
Creature (3)

Sorcery (5)

Dimir deck featuring discard and madness effects for Pauper.

Turns out a 2/4 Deathblock in the form of Gorgon Recluse is pretty good in Pauper! Many creatures in this format have a very hard time attacking through 4 toughness, and when they do they end up dying anyway. In the land of 2/2 bears, the Gorgon is king! ...err queen!

The madness engine of this deck is set up with looter effects granted by cards like the titular Merfolk Looter and her shadowy cousin Looter il-Kor . Further discard is available via Trespasser il-Vec and Urborg Syphon-Mage . The balance between cards with Madness and discard outlets is a tricky one, but after a number of games with this on MTGO I think I've struck the right chord here. With the right numbers, Madness turns our card neutral looter effects into a full-on repeatable card advantage engine!

We don't generally use the Madness on Call to the Netherworld unless we have multiple looter effects on the board so that we can also Madness whatever it is we returned, or if we are returning a creature without Madness such as Phyrexian Rager. Between Call to the Netherworld , Grave Scrabbler , and Macabre Waltz you will have no trouble trading your Gorgon Recluse over and over, while getting ahead on cards with Phyrexian Rager and Compulsive Research. This deck, much like the traditional Mono-Black Pauper decks, is all about going for the long game.

Your versatile win conditions are slow burn from shadow creatures like Looter il-Kor and Trespasser il-Vec , as well as reach from Urborg Syphon-Mage . Trespasser il-Vec in particular is really good at racing (being essentially 3 power unblockable) in those situations where you cannot fully stabilize the board.

This deck is based on a number of somewhat-similar Pauper Dimir Madness decks that I have seen out there with many of my own additions. I came across a form of it when reading about the history of the general Pauper metagame here:

I tweaked numbers to make cards like Dark Withering more effective (trust me, you don't want 4), and also replaced a lot of cards that I did not like. A fair number of people are onto the Madness/Looter combo engine, but I think cards like Gorgon Recluse are the key to stabilizing your board so that you have the time to really exploit it.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is Pauper legal.

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.83
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