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DGR Booster Draft Deck

Unformat Aggro RG (Gruul)



Drafted this deck at FNM. I ended up 2-1. The two games I won were decisive and quick. The one I lost was to a UBW mill deck built around Codex Shredder, Psychic Spiral, and Chronic Flooding . I didn't take any damage, but got milled for 24 each game.

Coming out of DGM I was concerned as I only had 7 creatures and they were ALL 4 drops. Even though I didn't play them all continuing to grab them over D-drafting was a good move as it sent the signal that gruul was not open. I did grab a Punish the Enemy over a Gruul War Chant . I'm not sure whether or not that was right.

In GTC I got awesome cards. I had to pass a Gore-Clan Rampager so I could grab a Ground Assault. Also passed an Ivy Lane Denizen for something Experiment One since I already had a bunch of 4 drops.

RTR was good to me as well. I got the guildgates I needed to make the double splash work easily. Gatecreeper Vine was excellent and Cyclonic Rift helped me finish a game.

Overall, I'm happy with the deck. I think I could have beat the opponent I lost to if I hadn't creature stalled both games.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Unformat legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Rares

7 - 4 Uncommons

18 - 11 Commons

Cards 40
Avg. CMC 3.04
Tokens Centaur 3/3 G, Ooze */* G
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