DFT - Dimir Control

Standard EastsideRock

SCORE: 744 | 1527 COMMENTS | 257424 VIEWS | IN 375 FOLDERS

EastsideRock says... #1

Main: -1 Spell Pierce +1 Harsh Scrutiny
Side: -1 Spell Pierce +1 Negate

The 2 copies of spell just haven't been doing enough work in this Standard, Scrutiny and Negate are way more useful.

September 23, 2017 2:31 a.m.

doraemon1088 says... #2

Just curious. No opt?

September 24, 2017 4:11 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #3

Opt is kind of weak and is definitely more suited towards a more tempo shell ex: 2-3 drop pirates and you complement your curve with 1-drops such as Duress and Opt. All our scrying and digging options have more body too them and they do more, we can afford that because we never tap out, so when we have 3-4 mana open we'd rather Supreme Will or Glimmer than Opt. Opt also is also a horrible top deck later in the game, so yeah better suited in decks that want to punch-in as early as possible while making sure they keep having gas to fuel their plays.

September 24, 2017 4:08 p.m.

CaptMDKirk says... #4

Have you experimented with Baral, Chief of Compliance and/or primal amulet for cheaper instant/sorceries?

September 25, 2017 1:37 p.m.

dthoreson813 says... #5

It could definitely help to have cheaper spells. I'm going to try out primal amulet once I find one.

September 25, 2017 1:47 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #6

Yeah I ran Baral a little bit in a past meta but he was just dying all the time, and often in the way of our own sweepers...

More cheaper spells is just going to make your matchup against dinos worst. I don't know about yall but I don't find the matchup against RDW (or other aggro) particularly problematic, especially post game one with all 4 Gifted, 2 Magmas, 2 Voyage, 2 abrade, 2 lightning, 2 suns, 3 harsh, etc...

September 26, 2017 12:02 a.m. Edited.

Vampire_Lord says... #7

I created a list super similar to yours Can you take a look? Thank you http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/24-09-17-xln-grixis-control/

September 26, 2017 8:59 a.m.

dthoreson813 says... #8

-Essence Scatter +Negate because Harsh Scrutiny

+Doomfall main board. Trust me.

September 26, 2017 9:12 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #9

Vampire: looks good, although as just explained, I'm not really feeling opt in our shell.

dthoreson813 - It is usually way more crucial to counter one of their dudes then to have them have a look at our hand. We can afford to lose a win-con, the game will just be more long for them! :D Doomfall is very dead VS anything not midrange or control.

September 26, 2017 10:55 a.m.

Vampire_Lord says... #10

I updated it and took out opt

September 26, 2017 11:13 a.m.

Beppi says... #11

have you tried out using gonti or the hostage taker, or possibly chandra, torch of defiance?

September 26, 2017 4:20 p.m.

dthoreson813 says... #12

Gonti is the man.

September 26, 2017 9 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #13

Beppi Gonti can be good but can misfire as well and lose you tempo, Hostage Taker is fun but really not needed, Chandra is unplayable in our shell! Cheers! :)

September 27, 2017 5:21 p.m.

Ashen0ne says... #14

I've been playing around with Gonti here and there myself. Honestly his greatest strength isn't necessarily what he takes but more the psychological effect it can take on your opponent. I remember one time all I pulled is land but here and there I'd still check it like I was considering about playing their own spell against them. Then I'd just say something like "not yet" and put it back. Drives them mad! Lol

September 27, 2017 5:59 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #15

RecklessN7 Good point! Although...harder to take advantage of on MTGO! haha

September 27, 2017 7:45 p.m.

Vampire_Lord says... #16

Eastside Did you get to look at my deck? I think its the one I wanna play at Cincinnati

September 27, 2017 8:10 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #17

Get that 2nd copy of Scarab dude!

September 28, 2017 10:57 a.m.

rchambers47 says... #18

Have you thought about using The Locus God as a win con?

September 28, 2017 3:56 p.m.

Vampire_Lord says... #19

I cant afford 2 tho

September 28, 2017 4:10 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #20

rchambers47 Fine card, but not needed. Hulk + Scarab + Nolas are all we need. We also only have the 2 Glimmer which make us draw.

September 28, 2017 5:10 p.m.

Ashen0ne says... #21

I have a random question. What color sleeves do you all run with your grixis decks? I've been trying to decide on the perfect shade for our God-Pharaoh but haven't landed on one yet

September 28, 2017 10:43 p.m.

doraemon1088 says... #22

Pink. It's all fun and games until the opponent gets slapped with a resolved Bolas.

September 29, 2017 1:32 a.m.

doraemon1088 says... #23

BTW, any possible substitute for Scarab? Shit's kinda hard to acquire recently.

September 29, 2017 1:33 a.m.

dthoreson813 says... #24


I have a very nice turquoise set of eclipse sleeves. They're a mellow hue, and give the feel of a soft kelp lozenge, or seaweed square. Really, they compliment the death in his destructive tendencies quite well.

September 29, 2017 7:01 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #25

doraemon1088 No not really, you can try with 4 Hulks but Scarab is really really fire, so unique powerful and irreplaceable.

As most of you know, I do all my Standard playing Online, so I haven't had to question myself on what sleeves to buy. But I think I'd either go with straight up Grixis sleeves - or Selesnya, just to F with people. I do like your choices of Pink and Turquoise though haha.

September 29, 2017 5:04 p.m.

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