Dickhead Returns! - Modern Turbo Xerox

Modern* Xica


dzapf2008 says... #1

I really like this deck. I have a similar one: Devil's Revenge, but other than Demigod of Revenge, Faithless Looting, and Lightning Bolt our decks are completely different. I like your description and reasoning for including the cards.

November 16, 2017 4:27 p.m.

Waerlock says... #2

Good games homie!https://youtu.be/-guehDjK_us

December 9, 2017 5:29 p.m.

bah-bammmm says... #3

I understand your points and why you think the deck might be better off as mono red instead of red black, but personally, the raw speed of the red black lists are what make the deck work, so in the end I think red black is better than mono red

December 23, 2017 5:09 p.m.

Xica says... #4

In the end its choice of taste in my opinion. BR is more explosive, but is more liable to loose if it runs out of gas, or its first 12 cards are not ideal.
Explosiveness is not the end all be all of magic - that is why the field is not grishoalbrand vs. grishoalbrand.

BR is trading explosivness for resiliency, and the ability to drag itself out of problems if its fallen behind.

December 23, 2017 6:11 p.m.

Ol_man says... #5

Cool deck idea! I do sense that sometimes the pilot my be conflicted, on whether or not they would want to use infernal plunge on their monastery swiftspear, or Flameblade adept, to force an early game chandra. Bloodghast and Prized Amalgam seem like they'd be good with Infernal plunge, as a means to cast it without losing a creature permanently (this would also give the decks Neonates a little more purpose.

I would also take out the 2 Faerie Macabre, and add in 2 Cathartic Reunion, and somehow 1 More Chandra. As Cathartic and looting can both give a valid way to eliminate extra copies of her, so she can be readily available more often.

April 26, 2018 11 p.m.

Xica says... #6

In my experience Cathartic Reunion is very hit or miss. Since i intentionally have an extremely low land count, its somewhat necessary to have loot effect that don't cost too much, to enable me to get to my lands.

Faerie Macabre definietly stays. Its absurdly great against all graveyard based combos, be it grishoalbrand, past in flames storm, or living end - while in its failure mode it acts as the 3rd discard beside Faithless Looting or Cathartic Reunion

I would say that forcingva T2 chandra is a miszake unless you know that you are up against a creature light deck. Then its gamebreaking. However you should always force a t3 demigod (well not against ensnaring bridge, but in the wast majority of cases)

The creatures that come back from the grave are much more conditional targets for infernal plunge, since i either have to hardcast them for 2-3 mana or have some effect place them in the grave then meet their reanination criteria, thus i will need 3-4 cards to get to my mana instead of 2 (creature & plunge)

April 27, 2018 6:34 a.m.

cplvela0811 says... #7

Xica: Hello old friend. It has been some time.

As for the deck, I really like the inclusion of Demi-God.

As for sideboard material, have you considered the new Damping Sphere? And what are your thoughts on Collective Brutality mainboard?

I think the deck is looking nice. The only thing that had me a little confused for a second, was that the layout was different, so it took a little time to catch on. Other than that, a +1 for sure.

May 13, 2018 5:47 p.m.

Xica says... #8

Yeah, i have, i have 2 Damping Spheres in the side.
And from a mono Mountain mana base i can't really cast Collective Brutality but if i ever go black, it will surely be an inclusion, alongside Rakdos Charm.

May 14, 2018 7:07 a.m.

This deck seems very strong. You don't have anything to sack to Infernal Plunge without loosing value (besides Flamewake Phoenix) so I'd be in favor of including some number of Bloodghast even without black mana in base. Faithless Looting Bloodghast into the graveyard turn 1 and Infernal Plunge into Chandra, Torch of Defiance turn 2 seems strong.

September 13, 2018 8:11 a.m.

CalvinR says... #10

This deck might stand to benefit from something like Hour of Devastation in the Late Game.

September 13, 2018 11:51 a.m.

Xica says... #11


I play Infernal Plunge, since if i played a creature before it, it will ramp as if it was 2x normal mana flares like Pyretic Ritual - there is only a single comparable effect in the format Vessel of Volatility but its a turn slower, and won't help me in powering out turn 2 Blood Moon, or Chandra, Torch of Defiance.

And its not problem if i "loose value" on my mana flare. Its there to do broken things, like not allowing my opponent to play magic (as they will only have red mana), play an early chandra they can't really interact with, that can run away with games, or simply as a way to cast Demigod of Revenge on turn 3, & reanimate copies from the grave. When i swing for 10+ damage i don't care that i sacrificed a cheap creature for it. Plus using the ritual on bloodghast is a 3 card combo, as i need a card to loot it into the grave on turn 1, the ghast itself, and the ritual - currently i only need the ritual and the creature.

I don't run Bloodghast becasue i am not content with surviving grave hate, i want to thrive against opponent who bring it in against me game 2. All my grave based cards (Demigod of Revenge & Flamewake Phoenix) are pretty decent even without the added value from the yard - the same cannot be said about Bloodghast. Its also weak, if i want to play the "ride chandra to victory" plan, as it can't block. Ghast is also much weaker if i don't run fetches - and as a mono red deck i don't plan to do so.


I tried Hour of Devastation, in the heyday of UW gideon tribal "control". Its extremely strong in many matchups, but its excruciatingly bad against decks with Thalia, Guardian of Thraben - which is pretty relevant at the moment.

September 13, 2018 6:41 p.m.

shadow63 says... #12

Why the faeries? Have you thought about Simian Spirit Guide?

October 21, 2018 4:50 p.m.

Xica says... #13

Faerie Macabre is a "free" discard outlet, that doubles up as graveyard hate AND doesn't cost me life.

The former is obviously relevant in any graveyard base matcup, and has incidental value against a LOT of stuff from preventing Path to Exile - Snapcaster Mage - Path to Exile, shrinking Tarmogoyf got a favorable trade, to preveneting Kitchen Finks from coming back from the yard. Or simply wrecking living end decks very hard.

The latter case can be relevant in every case where i need to race deck that don't deal infinite damage, as in my experience at least, drawing a lot of Street Wraith can cost you games - and due to my cmcs i can't afford the cost of cycling Edge of Autumn.

October 23, 2018 5:03 p.m.

chaos_noise says... #14

Try out Kher Keep as a 1-of. It works great with Infernal Plunge and gives you garbage creatures to sac to opponent's Lily or as chump blockers.

December 8, 2018 7:40 p.m.

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