Did Someone Say Shenanigans?

Pioneer* t3hSn0wm4n

SCORE: 35 | 133 COMMENTS | 13354 VIEWS | IN 14 FOLDERS

xzzane says... #1

Well the first thing you want to do is get your cards down to just 60. Maybee cut down on a few things like your burn spells, and have only 3 Talrand, The Sky Summoner? I've never made any Izzet decks, and I never play standard either, so you're going to have to decide what to cut on your own I'm afraid. You could deckcycle or feature this if you're up to it though and try to get some better advice.

March 29, 2013 10:10 a.m.

czn1 says... #2

Have you conisdered using Galvanoth from the Mirrodin Beseiged set?

April 1, 2013 4:08 p.m.

t3hSn0wm4n says... #3

i had not ever seen him before.... is he a standard card? unfortunately i cannot use any non standard cards.... this is for tourneys only.... :(

April 1, 2013 4:14 p.m.

PenitentKnight says... #4

I'd switch in Dissipate for Cancel and try to find some room for cheap spells to trigger Guttersnipe and Talrand. Maybe Artful Dodge , Index , and Goblin Electromancer could help you with the triggers?

April 1, 2013 4:22 p.m.

czn1 says... #5

Well, if you make a non-standard deck, throw Galvanoth in. He's awesome.

April 1, 2013 4:24 p.m.

t3hSn0wm4n says... #6

swapped and made some updates to the deck a little while ago.... i have no dissipate cards... so that is not an option for me at the moment.... will definitely put that in the acquire section though. thanks. :D

April 1, 2013 5:23 p.m.

Monoxidechild says... #7

Really similar to something I've been running for about a month now, you need to make sure you have cards constantly moving into your hand. I've gotten to the point where I'm winning consistently by turn 5; R/U/B me the right way, sleight of hand.

Slumbering Dragon + Favorable Winds looks like a great combo as well, he's an awesome 1 drop when you know you'll be taking a lot of damage.

April 4, 2013 5:38 p.m.

crabopolis says... #8

First thing i notice is your maybe board, you already have 4x Unsummon .
I might suggest adding to your Sideboard Cackling Counterpart , Act of Treason and maybe Bioshift . The treason card gives you all kinds of flexability. Steal a critter and swing. If it has any +1/+1's steal those also. If it is powerful enough the counterpart gives you a copy to keep, or a 5th guttersnipe option.
Check out my deck charmbreaker Disco 2, it's my izzet idea for now.

April 17, 2013 6:27 p.m.

t3hSn0wm4n says... #9

lol forgot to take those off the maybe section.... but thanks for the tips.... never heard of that counterpart card before. i like that a lot.

April 17, 2013 10:54 p.m.

jaggthemiller says... #10

i would replace tibalt with koth of the hammer because your running this combo :

Devil's Playand Mystic Retrieval

koth does adds x mana for how many mountains you control..use all that mana for devil's play then bring it back with mystic retrieval

April 26, 2013 3:57 p.m.

t3hSn0wm4n says... #11

koth unfortunately is not a standard card.... cant use it.... :(

April 26, 2013 4:04 p.m.

jaggthemiller says... #12

oh yeah? didn't really look at that. i have a tendency to just play casual format :P so i often ignore that rule but alright :] maybe next time

April 26, 2013 4:32 p.m.

t3hSn0wm4n says... #13

nah its cool. :D

April 27, 2013 12:06 a.m.

donpianta says... #14

I love love love this deck the only problem I would say here is the land base, all the mazes ends and guildgates do is slow you down and with 4 shock lands and 4 dual lands you really don't need em. I'd swap them out for more Islands and Mountains.

April 29, 2013 6:24 p.m.

donpianta says... #15

Also I would definitely put some Izzet Staticaster in your sideboard they wreck aggro, combo brilliantly with Ral Zarek and with Turn .

April 29, 2013 6:28 p.m.

t3hSn0wm4n says... #16

originally the guildgates were removed. however having them in the game is extremely beneficial when dealing with the fact that my mana costs are mostly 3 and 4 drops. also with Maze's End I have the ability to shuffle my library if i need to do so and that is the reason that I included the card. So far the deck is doing very well in its current configuration. My problem that I have at the moment is that I cannot do a whole lot until turn 2 or 3. having a few 1 drop blue creatures would probably help me but right now I do not know that I want to change that. I will not be making any changes to the deck until after next weeks FNM event. Once I have seen what it can or will do there, I will evaluate it and see how things go from there. :D

April 29, 2013 11:51 p.m.

Seeing as you are playing a bunch of instant and sorcery spells, I suggest you put in Goblin Electromancer to make your counter spells easier to cast. Not to mention that leaves you open to bring out more defense. I suggest putting in Murmuring Phantasm to help you and whatever planeswalker you have out on the field. Lastly, consider Nivmagus Elemental for the deck. Seeing as you do not run and flashback cards, it would only prove to make a big ass creature out on the field. As a fellow control player, I would really like to see this deck succeed so please take my my advice and suggestions.

April 30, 2013 12:11 a.m.

+1 from me. Sorry, I forgot about the Devil's Play flashback.

April 30, 2013 12:14 a.m.

t3hSn0wm4n says... #19

I had the Goblin Electromancer in there prior to the prerelease. only problem was that everyone kept killing him off before i could really do anything with him. :( I do greatly appreciate the advice though. This Murmuring Phantasm though... I have not heard of him. what does he do?

April 30, 2013 12:22 a.m.

He's a 0/5 defender with no abilities. Also, don't feel discouraged by people killing him off, it's just that you should attempt to throw him out turn 3 and then maybe counter their kill spell with a Negate or something of that caliber. Oh, by the way, seeing as you have dissipate in the deck already, I'm going to say that you should throw in Negate instead of Cancel . It's cheaper and you already have Searing Spear to kill off pesky creatures. Murmuring Phantasm is also only a small 1U to cast and helps make it so that you can stall for something big like Melek, Izzet Paragon or Nivmagus Elemental .

April 30, 2013 12:30 a.m.

I meant the Goblin Electromancer in the tense of kill spells.

April 30, 2013 12:31 a.m.

t3hSn0wm4n says... #22

honestly i was thinking of removing Devil's Play altogether.... might just sub in negate in place of that or possibly sideboard Devil's Play simply because it never seems to help me as much as having counter spells... thoughts on that idea at all?

April 30, 2013 1:02 a.m.

Well, I would agree. Either that or you could sub it for Magmaquake . Does the same job and is a board wipe just when you need it. Also, if you go that route, you could replace Rewind for Negate .

April 30, 2013 1:08 a.m.

t3hSn0wm4n says... #24

nah. I love Rewind . the ability to untap my lands and cancel a second spell if needed is fantastic. yes it is a 4 drop but at the same time it works very well post-turn 4.

April 30, 2013 2:46 a.m.

crabopolis says... #25

@ donpianta I prefer Turn to Frog over Turn . It's cheaper and I don't think having the option for Burn is worth the added cost in this deck. Combo still works, along with Jace, Architect of Thought +1 ability.

I might also suggest a Chandra, the Firebrand or two. The 2nd ability rocks with big sorcery spells, and still trigger Guttersnipe . I might also change up the SB a bit, to deal with other deck archetypes like control, or another burn deck. Maybe some Redirect or Reverberate . Both cheap and useful in many ways.

April 30, 2013 3:03 a.m.

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