DFT - Dimir Control

Standard EastsideRock

SCORE: 744 | 1527 COMMENTS | 257388 VIEWS | IN 375 FOLDERS

EastsideRock says... #1

Hey wussup yall!! Thx again for all the comments!! There haven't been much change to the deck lately, because well it's the perfect little Grixis build right now, but trust that as Origins get more spoiled everyday, we are probably going to have fun testing with a few other pieces!! Please all feel free to let me know what new cards you think our Grixis monster could use!

In the meantime, if you are interested, please take a minute to go check my first ever Modern deck Kiss My Grix, aawwyeaaah GRIXIS of course!! Been really kicking ass with it!! Grix for life fooos!!

June 26, 2015 8:31 a.m.

Riensino says... #2

languish and Jace seems like a good edition. card advantage and a semi sweeper are good editions. he could even substitute for an anticipate even.

June 27, 2015 11:36 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #4

OMG look at the 4 bonkers spells just spoiled!!!! Infinite Obliteration is certainly gonna enter the 75 in some number, goodbye Raptors, Den Protectors, etc!!!...AWESOME!! :D

June 29, 2015 9:07 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #5

Holy cow, have you guys seen any of these new spoiled cards!?? The meta will probably shift greatly. I'm 90% sure I'm still going to find a way to play a good Grixis because that's what I always do. We'll see if we can tweak this deck, I'm very excited and interested to see what kind of brews people come with and which decks will be on top!!

July 3, 2015 11:35 a.m.

Riensino says... #6

3 thoughtsieze with 3 infinite obliteration to claw out those rhinos, raptors and den protectors and anything else you see during the thoughtsieze.

July 4, 2015 12:33 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #7

For reasons I listed before, I do not like hand disruption in this list, the main reason being that it is often awful to topdeck late game. HOWEVER, dat Obliteration is sooo sweet, not having to target, just by naming, Im thinking more and more that Id really like to even maindeck this bad boy! Think about it, it is not THAT huge of a guess to know what they are packing...I mean we'll see once the Meta adjusts but Im thinking to take out all their copies of specific threats for 3 mana will be so huge!!

July 4, 2015 1:48 a.m.

tbogen17 says... #8

Whoa, this deck is awesome!I've also been trying to put together a Grixis control deck for Standard, but haven't had much time to test it, or gotten any advice. Mine is more of a BR splash blue. Focused more on removal instead of counters. Would you mind taking a look? Thanks! :) http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/29-06-15-dtk-grixis-dragon-control/

July 4, 2015 12:54 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #9

tbogen17 Thx! Sorry haven't look at your list yet, been caught up in modern in the last few weeks! I will have a look soon!

Riensino The more I think about Jace, the more I disregard my past analysis about him, he actually seems like a very decent turn 4 play against decks which are not too aggressive. The card advantage and even defense he brings could defintely matter, I WILL be testing with him after all.

July 11, 2015 2:42 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #10

All right guys, now-ORI updated!! Let me know what yall think! Will be testing it out on Cockatrice in the next week.

July 13, 2015 6:54 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #11

Holy friggin jumping Jesus, Jace is awesome!! He looks so underwhelming at first glance, but on average he chumps a 1/1, loots a couple times, gives defense for a turn, Snapcasts something out of the bin (often removal), and ends up the target for the next turn! THAT'S ALOT FOR CMC!! Loving him so far!!

July 13, 2015 9:31 a.m.

haysmafia1 says... #12

Languish & Crux of Fate are high CMC sweepers. I see you have Anger of the Gods SB, I was going to suggest maybe a 2x of each mix?

Draconic Roar is interesting in here, talk to me about that choice.


July 13, 2015 2:17 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #13

A few games in, I'm surprised of my Abzan Megamorph and Goblins match-ups. I absolutely wrecked them, and it's directly attributable to the nice control curve I have. Basically remove a threat turn two and turn 3 with a piece of 2CMC removal, and then come the sweepers. After turn 4/5 languish/crux, turn 6 Jace recursion spot removal, they basically had like 1-2 threats in hand, and I was casting DTT, Silumgar and Ugin!!

Draconic Roar is so efficient at 2CMC, remove a guy + bolt to the face, it's exactly the kind of spell needed to round-of the removal suite, they try to play around a few removal cards, but the problem is that I'm running them all. Opponent often stumble because of this. I've been playing with 3 tongues, 2 roars, 2 blights and a Price for like 2 months now and I really love the balance. The thing is, I'll always adjust after game 1 anyway, always choosing the best option, but Roar is great VS many decks.

Basically Angers always come in against Raptors and Aggro, but even without them in the MB, it's doable to win game 1. I hate to be running Anger against any other control so not Mainboarding them for sure, but they ARE MVPs in the board, sad to see them go in 3 month.

Thx for the +1!

July 13, 2015 4:06 p.m.

Botanicus says... #14

I love the deck and have been replicating it every single update!!!!! its such a fun deck and I'm so glad i wasn't the only one that really realized the Power of JACE!!! I was thinking of cutting one Crux of fate since we run 3 Languish and have his -3 ability though, does that sound like a decent plan? Also why no Tasigur in side board for grindy matches?

July 14, 2015 4:02 p.m.

spacemanmark says... #15

Just take my +1

July 14, 2015 7:32 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #16

spacemanmark thx!!

Botanicus, thx!! Awesome to know that someone else is also actively playing with the deck! As for the Crux/Languish split, although Languish is fantastic, it doesn't kill everything (I think long are the days when we could get a catch-all sweeper, Supreme Verdict being the last). Crux is a must against any deck like ours that pursues to not get blown out by Languish, and against most other control decks.

As for Tasigur well, I gotta say I have been casting a lot of them in Modern recently and he kicks serious butts!! In the previous list I didn't want to run him because a) I didn't really need him, and b) I felt he was competing too much for Delve. HOWEVER, I think he's better now since I could really use an extra threat or 2 against grindy match-ups + other control players where we typically wants to be the ''aggressor''. His activated ability is also great when stuck in a sequence of 10 turns ''draw-go'' VS control!!.. so I AM going to put a couple copies in the SB!! Thx for suggestion man, for sure please do let me know how your games go and whenever you have other suggestions! Grixis players unite!

P.S: I've been monkeying around with the 26th land because now we are only splashing red for Kola and Roar BUT have access to Anger in the SB...I'm gonna swap the 3rd island for the 3rd Shivan Reef, the mana-base may go through other small changes if the balance isn't right. While we don't need red that fast in the first game, we do want 2 reds really fast in games 2 (and 3) in matchups where Anger is a must! Just trying to find the right balance.

July 15, 2015 8:25 a.m.

Riensino says... #17

Glad you are having fun with jace.I still haven't got access to all the cards but once I get them I would just try out what works here with the meta game and see how well jace fits in. Mind swipe can be a good edition to Grixis control also. Along with clash of wills which is basically counter spell with moderation.

July 16, 2015 2:13 a.m.

FYREKNIGHT says... #18

This is a great deck but the problem is that I found was that there's not enough basic lands. In playtesting on both my games I couldn't fetch the land I needed because I was all out of basic lands in the deck.

July 17, 2015 7:53 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #19

Really? Seems weird because I have been playing with 7 fetches and 6 basics for the past 4 months and that never came up!! I think that ratio is just about the average norm for 3 colour decks.

July 17, 2015 8:08 a.m.

Frostknife says... #23

Hey Eastside, How will this deck change once the format rotates?

July 18, 2015 4:31 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #24

Frostknife I don't even know how the deck will change in the next 3 months with ORI just out! Rotation seems so far! It will really depend on the content of BFZ!

July 20, 2015 8:12 a.m.

Frostknife says... #25

Understandable! Hmm then I guess as I'm just getting into magic and don't really like the idea of my cards becoming unusable in a few months, do you have any (preferably budget) alternatives to the rotating lands and ashiok?

July 20, 2015 11:40 p.m.

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