DFT - Dimir Control

Standard EastsideRock

SCORE: 744 | 1527 COMMENTS | 257408 VIEWS | IN 375 FOLDERS

EastsideRock says... #1

monkeynutts85 cool!

Before Jace came out, I was running 4 Anticipate, been swapping 2 for Jaces. Do you care to share your list with us?

I was running a Dragonlord Kola in the SB since he came out, actually JUST switched it yesterday for Disdainful Stroke! I liked him, but I rarely boarded him in.

October 5, 2015 1:31 p.m.

monkeynutts85 says... #2

EastsideRockI've assembled my deck. Never really done one on tapped before.http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/07-10-15-grixis-dragons-bfz/

October 7, 2015 4:56 p.m.

monkeynutts85 says... #3

October 7, 2015 4:57 p.m.

LumpyMilk says... #4

Loving the BFZ edit! I love seeing a good Grixis deck in standard :D also, i am totally kicking butt in quest magic with the older version :D I may do a second playthrough with the updated one :D If i only had the cash to actually buy this, and play it at FNM and see the look on peoples faces after they just totally got smeared by Grixis in standard... Sucks being a pleb like me :D

October 7, 2015 11 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #5

LumpyMilk Thx buddy! :D It had been too long since we had a good Grixis deck in Standard, seriously I don't even remember one that was note-worthy!.. I'm always gonna continue to update this Grixis as new sets come out! Sure we will lose all our current central pieces in two sets, but I'll always try to find a way to make it work! Consider this page as the HAIL BOLAS GRIXIS project!

October 8, 2015 8:20 a.m.

Slowgod says... #6

Speaking of rotating, I am trying to devise a grixis deck of the utmost annoyance for your opponent! It could use a little more direction (and a lot more testing) but I think it's viable. I need some help refining and cutting some stuff and probably making some 2 ofs into 3-4. There's 1 dragon in the deck at the moment ;) anyone mind taking a gander? Thanks!
Eldrazi Land Bandits!

October 8, 2015 12:12 p.m.

Frostknife says... #7

Any suggestions on making this Dimir?

October 10, 2015 5:21 a.m.

LumpyMilk says... #8

@Frostknife - i recommend... not going Dimir? Grixis is way better ;)

October 14, 2015 7:15 p.m.

So i actually played the deck for the first time last night at my local Tuesday Night Magic, with a few alterations, mostly thanks to some of my friends (4 Jace, no Anticipate, 4 Marsh and no Radiant Flames in the main).

Background on my TNM, its more a lot competitive generally then the FNM in my city, but the attitude is relaxed and friendly. Now coming in I hadn't had a chance to try the deck out before today so I expected I would take a while getting used to the deck, e.g. what hands to keep/mull, what to side out etc..and maybe get 1 or 2 wins...maybe a game off someone?


I WON 1ST PLACE!! (4-0)

Round 1: Esper Dragons (Peter) 1W-0L-1D- First time playing this guy and honestly I probably should of mulled my 7 card hand (Delta, Mire, Island, Marsh, Swamp, Ob Nix and Clash I think), but figuring hey I need to learn even if it means I mess up on my mulligan choices, also I basically only mulliganed about 2 or 3 times that night...though I probably should of mulled more considering most of my hands I was back and forth on 90% of them.

Despite my iffy hand, I managed to get Ob Nix out during the 5th turn, then even though I messed up and played Dragonlord Silumgar while his Ojutai was untapped afterwards, he decided that an Ob Nix on 7 was too dangerous and attacked. I decided to block Ojutai with DL and strangely he was fine with it trading our dragons.

I then proceeded to show of the 1-2 Punch of Drifting Death and a Dashed Kolaghan (with Scorns at the ready in case) taking him down to 9 from 20. Then during my next turn, finishing game 1 with another Dash Blitz attack with the Scorn ready for the Foul Tongue during combat.

I sided in both Distanful Strokes and Dispels against him, taking out iirc 1 Ob Nix, both Crux and Clash.

Game 2 started out really bad for me, for 3 turns I was stuck only a few lands after we both mullied to 6 with a Dispel, Ugin, Kolaghan and Stroke after having my hand ripped apart from Despise and a Flashbacked one from Jace.

Some how even with him resolving a Dig, having less then 15 minutes and having Jace tick up I managed to get enough time to play Ugin, right after he summoned his own one and bolted me down to 15. I -0 to get rid of Jace since I had Kolaghan in hand and could both Dash her in and have Counter mana ready (thanks to the Dispel and while getting mana screwed, drawing 2 Scorns) and took out Ugin in 2 turns, but unable to finish him before the 5 turns after time.

Round 2: Temur Ramp (Tom) 2W-1L-0D

  • Tom is a friend, really cool guy and one of the best players in the group, mainly known for his Esper Dragons then G/R Devotion during last format...and also the one who lent me the Jaces, a Sunken Hollow, 2 Deltas, a Radiant Flames and Ruinous Path for the deck. He jokingly called me out and said if I win it doesn't count, oh and if I managed to win tonight I owe him a pack...

Game 1 started off with him trying to resolve a 3rd turn Kiora off Rattleclaw Mystic, which was ate by Clash, followed by some more counter magic against a second Kiora and a Nissa in the following turns. He did manage to get a Deathmist out, which was eaten by Ob Nix while the Jace I played 2nd turn was already flipped and ticking up. He then regrew Nissa from a Den Protector and played it to find his 7th land from his deck, but thankfully he had to play a land already that turn in order to do so.

A Languish Flashbacked from the graveyard cleaned the board, and he was reduced to top deck mode...Dragonlord Atarka came crashing down taking out Ob Nix and reducing Jace to 6 loyality. However, I had been sitting on our Dragonlord in hand and proceeded to take control of Atarka with it and in a few turns I took game 1 with his own Dragon.

I brought in the 2 Strokes and Ruinous Paths from the side, I took out 1 Jace, Clash and 2 other cards, can't remember.

Game 2 was rough however, thanks to a resolved Temur Ascendancy (I Scorned the first one on turn 3), Savage Knuckleblade and not being able to keep my counters and removal up to his hasty threats, losing to a face up Den Protector for exact game.

Game 3 basically became a Planeswalker showdown, within the game as Nissa, Kiora and Sarkhan Unbroken coming out of his deck, with Nissa being pushed though with a Negate on my Scorn, Kiora being countered and Sarkhan resolving with me having Drifting Death on the battlefield, and having both Foul Tongue and Ruinous Path for Sarkhan and a Dragon Token during my next turn...

But he decided to + Sarkhan to draw a card. Taking my next turn saw Nissa getting Foul Tongued, putting me up to 22 Life, taking Sarkhan out with Path and forcing him to try and race Silumgar with counter mana at the ready. With going into time, Languish, Counter Mana, Kolaghan and a bit of landflooding I was able to take the win with the 1-2 Punch to go 2-1 and Tom both happy and a little annoyed.

Game 3: GW Megamorph (Darrel) 2W-0L-0D

  • I have only seen Darrel once or twice before and probably my first time playing him, so i didn't have much of an idea what he's like or playing.

Game 1 he came on with speed with me starting with a weird hand (can't remember, but it wasn't great) and getting down to 8 life thanks to mana screw before I was able to cast a Languish to clean his board. Then I proceeded to get enough mana resolve Drifting Death and Kolaghan over the next few turns with Foul Tongue's getting my Life Total back up to above 14 and getting him with Kolaghan's ability, sealing game 1.

I brought in the Dragonmaster Outcast, both Horribly Awry and 1 Radiant Flames, taking out Cruxs, Clash and a Kolaghan.

Game 2 my hand was Delta, Marsh, Mountain, Radiant Flames, Jace, Foul Tongue and Dig. Again he came out with swinging early, but this time stuck on 2 lands and got aggressive with a pair of Hidden Dragonslayers and a Warden of the First Tree. I ended up casting Flames when I got to my 3rd mana as I was worried about how aggressive a start he had (I was on 9, him 24) and wanted to slow the game down.

What followed was him getting out a Gideon right after that, then sort of fuzzy on the exact things that happened, apart from I resolved a Dig with 4 lands and exailed my graveyard save a Dig. But at one point he just flipped Nissa and she was on 1 with the elemental just summoned, Gideon on 4 and 2 Knight Allys, and Den Protector. Meanwhile I have a Jace on about 6 loyality, Ob Nix on 3 and 8 life.

Passing the turn back to me I had a hard decision to make, since I did not have a Lanugish in hand, but enough mana to cast Dragonlord Sliumgar and present back up mana for Scorn. What do I take with him?

I ended up taking Gideon, using Jace to shrink Ashya down, making a Token with Gideon and dig a little more with Ob Nix and get him to 3 loyality. I passed the turn, he then send everything after Ob Nix whom I let die. Breathing a sigh of relief I drew for my turn and saw I drew Languish!

Thankfully having both enough mana to Dash Kolaghan, hitting him for 6 with her and taking out Nissa with DL, I then cleaned the board with Languish and ticked Jace up for my turn. That Languish in the graveyard became important a few turns later as a few Hangarback Walkers broke open and different times and thanks to Flashbacking the Languish I was able to clean his field and take the game with DL and Kolaghan smashing in for 2 damage due to Languish knocking him down to 9, then next turn Dashing back in with Scorn mana and taking the game.

Round 4: Atarka Red (Adam) 2W-1L-0D

-Adam is a guy I sort of know, seen him a few times at Games Days' and prereleases and he is generally a Modern/Legacy player.

Game 1 I kept up my sketchy hand routine that was land heavy and I was buzzed out, since at this point I was like how the f*** am I 3-0 at this point playing the deck for the first time ever, trying not to burst out and tired. Thankfully after taking a few early hits from a Swiftspear, a Foul Tongue or 2 and a bit of flooding on his part meant I had the time to deploy Silumgar DD and Kolaghan and take the first game.

I brought in 2 Radiant Flames and 2 Dispels while taking out Ugin, Ob Nix's and a Kolaghan for game 2...which actually had a decent starting hand from the looks of things for once...basically I lost as I was stuck on 4 mana with only 2 sources of Blue mana and drew nearly all my dragons early -_-

Seeing DL Silumgar during game 2 didn't sit right with me, so I ended up taking him out for a Horribly Awry...

Game 3 I opened with 2 Foul Tongues, 3 lands, Jace and Kolaghan so I kept it...I ended up gaining 12 life thanks to seeing and using 3 Foul Tongues basically basically once per turn for 3 turns straight, this is while having to us Jace to block a Chandra that already did 1 damage to me this turn while he dashed a Lightning Berserker with 4 mana open to pump her...I used the 3rd Foul Tongue when he tapped all his remaining mana into it then and he sac'ed the Berserker.

Then basically I was able to take a Planeswalking Chandra, and over the next few turns with the classic 1-2 Punch =D


I will say this, nearly every person I talked to about the deck immediately asked me after I said the deck is a Grixis Dragon deck....why not Esper for Ojutai (even with Adam asking me why after beating him with Kolaghan) -__-

I have to thank you for this deck, it was absolutely amazing to play and I can't wait to play it more!

P.S. sorry this post is so long =x

October 14, 2015 9:07 p.m.

Enroe says... #10

Knight_Amarylis +1 for the long post. And good job winning 1st!!

October 15, 2015 5:05 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #11

Knight_Amarylis WOWWWW!!! That's Awesome!!!! I cannot say how thrilled I am that you enjoy the deck and performed like that!!! Many thanks for your very detailed field report!

Bolas wants me to tell you that he'll be rewarding you with 1 soul!!


October 15, 2015 8:52 a.m.

LumpyMilk says... #12

Knight_Amarylis - Bolas would be proud.

October 15, 2015 1:04 p.m.

Adds the soul to growing collection Thanks everyone =]

Btw I had an interesting discussion with a friend of mine about the deck (one of the few people who understood the upsides of playing Grixis over Esper), who suggested changing a couple of the Bloodstained Mire into Flooded Strand due to desire for the deck to represent UU most of the time and how light the red mana requirements are in the mainboard...mainly the version I played since I didn't have a Radiant Flames in it.

October 15, 2015 6:31 p.m.

Gr1xx says... #14

Great Guide.. i recently made my own grixis dragon do you mind checkin it? need some help of what to change in the deck.


October 16, 2015 1:01 p.m.

Vindicator5 says... #15

Very Very Cool Deck! I love the Idea of this kind of Control. What is your Opinion of replacing Jace with Tasigur for Budget Reasons? Would that do the Trick?

October 18, 2015 2:07 p.m.

CattCaller says... #16

I'm putting this deck together right now and taking it into a Gauntlet against the top decks. Going to test, update, change, adapt the build to what I think I will see when I take it to tournaments here.

@Vindicator5 I am going to replace Jace with either Fathom Feeder or Tasigur, the Golden Fang as they are a little more resilient and pose a much higher threat in terms of Damage to my opponent's life total instead of just flashing back cards and slowing down my opponents aggression. I think the other spells are fine for that.

October 18, 2015 5:13 p.m.

CattCaller says... #17

Another Card I was thinking about was Scab-Clan Berserker.

A 1RR haste 2/2 with renown, and punishes our opponent for trying to get rid of it with non creature spells if it's renowned.

I would love to see what kind of shenanigans can come about with that.

Would be it be a sideboard card that can put some people on tilt?

October 18, 2015 5:27 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #18

Vindicator5 Thank you much!! Before Jace came in the picture, I was actually running 4 Anticipates. They helped with keeping consistency and getting the mana requirements (which is obviously not a challenge anymore since BFZ though). Testing with some Tasigurs might be worth it, although all my testing with additional creatures hasn't been very conclusive as the dragons are more than enough to do all the bashing we want to be doing with this deck.

CattCaller Jace is so good at card advantage + flashing back your stuff though, if you have him run him! If not, sure go ahead with preferred cards of your choice as buying him at 100$ right now makes no godamn sense!! As for Scab-Clan, I'm really not sure man, wiping the board regularly and keeping mana up are very restrictive to our game play, unless we're dropping a Hexproof Silum or hasting Kola for a monster bash, I found that it's not really worth it to deploy anything else - One mana bombs like Tasigurs and Outcast are fine though! Can't wait to read your field reports!

October 19, 2015 8:49 a.m.

Vindicator5 says... #19

EastsideRock After test playing im even more impressed and I will take this Deck to the BFZ Games Day. I read in your early Posts that you played 4 Anticipate, after all I was worried about the missing Flashback Ability of Jace.

I think I will go with 1 more Anticipate and 1 Dragonlord's Prerogative

October 19, 2015 10:38 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #20

Vindicator5 NICE!! Please be sure to let us all know how went! Your Jace replacements sound solid, without access to Jace I think I would have done pretty much the same, card advantage is so important. Depending on your meta, you might want to consider more Radiant Flames in the main though! Or even Dispel/Awry if you think you will see a lot of Atarka Red!

October 19, 2015 12:57 p.m.

HahaWhoops says... #21

What about Icefall Regent ?

October 24, 2015 2:24 a.m.

LumpyMilk says... #22

@HahaWhoops - Icefall Regent is ok, but there are many other cards that are better.

October 24, 2015 11:46 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #23

Indeed we have better options of creatures that protect themselves i.e. Hexproof Silum and dashed Kola. Kola Lord and Outcast are ok as one-ofs since they can straight up steal games while even contributing to our dragon theme.

October 26, 2015 12:14 p.m.

CattCaller says... #24

I didn't get a chance to play in BFZ Game-day, was called into work, but I did manage to play in today's Standard Tournament at my LGS. There were 4 rounds

Round 1 - I lost to a creature-less Esper control deck that managed to stick an Ugin game 1 and just rode him to victory. Game two was very similar. He had way to many counters up, having 3 dispels in hand for the counter-war and I was just done after the Ugin resolved with a jace in the wings. Was rough...

Round 2 - I won against an Abzan mid-range decks. This matchup was simple and every move he did was very projective of the type of game plan my opponent had. I was able to win the second one after dashing in Kolaghan with a Dragonlord on board that had taken control of my Opponents Sorin, Solemn visitor.

Round 3 I lost to 4 colour Rally, he top-decked Rally the Ancestors in both games for the win. I had him beat all the way until he managed to top deck a rally the ancestors and managed to drain me 18 life after drawing into his other Collected Company through 3 Elvish visionaries for 2 Zulaport Cutthroats and a Nantuko husk being brought from the grave. It was rough...

Round 4 I played against a Jeskai Black deck and I had trouble dealing with all the counters. I just felt like no matter what I tried to do, there was no chance of anything resolving. Way to much recursion in that stupid deck. Kolaghan's Command + Ojutai's Command + Jayce flashback. Pretty damn annoying and the deck not coming online until turn 4-5 is definitely not a good thing against that deck.

Maybe I'm just really bad at playing the deck, maybe it was the fact that it was my first time playing the deck in a tournament setting. I also didn't get a chance to play it at all through my friend's gauntlet so I did play the deck a little blind.

There is much more room for improvement for myself in terms of piloting the deck, I do not doubt the strength it has. I managed to get a fun game in against an Atarka Red player and the deck is very poorly placed against that deck if they manage to draw a decent hand. For this reason, I've been contemplating running a couple small spot removal/burn spells in the side or board, for the matchups that have the aggression coming in withing the first 3-4 turns.

I mean, the Atarka red player smashed me from 18 to 0 in 1 turn, and I wasn't able to do anything because I hadn't drawn into any answers yet by turn 4.

How's the testing going for everyone else? Hope it's all good, any updates? changes? swaps? insights?

October 28, 2015 2:54 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #25

CattCaller Many thx for your detailed and honest field reports, those are always immensely valuable!

Indeed, the hardest part of this deck is knowing how to play what VS the different matchups. A lot of practice is required to be successful and efficient but it is very rewarding when you play it patiently.

Game 1 VS Atarka Red is always gonna be painful. To be good against that game 1 we would need to swap like 10 cards!..and we certainly won't be doing that because then the rest of the matchups would become horrible! Usually game 1 is a sure loss as they 18 you in one turn like you described. Throw in those dispels, radiant flames and horribly awry, and suddenly games 2 (and 3) becomes winnable.

I haven't jammed enough games VS Dark Jeskai yet but looking forward to do so, the deck seems pretty dominant.

Thx Again!

October 28, 2015 9:42 a.m.

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