DFT - Dimir Control

Standard EastsideRock

SCORE: 744 | 1527 COMMENTS | 257420 VIEWS | IN 375 FOLDERS

EastsideRock says... #1

Vhysere EDIT: Screw it, I have to try Detection Tower right away! I foresee a lot of Hexproof hitting the mata. I have them in the side for now, I may mainboard them, just don't want to play around too much with manabase consistency in this fine-tuning stage.

September 21, 2018 10:34 a.m.

Vhysere says... #2

EastsideRock : First, Thanks for answer. Think this deck can perf in the next metagame.

What do you think about Nicol Bolas ? In my opinion Doom Whisperer is better, Nicol Bolas as not enough impact in the game, and for flip him we need so much mana.

Thanks for your advices.

September 21, 2018 10:38 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #3

Vhysere As I put it earlier: Bolas is fine but on the creature side, a 4-mana discard a card really sucks if he gets removed...my tap-out choice goes to Doom Whisperer for this meta!

September 21, 2018 12:20 p.m.

Lord007 says... #4

Thanks for the response, I can see Explosion not really performing well if the meta is as fast as you said. I've not been playing standard at all recently so I will defer to you on that.

What do you think about Goblin Electromancer? Being able to cast Counterspell instead of Cancel seems pretty good to me.

September 21, 2018 1:47 p.m.

Feltrix says... #5

I think Field of Ruin is worth putting in either side or mainboard. It always hurts to have a land in the sideboard, but a colorless land makes it much harder to cast some of the early game counters.

September 21, 2018 2:28 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #6

Lord007 I ran Baral, Chief of Compliance a little bit in the past, a well superior card than Electromancer, but was too much of a win-more card so I dropped him shortly after. I could see him in a U/R counter burn build though.

Feltrix Field is a good card but I think Detection Tower is more worth it with all the Green Hexproof action running around.

September 23, 2018 4:27 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #7

FYI: description updated

September 23, 2018 4:39 p.m.

vomitpile says... #8

I've been working on a similar build, the main difference being 3 Nicol Bolas, the Ravager  Flip and some slight number differences

What are your thoughts on bolas over Dream Eater? Both have etb impact, bolas is cheaper and the planeswalker side is a win condition if it successfuly flips, and has 1 more toughness/doesn't get hit by Cast Down so slightly more survivability built in

It will be terrible against green stompy granted, but seems really powerful otherwise

Here's a link: Grixis Control - GRN Standard

I'm super excited to play this archetype, GRN has given control a ton of fun, interactive stuff, good luck!

September 23, 2018 11 p.m.

vomitpile says... #9

Just saw that you already answered a similar question already, sorry for that! I also really like Phyrexian Scriptures, it should line up super well again green decks

September 23, 2018 11:21 p.m.

lords2001 says... #10

I like the creatures, but I think Nightveil Predator should be in the side at minimum against control and midrange decks - its too good to pass up and hard to remove while you dig for your wincons.

September 24, 2018 11:59 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #11

lords2001 He would be a luxury, we don't need him as much as the other side cards atm. I only see him being good VS midrange decks which I haven't faced a lot of as of yet.

September 24, 2018 1:26 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #12

Vhysere Wellllll, many creatures with powerful ETB effects in this meta, justifies 2 Essence Scatter after all. -2 Syncopate, +2 Essence Scatter.

September 25, 2018 10:15 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #13

okok mofos, Ima try BOLAS in the side VS midrange.

September 26, 2018 8:49 a.m.

storro says... #14

Have you considered Thief of Sanity it seems really good for mirrors and lets you start grinding. Your opponent out plus it just feels fun pulling out someone else's assassin's trophy to kill their stuff while milling them down or using their own burn to finish them off

September 30, 2018 9:02 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #15

storro It's a very fine card, but I can't really justify making place for it based on the matchups I've had in the last week, Boros aggro and Green Hexproof are our toughest matchup. Mirrors and midrange are going pretty well, but I'll keep him mind thx for the suggestion.

October 1, 2018 8:46 a.m.

doraemon1088 says... #16

Still trying to build this deck up in Arena since the game wiped out every single wildcard I had. So far, the prototype I have is working pretty good. And Ral is a bloody bastard.

October 2, 2018 4:10 a.m.

jzie25 says... #17

I really love the list, but it seems Azcanta is not doing well for me when it flipped but the Surveil 1 is great though. I don't want the Azcanta ability put Doom and Dream at the bottom. I think set of Thought Erasure is a must, casting it on turn 2 able us to plan ahead of them.

October 2, 2018 11:07 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #18

doraemon1088 Nice! On my side, testing is going well on Cockatrice, I'm waiting for prices to majorly deflate on MTGO (like they always do after the 1st week) before purchasing the new cards. I'll give MTG Arena a try, loading the client now!

October 2, 2018 1:17 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #19

jzie25 Shipping creatures to the bottom with Azcanta is a small price to pay for all the insane power that comes with it. We have so much deck manipulation that you should always be able to dig for what you want (relatively speaking). Erasure is awesome indeed, and I do have the set in the 75 but I prefer to keep only 2 copies for game 1 and max-out on removal to give us somewhat of a chance to win against aggro sometimes lol.

October 2, 2018 1:21 p.m.

How do you know if you are sending creatures to the bottom or digging closer to drawing one? The probability of it being in spots 1,2,3 and 4 are the same as it being in 5,6,7,8 from the top. So yeah, you could be sending them to the bottom or you are getting closer. With every creature you put to the bottom the percentage of drawing a creature goes down however, every time you spin azcanta and don’t hit a creature the probability of drawing a creature goes up. It all balances out.

October 2, 2018 2:22 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #21

October 2, 2018 7:24 p.m.

SynergyBuild says... #22

Based on MTGO stats, more decks that have done well are running the full playset of Thought Erasure mainboard, and none sideboard. I imagine it is due to the use against midranging decks, and unlike Nicol Bolas, the Ravager  Flip not allowing the opponent get a free Nullhide Ferox.

Do you think siding out a Negate and Essence Scatter or Moment of Craving would be worth it?

I wouldn't entirely trust MTGO stats, because of many running Nicol Bolas, the Ravager  Flip in a full set, but it is a nice place to look, whether or not you fully agree.

October 4, 2018 8:48 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #23

SynergyBuild Depends on a lot of things but I found 2 Negates + 2 Essence to be essential VS a lot of decks, compared with Erasure which often gets boarded out for more removal. The main fight is against creature decks, hence I boarded out a Sabotage for the 3rd Soot, I'm winning more game 1 VS creature decks.

October 9, 2018 2:25 p.m.

doraemon1088 says... #24

Made a few modifications to the deck. Found out that playing Unwind instead of Negate is TOTALLY CLUTCH in most matches.

October 10, 2018 9:38 a.m.

eragon795 says... #25

So I played some Grixis Control last night and have some notes for you -

  1. You are completely underestimating Expansion // Explosion. That card is absolutely insane. I got to draw up to 12 cards with it AGAINST MONO RED and have also used it to just clear dudes and copy counterspells in counter wars. All round good card.

  2. The win condition you should be looking at is Niv-Mizzet, Parun. I played 3 copies of him as my only real win-con and he was nuts. You draw off almost every spell you play, and most removal the opponent plays. It's also able to keep you in it against Experimental Frenzy because of the sheer amount of removal he brings. Card is good.

Finally, I haven't found Ral, Izzet Viceroy to be that good. I could be wrong, but I always found I was running out of cards before he could close the game.

Good luck with the deck! Grixis is awesome.

October 10, 2018 5:36 p.m.

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