DFT - Dimir Control

Standard EastsideRock

SCORE: 744 | 1527 COMMENTS | 257413 VIEWS | IN 375 FOLDERS

EastsideRock says... #1

What you guys think of Sphinx of the Last Word!? Seems like he could be hella decent after KTK rotation!!

December 14, 2015 10:59 p.m.

CattCaller says... #2

EastsideRock Sphinx of the last word is a good card for control players. It's also a good card against control players.

It can slot in to the place of Silumgar, the Drifting Death post rotation, and that's the only place I've been thinking about putting in for.

There's still a large majority of other cards that aren't known yet, but in terms of what can be replaced 1 for 1, Silumgar out, Sphinx in. Just hope it's not blown out of proportion in terms of price though, hoping the 7 CMC keeps it at a low value.

December 15, 2015 12:01 p.m.

monkeynutts85 says... #3

Sphinx of the Final Word will be a power house for control post rotation.

December 15, 2015 2:42 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #4

Pretty excited about it! I LOVE me some Hexproof beater, and I was worrying that there would be no replacement for Silmugar (pretty much the main reason this deck saw light after all!)

December 15, 2015 3:27 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #5

All right so first changes in a while, nothing crazy;

-1 Anticipate +1 Jace in the main.

-1 Orbs, -1 Dragonmaster, +2 Infinite Obliterations in the side. (mainly because Ulamog)

December 18, 2015 12:16 p.m.

MonkeyFrog says... #6

Out of curiosity, how would you feel about adding Tainted Remedy (2B) to the sideboard against decks that feature a lot of life gain (Kalastria Healer, Jaddi Offshoot, Zulaport Cutthroat, etc.), It would function in a variety of ways, rendering March from the Tomb and even some Rally the Ancestor strategies very painful for your opponent. It even thwarts Lifelink and a few Planeswalker abilities. It feels like a good addition, or at least one to strongly consider. They'd never see it coming from this deck. If they try to take it out or counter it, having a Scab-Clan Berserker on the battlefield makes them pay for that as well. Getting it down turn 3 or 4 would really spoil their day.

Hail to Nicol Bolas!!!

December 29, 2015 2:52 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #7

MonkeyFrog, Tainted Remedy would definitely be the best option if Lifelink ever becomes more prevalent in tier 1 decks, I just think it hasn't yet.

So far, the times I have lost to Allies, it wasn't because they had so much life, but because I was overwhelmed with them. If I don't succeed in controlling them and wiping them as they come, I'm gonna lose anyway. The board sweepers, Horribly Awry, and even Infinite Obliterations to some extent, become my best cards against that matchup. The thing is that these cards also have great applications VS many other decks, where unfortunately Tainted Remedy does not.

As for the Berserker, I know a lot of people have said a lot of good about him, I tried him, he was ok but I wasn't sold! I guess I prefer keeping things as controlly as I can, only going out of way to drop fat inevitable dragons! BRRRRAAAAPPP take 11!! Oh did you just go down 9, two more bro!! lol

Thx for the input, keep it coming! Happy new year! HAIL BOLAS HAIL

December 30, 2015 12:07 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #8

OGW - Yay Skinning Tendrils!!! -2/-2 exile board/wipe!! :D Those are the best with Silumgar!! Definitely will see some number in this 75! Take this Allies!

December 31, 2015 10:18 a.m.

DarkAngel367 says... #9

Hello again. I have been playing with this deck for a while now and I have a suggestion. I think that the four Silumgar, the Drifting Death is too many, you should take one out and put one Silumgar's Command in as I found it very useful. It allows you to have planeswalker removal game one, and it is a fantastic two for one removal card. It has saved me many, many times. An example is my opponent had a Mantis Rider on board and he played an Ugin, the Spirit Dragon (I was only at 3 life). He decided not to use Ugin and instead attacked me with his Mantis Rider and since he tapped out casting Ugin, I was able to -3/-3 Mantis Rider and destroy Ugin which resulted in me winning the game.

January 2, 2016 11:46 p.m.

MonkeyFrog says... #10

Not having Jace and some of the expensive land options, I took a slightly modified version to FNM yesterday, and here are the results.

In the first round I was up against a Hearts and Scales deck, which appeared to be playing very similar to RG Landfall. In Game 1 he started off with a few small red creatures, and then an Undergrowth Champion and Hangarback. Unfortunately I had a series of bad draws and couldn't get enough lands down for efficient removal, and ended up losing. In Game 2 I had a better starting hand off the play, and a series of great draws. He started off with the small creatures again and nibbled at my life count but I waited a few turns and wiped the board with a Crux of Fate, removed a few creatures in the next turns while building up lands, and then resolved Silumgar, the Drifting Death. He had no removal at all, and built up his board again without attacking, so I wiped them again with a Languish, and held another dragon back in my hand. This made him feel safe about dropping Sorin down because he thought I had another Languish, so instead I nabbed Sorin with Dragonlord Silumgar. From that point it was a quick finish. The deck played just like it was designed and it was a dragon lovefest (got 3 down together). Game 3 was similar to game 1, with bad draws eventually ending it in his favor.

In the second match I was up against an RG Landfall deck. Like the first match, I was unfortunate with draws and played from behind both games. The removal was working (sideboarded in Radiant Flames), but he managed to ramp one creature to 18/18 with trample by tapping lands in the second game and that was the end. I had no way to stop the ramp and couldn't destroy the creature.

From the two matches it seemed like as long as there were enough lands down, I was able to stop them from ramping, was able to clear the board, drop the dragons down, and stop their offense. It was just odd luck that I had so many bad draws. Afterwards I was approached by somebody who just wanted a friendly match, and he was using an Allies life gain deck. He managed to get the score to 24 - 9 in his favor, but after wiping the board and dropping a dragon, it ended up 9 - minus-something in my favor. Without the life drain side of the allies, he couldn't get by the dragons. In the several FNMs that I have attended, there is a lot of focus on landfall or ramp strategies with planeswalkers, and very little removal or countering. There has been some direct damage, but most of the time it is small creatures being buffed, lifegain, and token spawns. With sideboard options (and normal draws) this deck is positioned well against many of them.

January 9, 2016 4:18 p.m.

HankyMueller says... #11

Chandra, Flamecaller seems good, along with Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker. Maybe Goblin Dark-Dwellers, but it doesn't survive Languish, so IDK.

January 28, 2016 10:23 p.m.

WordsmithVIII says... #12

Hey there. I'm thinking of making a deck sort of similar to this, but I want to play more midrange/tempo than control. I was thinking of running a more Dragonlord Kolaghan focussed deck, making use of its haste to easily make use of its haste with cards like Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet qnd Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh  Flip. I'm thinking of putting Thunderbreak Regent in main, too, with Icefall Regent in the sideboard. If I'm being stupid, then please do tell me so, and why.


January 30, 2016 6:11 p.m.

Hello! I love this list and have been playing it online and last Friday finally put it together on paper and got third in a fairly decent turnout. Went into the top four 4-0 which was awesome. I just ran into some trouble with crackling dooms and the new eldrazi that makes you sac a creature and in that other players having answers for Silumgar. For sideboard remedy I am strongly considering two hangarback walkers. Also I don't have Jaces so I run three despise main instead. I was curious about your thoughts on this and also how the new chandra might fit into this deck? Maybe even taking the place of one dig through time?

January 31, 2016 11:11 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #14

HankyMueller I'm still pondering about the new Chandra, it could be pretty decent against slower decks, I will probably give it a try in the SB shortly. As for Sarkhan and Goblin, I don't think they are worth tapping out for, we have access to better inevitable threats already. Thx for your input!

WordsmithVIII Kola-Lord would be a nonbo with Kalitas since when creature die, they won't hit the yard and you won't get your Kola trigger! The right balance to make Flip-Chandra good is not an easy one, but you would need to be playing a lot of red spells for sure, whereas red in this control build is really sparse! However I could see a Tier 2 Izzet midrange deck with Thunderbreaks and Icefalls, you can even keep it as red as possible for flip-chandra, could be fun!

Thegreatonearises855 Awesome that you built it and brought it to a tourney! Good results too, congrats! I think that Infinite Obliterations will become even more useful with this set, since like you say decks have now access to another decent sac-card in the new Eldrazi. I'm sure that there is a less controlly version of this deck that might want to have some hangarbacks, but it's not my style so it's hard for me to see it. As for the new Chandra, I will definitely be trying it in the SB against slower decks, seems HELLA fine on an empty board with sweepers and counters in hand!!

February 2, 2016 9:39 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #15

Did you guys see the new card Thing In Ice // Awoken Horror!!? WOW WOW WOW!!!!! Really stoked!

OGW turned out to be the least relevant set for us since the deck was put together, and our dragons will rotate out soon, R.I.P. ;( - however I'm thrilled to see that we at least will get this great control card!!

Hail Bolas

March 7, 2016 12:15 p.m.

tep says... #16

would you consider either of the dragon lords for the sideboard?

would big jace be better as another ob?

March 31, 2016 8:26 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #17

tep Having 1 of each was fine in the past version of the deck (with Dragons at the core of it) since they reinforced all the Dragon matters cards while giving an interesting effect at the same time. I don't really think they are relevant with this version of the deck though. Having new finishers, we have new support cards for them which work better. Kola Lord was good against decks running playsets and as an extra kick with other dragons, Silum Lord was good only if I could protect him but I'm not running as many counters with this list so I don't really see it.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by your second question, mind to rephrase please?

March 31, 2016 10:16 p.m.

DarkAngel367 says... #18

He asking if "Big Jace" would be as a second Ob Nixilis instead.

April 1, 2016 1:24 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #19

Oh kk yeah, well I really enjoy the split between both because Ob can kill but painful to draw VS Jace doesn't kill but digs better (and he has a game ending ultimate which I had the pleasure of activating today, putting an end to a lonnnnng game VS Jeskai Control :D)...so yeah the balance is pretty sweet between both + once in a while when the stars align you actually get to play them both together, and then you get to see opponent fall to the ground in a fetal position, and weep uncontrollably. Fun stuff!! :) - I started off with 2 copies of each but that was too much, I instead just went for more spells which fuels everything in the deck (baby Jace, delirium, spell mastery, Ice Thang).

April 1, 2016 2:03 a.m.

DarkAngel367 says... #20

How is Epiphany at the Drownyard working?

April 1, 2016 12:14 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #21

DarkAngel367 BRAO...Epiphany is the shizzznit. Seriously it is really great. Like there's nothing wrong in casting it for x=1 or x=2 in early game to get some card advantage and start fueling dat graveyard. Towards end game it becomes a game winning play, like drawing 3 to 4 cards in this grindy format is huge when both players are starting to run out of gas. Oh...and nevermind all the comparisons with other cards that aren't in the format, just block your ears, cause you know why?: THEY ARE NOT IN THE FORMAT!!! lol...but seriously I really loves it mucho grando and you will see a LOT of them around, like every serious blue mage is sure to run some. With all the recursion we have, I think that 3 copies is a good number, but I don't think it would be incorrect to even play 4. Try casting yours now, they feel great!!

Side note: for those who are able to play with a po-po-poker face, Epiphany can lead to great mind games. Like let's say I already have a needed Languish in hand and the evident choice for my opponent is NOT to give me Languish...well, you just put the card you need in the other pile and you get it. Granted this doesn't happen every time, but the more I play with it, the better I separate my piles.

April 1, 2016 1:44 p.m.

DarkAngel367 says... #22

So more or less it is pretty much replacing Dig Through Time.

April 1, 2016 6:26 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #23

Yup it sure is man!

April 1, 2016 7:48 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #24

DarkAngel367 Have you tested it on Cockatrice yet?

April 1, 2016 8:43 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #25

A guy playing RDW agaisnt me suggested I try Sin Prodder. Surprisingly I hadn't considered it at all before, but I think could be quite good. Don't know what I'd cut though...more more more testing is in order!

April 2, 2016 12:15 a.m.

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