Results 3-0, First Place
Round 1 - Bye
Hopped back into Magic after a year and I had to wait another hour.
Round 2 - Win 2-1, vs Dimir midrange
Almost a direct mirror match. My opponent ran copies of Doom Whisperer & Dream Eater whereas I had Isareth the Awakener. I think that was the biggest difference between our decks.
I took game one with Helm of the Host and duplicated a stolen Dream Eater. Game two and three were oddly similar. Each of us lost once while spinning Disinformation Campaign and not doing much else.
The name of the game quickly became playing a Thief of Sanity or Eldest Reborn to out value the other and win.
Round 3 - Win 2-1, vs Midrange?
My opponent's deck was a spicy brew of Angrath, the Flame-Chained, Legion Warboss, removal, and value black creatures.
Once again I claimed game 1 thanks to Helm of the Host creating multiple Isareth the Awakener which in turn lead to multiple creatures being revived. Game two, I didn't expect Legion Warboss and I kept a slow hand thinking my opponent was control. Game three, I boarded more appropriately- Ritual of Soot for his Dusk Legion Zealot
Legion Warboss
. Hostage Taker stealing a Ravenous Chupacabra and casting it to kill a Legion Warboss decided the game.
The Eldest Reborn and Isareth the Awakener over-performed and pushed my gameplan well. Surveil and reanimation have excellent synergies and Thought Erasure picking out opponent's wincons to reanimate with Reborn is a real threat.
I feel like the deck needs a few copies of a bigger threat so that it can have targets for reanimation against low/no creature decks. Land felt great, but a friend loaned me Drowned Catacomb x4 and Watery Grave x1.