

Welcome to Dimir Heartless Myr... where, just like Monopoly, one can lose all friendships in a single game.

This deck is based off of a combo that abuses the underrated card combo of Heartless Summoning + Myr Retriever . When played right, things can go infinite.

How to Set Up the Combo (Steps 1,2, and 3 are all interchangeable depending on your starting hand)

  1. Set up your "Win Condition". The only efficient card that synergizes with the combo is included in the deck. It's known as Altar of the Brood.
  2. Retrieve minimum two Myr Retrievers (to set the combo off) with Transmuters like Muddle the Mixture and Shred Memory. (Muddle the Mixture may also serve as a counterspell against control decks that will want to shut you down ASAP. Shred Memory also works well against Delve strategies.)
  3. Throw Heartless Summoning onto the battlefield successfully. This card is the backbone to our combo, as it turns our Myr Retrievers into 0-cost 0/0s.

Piloting the Combo

Firstly, know what the combo does. With the Heartless Summoning making our Myr Retrievers 0-cost 0/0s, we get both a "hit the field" trigger and a "hit the grave" trigger for free. Since our Retrievers bounce one another to the hand, we get infinite "hit the field" and "hit the grave" triggers. This deck abuses that combo by making our win conditions become cards with small CMCs (converted mana costs) within our colors that have "something hits the field" or "something dies" triggers. The only one we have in the deck i Altar of the Brood, however we can tutor these out if needed with our Fabricates and Trinket Mages.

Other Cards in the Deck, and Their Purpose

Fatal Push - Great consistent removal, especially in Modern.

Halimar Depths - The only reason this is in the deck is this; if you don't have an Altar of the Brood or no Turn 1 play, you play this to make your life a lot easier early game.

Opt - Who doesn't love Opts, especially since reprint?

Serum Visions - The blue deck staple before Opt. Very powerful draw and scry for 1 mana.

Thoughtseize - Why not get rid of useful cards in your opponent's hand?

Nihil Spellbomb - Just some mainboard graveyard hate, just in case. Also, card draw.

The Sideboard, and What It Helps Protect Against

Countersquall - A counterspell, just in case you're playing against control decks.

Cryptic Command - We have TONS of blue sources; why not put 4 in? Extremely useful and flexible cards sideboarded in against any aggro deck and any control deck.

Damnation - Because board wipes.

Surgical Extraction - Even more graveyard hate. It also picks off all of the annoying cards your opponent has.

Tasigur, the Golden Fang - For when your combo just won't work, Tasigur is your back-up's back-up win condition.

Thoughtseize - Why not take useful cards out of your opponent's hand?

Tormod's Crypt - Even more graveyard hate.


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years
Key combos

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 1 Mythic Rares

16 - 10 Rares

11 - 3 Uncommons

21 - 1 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.67
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