
Hi everyone,

First off: this deck was inspired by another tappedout posted deck.Namely G/U/B Infinite Inspired by Dalaxies

If you compare the builds, you'll find a lot of credit actually goes to his deck idea. This is somewhat more of my version of the deck. Eliminating green from the lands however made room for somewhat more reliable transmutation (which i found to be the more appealing part of the deck) aimed to improve it's consistency.

So the game plan is to create an infinite combo using Servant of Tymaret or Siren of the Silent Song with Freed from the Real + Paradise Mantle giving them limitless tapping/untapping to ping or mill opponents to death.

Alternative wincon is Kiora's Follower equipped with Illusionist's Bracers as it also has great combo potential with the mana/tap engine (although this wincon requires more preperation to set up)

Disciple of Deceit basically gives you a free Transmute every time he untaps and Far / Away has cmc 2/3 so it can be discarded to get just about any missing combo piece. Since the hardest thing is to aquire Paradise Mantles I added Springleaf Drums to take over if used with the bracers-equipped follower. (The drums can be transmuted into Retraction Helix and vice versa)

The Deck relies on the combo exclusively to win.Counterspells and bounce try to stall until you're ready to go.Also, emptyhanded opponents love the Kiora's Follower + Retraction Helix + Siren of the Silent Song removal combo. :)

At the moment I am conducting extensive playtesting on the build. A sideboard will be added after conclusions have been drawn according to the problems I might encounter in the games ahead.

The build also consists of the cards I actually own. I am aware there are a lot of other choices available for lands.You may point those out for me, since my knowledge in manabaseconstruction is actually limited, but note however, that this deck doesn't try to be high-competitive.It is supposed to be a fun deck to play that has a somewhat stylish wincon. Also I'd like to keep it modern and budget. Suggestions on how to effectively protect the combo (main- or sideboard) and improve consistency are very welcome.

I hope you like the idea and visit and upvote Dalaxies original build as well.



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as of late is somewhat feel like the deck has gotten more and more shaky with each game. somewhat it actually hurts much to not be able to get out Kiora's Follower without another creature in play.

also the lack of one drops somewhat makes me wanna put oppulent palace in. then again i like to get out Halimar Depths turn one to set up my draws.

any ideas on how to improve are greatly appreciated.


Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years
Key combos

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

18 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.39
Folders Concepts
Ignored suggestions
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