says... #2
Really? Damn I was excited for Witches' Eye ... So I would be better off cutting Witches' Eye , going +1 Read the Bones for 4 total... that would free up 2 slots to add another death touch creature or run another instant spell, do you think Underworld Connections would be good to put in for more draw?
September 18, 2013 6:14 p.m.
I think you're trying to be too cute. Why not just Doom Blade , Ultimate Price and Warped Physique their creatures and then eat them with the ooze?
I did find that Wasteland Viper can really slow down aggressive decks when I used to play R/G aggro.
Trust me, this is coming from a total Johnny that never gave up on Skirsdag High Priest , even when I never won with him. :-)
September 18, 2013 6:19 p.m. says... #4
Timber // As fun as I think it would be for deathtouch 1/2's killing my opponents.. you're right I've had a few friends express the same concerns. I added some direct kill, a cheap but effective mil Mind Grind to help feed my ooze, and dropped Wasteland Viper Witches' Eye .
September 18, 2013 6:38 p.m.
some people dont like Underworld Connections because it tends to take a full turn or u might not always get to use because u need to tap a land, but yeah i like it... long term, late game its actually fairly effective and goes well with Scavenging Ooze
September 18, 2013 6:43 p.m.
Prophet of Kruphix would probably turn out to work well, i'd suggest more viable targets for it to work more effectively, 1 or 2 Reaper of the Wilds is a maybe, i personally like the card buti dont know if it would work well or not... try it and give me feedback?
September 18, 2013 6:51 p.m.
Mind Grind doesnt have much of a purpose honestly... cards always end up in the graveyard eventually (sorry i must be spamming)
September 18, 2013 6:54 p.m. says... #8
Elfire2 I like Prophet of Kruphix for the mana and crazy creature speed she can give, but i don't know if I'm running enough instants or creatures that i'd benefit. Reaper of the Wilds I really do like him too, and i want to play with him he's got evasion, and deathtouch... if my artisan of forms don't workout like I hope they do he is going in to this deck.
Mind Grind , I've been running Scavenging Ooze is a couple of decks at my shop, and he gets strong sometimes but usually only if i get lucky and they drop a board wipe, or i draw into a lot of kill. I've been set back by Mind Grind a few times, I want to see how it does in delaying my opponent, and feeding my Ooze, if its too slow, or doesn't delay much... it opens up slots!
You're not spamming at all I appreciate the input man!
September 18, 2013 8:32 p.m.
Don't forget to change the hub from control to mid range.
If you aren't planning on using Entering
at all, you can just have Breaking
there to show more of a true mana curve, although with Sylvan Caryatid
you may, if it survives an Anger of the Gods
I think Triton Tactics
is good against control decks, but main board, I'm unsure about, but you definitely don't want 3 Traumatize
, 2 is good.
September 24, 2013 6:07 p.m. says... #10
I'm not expecting to drop Entering but my hope is to use Sylvan Caryatid for early mana ramp, if it lives... i'll spend it for the mana and suprise my opponent. I didn't know i could split them for a better curve though thanks!!
Triton Tactics had be intrigued from first seeing it, it did wonders for me in the prerelease, and in play testing with friends this week, Triton Tactics + Artisan of Forms is a great combo to stop an opponents big creature from running through me. Without a lot of draw, is it really effective running 2 Traumatize ? I know with 3 i should see one each game, if i happen to see two its not ass effective but better than not seeing any.
September 25, 2013 7:13 p.m.
It becomes less "will I see it" and more about "what if I keep seeing it"
HItting one is great, hitting two is meh, and hitting 3 is an absolute dead draw. I would even argue that there is enough scry going into Theros with your colors, that you could only run one and almost always hit it.
September 25, 2013 8:53 p.m.
I agree with Dorotheus. The biggest mistake mill players make is that they try to mill their opponents out before dying. You can't mill that fast. The mill decks that work (see Ben Stark's Gatecrash Pro Tour Esper deck) stall the board with control, then mill their opponent out.
Jace is your win condition. Forget about Consuming Aberration , Artisan of Forms and Breaking / Entering . Replace those with removal and permission. Find out what works in your meta. I suggest some combination of Abrupt Decay , Far / Away , Syncopate , Disperse , Putrefy , Doom Blade .
Hell, I don't see why you're even running Green. Why not just UB control with Jace as your win condition?
September 25, 2013 10:18 p.m. says... #13
Thanks Timber and Dorotheus i've never ran with a none creature based deck, or used mil as a win condition. I'll check out that deck for sure, i keep tapped out up at work to fill in the downtime (and there is a lot of downtime), so I will be playing with those changes, and modifying the deck with the advice, and finding a good play, i know my meta seems to be running a lot of early game rush from what i've seen and they seem to be wanting to continue that for theros. Thanks for taking the time to help me out!
September 26, 2013 2:06 a.m.
DimirQueen says... #14
+1 to you as well, you're more Mill Kill than I am. How is this deck faring right now? Have you tried it out at FNM? Also why take out Breaking ? :(
October 11, 2013 12:57 p.m. says... #15
@DimirQueen I removed Breaking in favor of Tome Scour , they're both sorcery, but its a 1 cost for 5 cards- which I later removed for some added creatures. It usually runs a 3/1 ratio, the 1 person being an annoying Deathrite shaman/scavenging ooze deck that loves my mil. I added a bunch of kill and control since last week so we will see how it does this week. I've played it for roughly 3 weeks with good ratios, if I don't get mana screwed and you're not running a graveyard loving deck I tend to walk through you.
October 11, 2013 1:05 p.m.
blackmarker90 says... #16
For the scavenging ooze deck you should run a playset of Crypt Incursion in your sideboard, screws the ooze and boosts your life
October 11, 2013 1:16 p.m.
I saw you mention in the description about "Fun times when I pop a Duskmantle Guildmage + Traumatize Or 2x Guildmage, Jace 0 ability.'' and I just wanted to point out to you that you don't need to have two guildmage on the battlefield. If you pay for the first ability once it deals 1 damage for every card, but if you pay for it twice then it stacks and deals 2 damage for every card.
October 11, 2013 2:46 p.m.
DimirQueen says... #18
blackmarker90 has a good point; I'll probably be sideboarding that as well.
October 11, 2013 3:04 p.m.
blackmarker90 says... #19
It makes creature heavy opponents cry when you mill 14 creatures the gain 42 life
October 11, 2013 3:11 p.m. says... #20
@abenz419 I should probably reword my paragraph, I do as you say, sorry I didn't word it too well.
@blackmarker90 Great idea! I had forgotten about that card haha thanks for card suggestion!
October 11, 2013 5:21 p.m.
no problem, I just thought I'd point that out in case you weren't aware that it stacks.
October 11, 2013 5:31 p.m. says... #22
@blackmarker90 Just gotta say Crypt Incursion has gone main board for me, It saved me many many times. Thanks for that suggestion!
October 15, 2013 3:07 p.m.
blackmarker90 says... #23
Just remember that it isn't as effective vs control and creature light decks, so have something you can side in such as Deathcult Rogue
October 15, 2013 3:40 p.m.
Monoxidechild says... #24
Hey man, I like the build, Dimir isn't easy to run right now so I'm glad to see someone have mild success.
I think the strongest suggestion I have is to drop at least one Doom Blade for one Ultimate Price odds are you will run into another black deck sooner or later, better to have one chance out of that slot to be effective and not wait for the second game to sideboard.
Speculation; Traumatize Seems like a heavy card to have as a 3 of, reasoning; after the first play the next play will potentially mill less than a Jace, making him the better cast for 5 cmc.
October 23, 2013 3:34 a.m.
blackmarker90 says... #25
Yeah, I ended up splashing red to get some black creature removal, and to snipe a few planes walkers as well
Elfire2 says... #1
Witches' Eye is honestly not expected to see much standard play... scry was good back in the day but now standard is just too fast, Deathrite Shaman looks cool but is best used when you expect to see some land in the graveyard
essentially i think you should definetly replace Witches' Eye with Read the Bones because scry is a cool ability, but card advantage is card advantage and card advantage is gooood
September 18, 2013 6:04 p.m.