much game right there.Game3: He get's stuck on 3 lands this one, and I have ways to remove all of his threats as he drops them. I soon enough get a Kalitas on board and start producing my legion of zombies. He died a pretty slow and painful death, but overall in this round I feel lucky that he got mana screwed.

Round2: U/B re-animator ???Game1: Not sure what this guy was doing for the first half of the game, and eventually he lands a Mindrack demon and doesn't get delirium off of his ETB trigger. So I let him live until he's ready to swing with it, and then I kill it with the "kill target mono-colored dude" kill spell. After that, he couldn't land a threat and I just swang in with Chandra tokens.Game2: I feel like I got to see what his deck actually did this game. He plays cards that get him to discard a huge dude (I forget what it was, but I think it was an 8/8 or something..) then he plays a pretty expensive spell to get the dude out of his yard and onto the field. I just kill it and win with Chandra again. This match up didn't really feel hard at all for me.

Round3: Mono-white tokens/abbey shenanigansGame1: Dude manages to flip an Abbey on T4. TURN FOUR! No way I could hang in so I just scooped to get to game's 2 and 3 so I could use my Virulent Plague's.Game2: I side in those enchantments and he was not expecting them. I kill of his Gideon with a kill spell and land that enchantment and proceed to just control him out of whatever he wanted to do. Goblin Dark Dwellers did work this game allowing me to recur spells to kill off Gideons. Game3: He starts landing Gideons and immediately starts ulting him, just so he can get a couple of the emblems that give his dudes +1/+1. After he ulted 2 Gideons, my enchantment was useless, but thankfully by that time I had built up a board consisting of a Chandra and a Kalitas, making the clean up pretty easy.

Round4: Esper TokensGame1: This game felt like a control mirror until he cast a secure the wastes. He only did it and made 5 dudes off of it, so I kill one so he can't flip the abbey. I had a Kalitas on board, too, so I started making zombo tokens, and he couldn't keep 5 dudes on board before I'd just kill them. I take the win in this one.Game2: poor guy get's screwed on lands and is stuck on 3 for the longest time. I take an easy win with Chandra.

FNM Summary - I felt really good about this deck at FNM, I managed to get the 4-0! Every part of the night, I felt like I had complete control over the games I was playing. I was super pumped going into the Super IQ the next day.

SIQ ReportRound1: Esper ControlGame1: This was the same dude I played the night before, and he was on Esper tokens then. So I'm expecting a similar matchup, until I feel like he's just not doing anything. So I figure I'll just starting putting out threats and see what he does. He kills my dudes as soon as they come out, and starts throwing out his own dudes. He almost flips a Ice Thang but I draw the kill spell for it. I land a Kalitas and start generating tokens, and it looks like he's out of removal. I build up a good board then BOOM out of nowhere he drops a dude that steals my Kalitas! Think it was Silumgar? Not sure, point is, I drew 3 more lands in a row and didn't get the removal I needed. He takes game 1.Game2: Again, I get screwed out of double black, and he notices this and starts throwing out his Kalitas and Ice cubes. I can't deal with them and he get's the easy win.

Round2: Mono Red / colorless aggroI'm not going to bother going in depth in these games, he get's stuck on 2 lands for both and loses easily.

Round3: Green / colorless rampGame1: She lays out some mana dork and I know what's about to go down, so I save up my kill spells for whatever she's wanting to ramp up into. Little do I know that all of her eldrazi overlords have 5+ toughness, so I end up having to use two spells for one dude in most cases. Eventually we durdle around long enough for her to land a Newlamog and I just scoop to game 2 right there.Game2: Again, I get screwed on lands. This just wasn't my day, but I hang in there and manage to get into a position where if I draw a red source, I can play a dark dwellers and regain board control. She summons an Eldrazi that blows up my current red source and I know I lose. I draw the mountain, but no longer having a second red source, I scoop and end up dropping.

Summary - 1-2 drop. I knew I couldn't get top 8 with two losses so I just pack my bags and go home. Not sure what happened from Friday to Saturday, but man, Saturday just wasn't my day :/ Oh well, I felt good about the deck on friday. Running 3 colors with evolving wilds as your fetch's is kind of rough. Not sure of any changes that should be made to the deck, but I hope this report is useful, or entertaining at least haha.

April 16, 2016 12:15 p.m.

Thund3r_C0ugar says... #8

Disclaimer; I am new to Standard, so if I mis-named any of the decks, don't flame me :)

April 17, 2016 7:03 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #9

Hey no worries bro, it's all good! Woaaah, and look at your new flashy name!! :P

April 17, 2016 4:08 p.m.

Right? :p Also, side note, I got a new deck I want to try. Not quite Grixis, but it's close? haha, let me know what you think! U/R Aggro

April 17, 2016 4:27 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #11

I'm so bad to evaluate aggro, but it sure looks hella fun! Reminds me of one of the only aggro decks I ever put up which was featuring Kiln Fiend!

April 17, 2016 6:03 p.m.

DarkAngel367 says... #12

On Friday I went 3-2, the deck is AMAZING against any aggro/creature stategy, but it has a harder time with control matchups.The Losses I got were from a esper conrol deck, it just had answers for everything, an example would be he Anguished unmaking my chandras. The other problem I had was against a Fevered Visions deck.....all I can say is I hate enchantments.

The best part about this FNM is I won 2 packs and my LGS bought a booster box of japanse SOI, so I traded the english ones for the japanses packs, and pulled a japanese Avacyn and Westvale Abbey.

Sorry I didnt do a very detailed report this time, I will next time though.

April 18, 2016 3:23 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #13

Hey no worries man! Your input is still valuable! With all the humans deck running around, we are well positioned in the meta, but it does make the occasional match against control a little more tricky. Let's see how many opposing control decks make the field in the pro tour and we will know if we should readjust a little bit against them. With what cards did the Esper Control win? Ojutai? Gideon?

April 18, 2016 6:15 p.m.

DarkAngel367 says... #14

Both of those, Ojutai and Gideon.

April 18, 2016 7:32 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #15

Yeah, To the Slaughter is best friend in that matchup. Make sure you also bring in the 3 Transgress, Silum Command, Virulent Plague, 1-2 Ruinous path, 2 Dispel.

April 18, 2016 7:43 p.m.

tjones3293 says... #16

I wonder if Dragonlord Silumgar wouldn't be terrible? There's a lot of cool stuff worth stealing right now.

April 21, 2016 5:55 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #17

tjones3293 I use to run one of him mainboard in the Dragons Shell, but this time around I feel it's a little bit risky since we don't have as many counterspells to protect him, I guess we could consider him in the side though, let's see what the pro tour has in store for us!

April 21, 2016 7:20 p.m.

Gixilbrand says... #18

Hail Lord Bolas! Grixis 4 life!! +1 from me. If you couldn't afford baby Jace though, what would you replace him with? Check out my Grixis brew and give me some tips if you find the time.

April 25, 2016 5:38 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #19

Gixilbrand Jace is so central to the build, it's hard to say but perhaps some other ways to filter or get recursion like Anticipate, Read the Bones anr/or more Dwellers. Thx for your +1! #Grixlife.

April 25, 2016 5:41 p.m.

EastsideRock, how do you feel this deck pairs up against Bant? I just went 4-0 with a Bant list last weekend (it's on my page if you want to see it), and I think the deck is hard to play against.

April 26, 2016 6:35 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #21

Thund3r_C0ugar The match-up is not too bad since we have so much removal. Bant's best plays against us is chaining CoCos and Commands one after another, sometimes exhausting us of our removal. Avacyn is not the end of the world because our Grasps can beat it on the spot. Sometimes Bant outgrinds us, but this matchup is not the worse for us. Thx for linking your list, easier for me to analyse where you come from! :)

April 26, 2016 2:13 p.m.

ArmyJM07 says... #22

What's your opinion in running hard removal over counterspells I have a grixis list ive been working on, haven't been able to test the strategy out yet but I see a lot of creature strategies and token strategies, that center around board flooding. It feels to me that Displacement Wave (tokens and X mana costs have a cmc of zero so with displacement wave you can bounce Hangarback Walker and token creatures all day for 2 blue.) and Crush of Tentacles are viable options and I don't run any burn. Also what's your stategy on reliably activating delirium for To the Slaughter, I love Grixis I've been playing grixis in modern for awhile now and would love to show up Friday with Grixis in hand.

April 29, 2016 12:10 p.m.

ArmyJM07 says... #23

Here is my deck list SOI Grixis Control

April 29, 2016 12:17 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #24

ArmyJM07 Although I am very fond of countermagic, the counterspells have been pretty lame for a loooonnnng time, with of course the recent exception of Silumgar's Scorn which was GREAT in our previous Dragons shell. However since we lost the said the shell, the removal has even been getting even better so the transition to removal (almost exclusively) has been natural.

I do really enjoy and find your mass-bounce interactions very interesting, although I think it would work better in a deck with only top heavy threats, to make sure we never bounce stuff we don't want to (like maybe a deck with 4 Chandras or 4 Sorins, and other PWs at the top).

Without even talking about the delirium on To the Slaughter, it is a very fine complement to our sweepers because after we clear the board, it helps us to keep the grind on our opponent. The delirium does often appear naturally as the game progresses; about 60% of the time, Delirium's already ON by the time I want to cast Slaughter - Jace and Epiphany can however greatly contribute to getting it if needed. The instant type in the yard is a given since we have so many of it and are 90% of time casting removal on turn 2 or 3. The creature type is also fairly natural since people will get rid of an early Jace or TITI at all cost. The land type is pretty easy to get there with Evolving Wilds or by naturally discarding any land to Jace or Epiphany. The 4th type is usually the more tricky one, usually it is a Sorcery from an ''early'' sweeper, but can also often very well be a PW.

Thx for your input! Cheers!

April 30, 2016 3:20 a.m. Edited.

I would add some Painful Truths

May 7, 2016 12:21 a.m.

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