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Dimir Madness Control

Casual Budget Control Discard


The premise of this deck revolves around using madness to effectively turn Merfolk Looter and cards like looter I.E. Thought Courier and Enclave Cryptologist into creatures who can tap to draw a card and often times create windows to play spells for very low mana costs or at speeds not normally able to be played at. Example: it's an opponents turn and they are moving to combat. You have a looter out without summoning sickness and the opponent swings in with a 6/6 green wurm and a 3/3 beast. In response tap looter to draw discard and toss Big Game Hunter and play for his madness cost of one black. Suddenly the wurm is killed from the E.T.B. trigger (enter the battlefield) and you have a 1/1 chump for the beast if needed at instant speed. Through counters, removal, and draw this deck limits what the opponent can do while creating windows to swing damage through. Since the draw engines and removal are woven into the creature base this deck has an unusually high amount of creatures for a control-style deck.

Control breakdown: There is a wide variety and style of control used in this deck. Things you want to be mindful of when selecting which way to deal with a threat. "Are they running black?" "Are they ONLY in black?" If you answered yes to both of these questions both Dark Withering and the singleton Seal of Doom are essentially discard fodder. Otherwise if they are just in black as well as other colors make sure you are prioritizing those 3 spells on creatures you can hit and not other removal that is more flexible. Hexproof and indestructible are very difficult passive abilities for black in general to deal with. Infest deals with small creatures with these abilities but large creatures that resolve with passives like these will disregard this spell. Infest however plays a much bigger role as the main tool for dealing with heavy aggro decks and token-themed decks which is its main purpose in the deck. The only out for a large problem creature (hex or indes) is Devour Flesh or an Ovinize for an indestructible. That being said blue can help here a lot by offering Essence Scatter and Power Sink as early options that will deal with problem creatures before they arrive. Negate rounds out your control that is so oriented toward dealing with a board that it's easy to forget about what to do when your opponent is also control and they do not have a board. Negate helps greatly in this match-up as well as being the control deck with a heavy creature base. You end up being the aggressor and make the opponent respond to you.


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

24 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.68
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