Dimiller Machine

Standard mmcfarlin


greenland_ says... #1

Why you would run any less than five Jace Memory Adept in a mill deck is beyond my reasoning.

October 8, 2013 2:53 p.m.


October 8, 2013 2:57 p.m.

DimirQueen says... #3

Liliana of the Dark Realms comboed with Mind Grind is absolutely terrifying. I think I definitely need to cut back on creatures in my deck. D: It hurts so much though.

October 9, 2013 12:42 a.m.

mmcfarlin says... #4

DimirQueen I know what you're saying about the creatures. I originally had a few more in, like the Nightveil Specter and Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker , but found I never really was in a spot that I wanted to attack with them. I really like the Omenspeaker as a two-drop blocker, though, because she really helps set up the rest of the early game.

October 9, 2013 7:31 a.m.

Quadsimotto says... #5

Don't get me wrong i like Read the Bones but losing life to draw cards in a mill deck is IMO just two life you can't afford to lose. I would suggest instead a duel purpose sorcery like Pilfered Plans same cmc still drawing two minus the scrye, but mill two of theirs that to me is better in the card advantage category without loss of life. I really like our removal set up and have been changing the removal board out on my mill as I get Hero's Downfall s to fit.

October 28, 2013 6:47 a.m.

DimirQueen says... #6

I honestly don't think Liliana of the Dark Realms really fits in here. You could take all of her out to add more removal and control.

October 28, 2013 11:42 a.m.

brud says... #7

I like the idea of Liliana of the Dark Realms and Mind Grind , but dropping her for 2 more Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver might be a better idea. You also have a load of creature removal but not much for countering. Maybe some Psychic Strike or Dimir Charm ? I have a deck like this and Thassa, God of the Sea mainboard is a godsend for the scry. Maybe Crypt Incursion in the sideboard?

November 2, 2013 9:05 p.m.

Elliote50 says... #8

Fun deck. I am a big fan of aetherize. It is a very underrated card.

November 7, 2013 3:51 p.m.

mmcfarlin says... #9

Thanks for the suggestions. I went ahead and dropped the Liliana of the Dark Realms and 1 Mind Grind to add in a few Dissolve . I like how that's giving a little more control for things other than creatures. So far I'm really liking the way this deck is playing, but still need to nail down my side board. Appreciate all the help.

November 11, 2013 3:55 p.m.

DimirQueen says... #10

AEtherize shouldn't be mainboarded. It's not going to do anything against decks that aren't aggro. You're gonna find it sitting in your hand, waiting to use it, and at 4 mana you won't have any mana to do anything else. I'd mainboard essence scatter, sideboard negates for it. Throw Aetherize in when you're going against heavy aggro.

November 12, 2013 11:42 a.m.

mmcfarlin says... #11

There seems to be a lot of aggro in my meta right now, which is why AEtherize is mainboarded. Your point is taken, though, and I think 3 might be too many. I'm going to try dropping that to 2, dropping Mind Grind to 1 and adding a couple of Devour Flesh . When I can get a hold of another one, also thinking upping Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver to 2.

November 14, 2013 12:44 p.m.

rathamar1 says... #12

super aggro is a problem for dimir atm but you can always use Wight of Precinct Six to help stabilize you early, you really need to run something to mill early like Breaking but I tried to make a mill control deck and it just lacked enough....unless I played agianst control lol. I won all those matchups 2-0. but rakdos aggro and boss sligh ate my lunch every time and mono blue was interesting but usually a win just hard fought.

November 20, 2013 1:06 p.m.

DimirQueen says... #13

Wight of Precinct Six does not stabilize against early aggro. And there's no reason to mill early now that Jace's Phantasm is out. Breaking is a waste of space.

November 20, 2013 2:07 p.m.

DimirQueen says... #14

Additionally, I really love this build. It looks really tough. I run something very similar, and it actually does surprisingly well. Definitely a top 8 deck at the very least.

November 20, 2013 2:09 p.m.

DimirQueen says... #15

Make sure you're sideboarding all creature-target spells for more control cards for control deck matchups though

November 20, 2013 2:10 p.m.

Quadsimotto says... #16

@DimirQueen i disagree with Breaking / Entering being a waste of space in a mill deck. Now maybe not for this build but,.
Being eight cards taken away from an opponent on turn two is (IMO) key to hurting their odds of winning, They may be hoping to draw a land and you just put three in the yard. Or while facing aggro you just dumped three or four of their win cons. But it is to each their own i guess Or as mentioned earlier a turn three 5/5 wight against an aggro deck is nothing to sneeze at. However i do agree with you that this is a solid build and will most likely fair well due to the amount of control..

November 20, 2013 2:29 p.m.

rathamar1 says... #17

Thanks quadsimotto but I did offer the suggestion of wight to be in the side for that matchup because dimir control does run well agianst most decks especially control.

And as far as breaking goes....its awsome, 8 cards for 2 cmc and splash in a few steam vents and you got yourself a fun card. Tome scour is dead in this format not breaking

Now as far as stabalizing agianst control using wight of precinct six, you got 4 turns before lethal comes across in this format and t2 drop wight, t3 breaking hopefully milling creatures, t4 with this build kill a couple creatures and youve just stabalized and threatening big, or aetherize to buy you the turn. End your turn and watch the super aggro go on the defensive.

And thank you cpt obvious to sideboard suggestions for control, who would have thought he might want pithing needle, negate, and thoughtseizes over dead cards lol

November 20, 2013 3 p.m.

DimirQueen says... #18

Playing competitively with a mill deck, I have seen that Breaking is NOT worth it, and neither is the Wight. Both are two slow. You want to mill turn two? No. You want to bounce back or kill threats, not mill. You need Omenspeaker to be out, controlling aggro. You don't want to start milling until you have the board stabilized. Gruul and RDW aggro are hitting 23-24 damage turn 3. Turn one, nothing, right? Turn 2 breaking. What are you planning to do turn three? Get hit in the face? Turn two has to be Omenspeaker, Ashiok, bounce/kill, Jace, mill 10. Turn 6, mill 10, that's 20, Aberration. Boom, control of the game easy. After Aberration can be another Jace, another Ashiok, or Aetherling for this deck. That's a SOLID build.

I have TRIED a thousand times to make the Wight relevant again. I really, really have. He isn't strong enough nor fast enough to be worth it. You NEED to mill and fingers crossed your opponent isn't control or midrange. Not to mention he's just a target waiting to be burned off early on, hero's downfalled, exiled, etc. Aberration at least has mill ability to make him worth it. You don't want to have your fingers crossed for having a defender out on the field, better to invest in Omenspeaker and more board control.

November 20, 2013 3:07 p.m.

DimirQueen says... #19

rathamar1, thanks for being rude but I pointed out the sideboarding because there's a lot of creature control in here, and not as many cards to swap out in the sideboard.

November 20, 2013 3:17 p.m.

mmcfarlin says... #20

DimirQueen, I agree completely with you. You don't want to even think about milling until the board is stabilized. I tried Breaking , but at nearly every junction I wanted to use the two mana for removal instead of some early mill. Breaking just doesn't affect the board state like I need it to.

I tried a number of creatures to stabilize the early board -- Nightveil Specter , Hover Barrier , Nighthowler -- but the majority of the time I found I would have just played control or removal instead if I had the choice. As it stands, the creatures in the deck now are there for very specific reasons.

Also, I appreciate the sideboard comments because that is one area I'm still working out.

November 20, 2013 3:28 p.m.

rathamar1 says... #21

You are absolutely right but answer this, Can any build mainboard for dimir control stand a chance agianst aggro like RDW and boss sligh? No it cant now the real question is what can you have sideboard to help? more kill.... no you dont have the mana to keep up with them to kill them all.....so how about board wipe? kinda limited there. So what do we have after that? Kinda think if you want to run a dimir control you WILL have problems with the fast decks as does all control but esper and azorius have supreme verdict and detention sphere. Dimir does not have much so I suggested mainboarding breaking, Does it really hurt? I agree t2 is not when you want to drop it but T6 on top of a jace's mill would be awsome. T5 jace mill 10, T6 mill 18 maybe even 26. Add in the opening hand, 5 or 6 draws depending on who was on the play and that is potentially 39 gone out of 60. And in the best case scenario they enter their turn and pass without a win leaving 20 cards. you 0 jace and drop a jace and 0 GG!

What Im trying to argue there is the potential for a mainboarded at least 2 of Breaking and being able to sideboard in some Wight's. Tell me a better option cause agianst the decks this worries about what is a t2 kill one creature when you could have a kill one creature on a stick T3?

I just want you to tell me what better option we as dimir control players have. You can tear down ideas all day but until you give a better option all you are is being a pain.

November 20, 2013 3:33 p.m.

DimirQueen says... #22

Cyclonic Rift overloaded is a boardwipe, pretty much. I use it almost every game. I've also gone head to head with a top 4 RDW and won both times, it's actually one of the decks I beat consistently with my mill deck. So I'm not sure why you're saying we definitely can't win?

I don't need to give you a better option, this deck is already really solid and I'm sorry but the Wight/Breaking plan sucks bro.

Being a pain? My deck Jace Riding a Consuming Aberration is similar enough to this one and it is exactly where I need it to be. This deck is a little different but looks just as strong. You're telling mmc to throw in cards that regular players know don't work most of the time. I already said I tried to force the Wight, and finally one of the reg top 4 guys was nice enough to tell me to stop forcing it and go control. It's the only way to mill well. Midrange isn't strong enough. What are you planning to do against 2 Stormbreath dragons being on the field? Garruk? Domri? Xenagos? All the scary hydras, especially the one that doubles counters every time it attacks? Mill can't keep up so it's best to go control, control them until you mill them out. I played midrange and it was OK with the phantasm. I went control and now I'm winning most of the time by my opponent milling out turn 8, with my stopping his/her moves until then. It's a very, very solid plan for winning a majority of the time.

November 20, 2013 3:42 p.m.

Quadsimotto says... #23

I also use Cyclonic Rift . It is one of my favorite cards.I also run Omenspeaker cause she is downright awesome. A fat ass blocker with scrye 2 is well worth the CMC and is on more occasions than usual my first play unless i have sideboarded in a Duress and even then its still my second play.I also like Breaking / Entering and until there is a more efficient card in standard at that CMC i will continue to run it. Then i again i don't win as often as i would like too and it may be in part because i play cards like that. Maybe if i had a full set of Hero's Downfall and or they were not so damn high priced i would cut those.

November 20, 2013 3:50 p.m.

DimirQueen says... #24

They ARE really high priced. I'm glad I preordered before Theros was released.

November 20, 2013 3:55 p.m.

Quadsimotto says... #25

I did the same for Temple of Deceit and got dillholed on my order..They sent me a playset of Temple of Abandon . I was like "eh ill keep em."

November 20, 2013 3:58 p.m.

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