Did Someone Say Shenanigans?

Pioneer* t3hSn0wm4n

SCORE: 35 | 133 COMMENTS | 13357 VIEWS | IN 14 FOLDERS

t3hSn0wm4n says... #1

thanks guy.... hey do you have any new decks that you have built?

June 1, 2013 3:16 a.m.

RedCloud2012 says... #2

Run it like lucky charms and drop 2 azorous charms for boros charms so you can gain infinite life with reckoner.

June 1, 2013 3:22 a.m.

dbdecker says... #3

June 1, 2013 3:22 a.m.

t3hSn0wm4n says... #4

ahhh already saw that one.... lol

June 1, 2013 3:53 a.m.

TheArch1898 says... #5

If I were you, I would run Boros Charm , because it can one-hit opponent's Plainswalkers, and it can save you from a board-wipe or burn. It also opens you up to another win-con: the Boros Reckoner infinite-life bit when used with Azorius Charm and dealt damage. It's hard to play around, because normally your opponents are worrying about other things than a combo that "ridiculous". Past that, I would consider running Warleader's Helix , because if you're having trouble against aggro, burning them out and gaining life is purely perfect. Running more Pillar of Flame would be helpful, because it's the only card right now that completely deals with Voice of Resurgence at a reasonable cost, because Voice's effect won't trigger when it's exiled. Also, another funny little card that you could run one of, just to give yourself another win-style is Gisela, Blade of Goldnight . When that hits the board, you can literally play this like a different deck. All of the sudden a few small burn spells become huge, and all of the sudden AEtherling is hitting for 16 unblockable. Just thoughts, but they're thoughts from someone that plays a lot of R/W/U, so take them as you will. Good luck. :]

June 9, 2013 4:56 a.m.

t3hSn0wm4n says... #6

i actually had been considering adding in 3-4 Boros Charm s but i am not sure if i want to use those in the mainboard or in the sideboard... im not adding in any more creatures though... i have creatures that i dont necessarily need already. and i dont feel like adding in any more... :/

June 14, 2013 3:40 p.m.

TheArch1898 says... #7

I would definitely run them main-board. You have to think about what happens if you're top-decking. That card is excellent on the draw, as it can save you a turn by letting you block, or even deal the last 4 damage you need. You could also use it to give an unblockable AEtherling double strike and finish them off in one turn. It's just an amazing card.

June 14, 2013 5:24 p.m.

t3hSn0wm4n says... #8

honestly i can count on one hand the number of times tht i have ever been topdecking with this... with sphinx and azorius and think twice, i typically always have cards in hand... (one exception being Sire Of Insanity ) but i think i will try to make room for it.

June 14, 2013 5:41 p.m.

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