DFT - Dimir Control

Standard EastsideRock

SCORE: 744 | 1527 COMMENTS | 257413 VIEWS | IN 375 FOLDERS

EastsideRock says... #1

cudefogo Although Niv is badass, he doesn't fit it my shell because not enough red sources and I don't find the need to alter the fine-tuned balance for him. Game winning in control? I don't think I ever lost a game to one, Contempt/Bedevil/Elder Reborn/Embrace/Ral take clean care of him, that's 11 answers right there.

Sabotage is for sure better than Scatter, but harder to cast, and most importantly, harder to RE-cast with Mission! I don't find the need for Sabotage unless against control, the Wilderness Reclamation ramp deck or the occasional Grindy matchups.

The new Storm Conduit infinite combo seems pretty good, but probably not worth running this PW unless dedicating the full deck to it because he is not very good by himself, he will fit more into a tappout kind of control deck. I've had my eyes on Expansion for a while but I can't justify taking out anything else to put some copies in atm.

The 2 copies of Field of Ruin are just perfect. They have been helping quite alot, not only in destroying a lot of problematic lands, but in fixing! Actually even took out a Sulfur Falls for a Mountain because of it :D.

Thx for your input man, you mentioned some decent cards and combos but I don't run enough red sources atm for most of them and I don't foresee doing so with WAR because UB will still be the strong core, only splashing red for the current Ral, lord BOLAS, and perhaps a few other red burn spells which only have one R colored mana.

April 16, 2019 2:45 p.m.

MattN7498 says... #2

EastsideRockWhat do you think of the new Kefnet? Think that it's worth to have a place main or side to chain spells?

Also SCG did a stream today with a Grixis-ish control list with the new Bolas for people to check out https://www.twitch.tv/videos/411977627 (Time at 27:38)

April 16, 2019 6:03 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #3

MattN7498 The more I look at Kefnet, the more I like her. Everything seems to be perfectly balanced. She's a great blocker WITH evasion against smaller decks, and the copying of the spell is already awesome advantage PLUS the 2 CMC bonus is like SUPER card advantage. She will shine a lot more against creature decks I think, but I could definitely see her against other control, since she will let us draw 2 for 1U, or exile something for BB, WOW! Definitely think I will test with her with 1-2 copies somewhere in the 75. We will have so many wincons to chose from, we'll have to make choices based on meta, I'm excited! OOOHH and Kefnet will also be EXTRA good in our deck with all the Surveil we got going on.

April 16, 2019 7:39 p.m.

TheBooman says... #4

May Iask what is your input on Finale of Revelation? Seems good for a draw spell and late game uncounterable/graveyard shuffler and no max handsize seem alright to me.

Also been following this deck since KLD, im proud of it, even if I never had the chance to build it just yet lol

April 16, 2019 7:44 p.m.

Feltrix says... #5

Actually, Commence the Endgame seems like it could be a very good finisher, at least to sideboard in against control.

April 16, 2019 9:40 p.m.

illegalKross says... #6

Commence the Endgame and Finale of Revelation will most likely be too slow to play, Chemister's Insight will be the most efficient card draw still.

Finale of Eternity may be the closest we get to a black board wipe, I think its pretty decent against midrange, but we cant really utilize its payoff at 10 mana very well.

April 17, 2019 1:35 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #7

TheBooman Feltrix Thx for bringing those up. I think illegalKross is right. Commence the Endgame looks ok but 6-mana to draw 2 will feel bad most of the time, the vanilla x/x without evasion or protection is not really gonna help us. It would be ok against other control but I don't feel like the card will deserve its spot in the side, I think we will have too many other important cards to have in the 75. Finale of Revelation is casted right, but the fact that it's a sorcery really is a turn-off...it will have its home in ramp decks. If we could untap for less than 12CMC...say maximum 7 or 8, then we could discuss...so yup Chemister's Insight still the best for us!

Finale of Eternity looks decent, but it's really all about the meta. Right off the bat, I don't see how this would add to our removal suite but if there is a strong midrange decks with creatures that don't get wiped by Carnarium or Soot, then perhaps sure, we will side 1 or 2 of these.

Hey but did you guys see Blast Zone!?!? We finally get some enchantment removal!!! Great day for Grixis lol!! We don't even have to treat it as a land, we can treat it as an echant-removal card and play it in addition to our 26 lands. Yeah it's ''slow and costly'' but if any enchant at all is a key piece of a deck making our lives to hard, Blast Zone we will run.

April 17, 2019 8:03 a.m.

illegalKross says... #8

Wow, I didnt even think about the fact that it was enchantment removal. This set is looking real nice.

Did you see Tyrant's Scorn,

Tyrant's Scorn BU


Choose One

•Destroy target creature with CMC 3 or less

•Return target creature to its owners hand

Im not sure that we will end up using it, but I think its a card that will potentially see play. (Maybe after rotation if its not strong enough now)

April 17, 2019 8:19 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #9

illegalKross Sweet little tempo card! Good point, might not be strong enough or meta-focused now for us but might be after rotation. If there is still a UBx tempo-ish midrange-ish deck with things like Thief of Sanity, I bet it's going to be all over that card. No matter what, I expect it to see play.

April 17, 2019 9:39 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #10

MattN7498 ...following the Kefnet discussion: Holy fuck, I just realized that if we draw during the opponent's turn, we also get to copy and cast O.o!.... She also dodges Lava Coil and Cast Down...Man...Now I'm certain that at least 1 copy will be maindecked.

April 18, 2019 9:12 a.m.

SynergyBuild says... #11

Do any of you think Narset's Reversal will see play in grixis lists?

April 18, 2019 9:19 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #12

Hey guys, I went through what is spoiled and this is what I have my eyes on for now.

+2 God-Eternal Kefnet
+1 The Elderspell
+2-3 Angrath's Rampage / Liliana's Triumph
+1-2 Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God
+1-2 Blast Zone

MAYBE (depending on meta)
Bolas's Citadel
Deliver Unto Evil
Finale of Eternity
Massacre Girl
Jaya's Greeting
Dovin, Hand of Control
Kaya, Bane of the Dead

April 18, 2019 10:05 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #14

SynergyBuild I forgot about it in the list I just posted! I will definitely test with it!

April 18, 2019 10:35 a.m.

IAmTheWraith says... #15

April 18, 2019 10:45 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #16

IAmTheWraith I like it, 2CMC for instant edict is GREAT. I mentioned it in the list a few messages above; I will do a split between it and Angrath's Rampage.

April 18, 2019 12:33 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #17

Hi all, just made a first iteration of the WAR deck update! I know I said I would wait until the full spoiler but we are just about there, I think we have all we need! :D

April 18, 2019 1:43 p.m.

illegalKross says... #18

As good as Doom Whisperer may be, I think they should be replaced by the kefnets, since they are the weakest wincon in the deck (alongside Ravager Bolas), they get hit by almost all the removal currently played (Cast Down, Mortify, Contempt, etc). Where as kefnet will dodge everything but counter magic.

Also with some of these new cards/threats coming I think we still should run x4 Thought Erasure.

Side note, im not sure if you did this on purpose or its just coincidince, but almost every build of this deck has had 7 wincons.

April 18, 2019 8:04 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #19

illegalKross I just played the last few months with only 7 wincons and it was perfect, I'm pushing it a little bit here with 9 but it's because I want to test a few things. If a lot of PWs gets played, it helps to have creatures because no matter how effective our removal package may be, we sometimes can get overwhelmed when opposing board splits threats between PWs and creatures. I'm going to give this build a spin on Cockatrice and see how it goes.

The thing about Whisperer is that when played optimally and kept unchecked, you can coast to victory in like 3 turns or so, there are almost no other playable creatures that can rival with his stats. The surveil will also fuel Kefnet so they are complementary.

I also ran 4 Erasures for the past few months but took 2 out to test a few things, I may revert to 4, or 3. Depends a lot on the meta because when aggro is very strong, you don't want to maindeck too many of them. I'm curious to see where this meta will go, most of us have the impression that it will be slower and very grindy with all the PWs but that might just give an edge to aggro to go under everything.

April 18, 2019 9 p.m.

sadcowboy says... #20

For those on a budget, I ran a somewhat similar deck with cuts to some of the more pricey cards and running guildgates instead of the shocklands cut a lot off the price of the deck and did not negatively impact me all that much. I didn't have any 1 drops to begin with and I consistently hit all the spells I needed to with guildgates and basics.

April 19, 2019 3:21 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #21

Just dropping in to say that the card that is the most over-performing is BLAST MUTHAFUCKIN ZONE!! What a beautiful and highly useful mana sink, I have absolutely blown everything with it, from armies of 2-3 CMC weenies to opposing Bolas and Teferis, haha love it!

Kefnet is amazing, it usually doesn't live long but who gives a shit, after the 3rd recast they are all out and die anyway. Haven't got to use the copy mode much yet, but she's putting in a lot of work still. Great addition.

Bolas is well, GREAT...and everywhere. The funny thing about it though is the heaps of timmies that think they can just casualy Grixis and cram 4 copies of our LORD in their deck and tap out to play them...I just kill it one after the other...and after I drop one of mine, it's gg! BITCH no posers in Grixis, BOLAS knows who his real disciples are!!!

Angrath and Lili edicts are awesome, I'm fine with the 2-2 split in the main for now.

Advice for yall, keep a few of those Essence Scatter in...you absolutely want to counter the opposing Gods, they are very good and the resilience is like never seen before (anti-die + anti-exile is not to be f'ed with).

Fun as hell, deck is killing it!

P.S: The only deck I faced that made me shit my pants is a Bant Kamahl's Druidic Vow superfriends deck with both Teferis, Tamiyo, Vivien, etc... Holy FUCK is it powerful, it was running all the static abilities; everything hexproof, cannot be sacrificed, opponents can only play sorcery speed...super grindy and flashy + some lengendary utility dudes + the white boardwipe that kills all non-legends. DO NOT LET KAMAHL VOW RESOLVE!!

April 20, 2019 7:53 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #22

...oh and one more thing, people are playing more and more around Carnarium, so -1 Carnarium +1 Soot in the side. A lot of grindy decks with PWs means I'm also giving Star of Extinction a try.

April 20, 2019 9:23 p.m.

illegalKross says... #23

Damn, deck seems pretty good so far, I wont be doing much testing until its released on MTG Arena (25th). Can't wait, our removal suite and options are so strong right now its honestly amazing. I can just imagine blast zone vs White weenie and mono blue.

April 21, 2019 6:51 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #24

TheBooman, Feltrix, illegalKross Soooooooo, I was WRONG about Commence the Endgame ! What a great card (lol), it's not just about pay 6 and draw 2...OBVIOUSLY, the ambush combat trick is very powerful, especially because uncounterable. On top of that, when played as a combat trick it is hard for some decks to get rid of it at instant speed so if it kills a dude in combat, we traded 6-mana for 2 cards, one creature and one kill, that's already a 3 for 1, but becomes kind of a 4 for 1 if it survives and they need to kill it after!...yeah sick shit.

The EOT play can also completely screw them up if they drop an exposed PW or don't have anything to kill at instant speed when we untap with the zombie. And even if the zombie gets spawn-killed, well we didn't care so much to tap all that mana at EOT to draw two and have them use some removal on it.

Not only that Commence the Endgame is so strong but it's also because our Demon and Nightmare friends became much more weaker since there's a lot of removal out there (with all the PWs now), people are backing themselves up, so recurrent Kefnet and combat-trick/ambush/draw Commence the Endgame is exactly where we want to be!

It's kinda funny what lead me to it because I was tired of tapping mana on my turn to play a demon and have it killed so I actually went to see what flash creatures were available to us and other than Nightmare whose stats are getting bad compared to the field, there was nothing playable...so it all brought me back to ENDGAME.

OH, and we can ALSO recast it with Mission Briefing late game if need be! Something that we cannot do when our Demon or Nightmare died.

I've put in a lot of games already and am in the last steps of fine-tuning. There are just so many viable decks out there that it was hard to get my head around how to fight them all, but I think the balance is pretty good now, we can win against aggro, midrange and control. Description will be updated soon.


April 22, 2019 11:26 p.m. Edited.

TheBooman says... #25

I am glad you like the card and now see the potential in it! Can't wait to see it in the deck!

April 23, 2019 12:29 a.m.

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